Notre Dame is giving it to Dook

Really don't like the feel of this game right now. Uncle Moe has visited the dookies and Notre Dame feels like they're just hanging on for dear life.
Originally posted by TarHeelMark:

Originally posted by Tru Blu Tar Heel:

How in the CRAP was that not a foul call on Okafor?!?
that sumbitch hooks and pushes and bulls his way to the basket all night and never a foul call... isn't the defense allowed to hold their ground without getting run over by that out of control bastage?
Nope - Okafor is entitled to score.

And on the other end, the refs again fall for a Dook flop, and Auguste is fouled out.
Originally posted by Heelicious:
HATE the way EVERY FING POS on dook is taught to be a grand champion Pussy flopper.
They are taught well. Some of those flops, like the one by Matt Jones, are excellent jobs. And the refs flal for it at least 75% of the time.
I don't recall ever seeing an offense get so many fouls called on them as ND is right now.... looks like the Rat has worked the refs again in his favor. typical BS
The refs trid to give the Devils the game, but it looks like the Irish will survive.
I know a lot of you wanted Dook again in the final but the second that ball tips off I naturally find myself rooting against them. The better team won tonight, even if the refs did everything and I mean everything to keep Okafor in that game.
How many offensive fouls did you count on Okafor? I count 4 at least.
Great hands, very good footwork but his D is suspect and he travels a LOT. Many of his travels and O fouls go uncalled but he is very talented at this level.