Now they want the Tar Heels name!

I will love and support UNC athletics regardless of what the nickname is.

I'm one of those that doesn't really care either way about the statues or the battle flag. I know what they represent to me but I also do my best to realize they mean different things to different people.

Having said that if they try to do away with "Tar Heels" I'll be the one screaming the loudest against it and fighting the hardest to make certain it doesn't happen.
lol. This gon' be good.

The woke mob is now having shit they like messed with so they think it's going overboard. But it was fine when it wasn't affecting the things you like. lolololol

I’m just being logical.

It is, by definition, not a racist term.
Why should Redskins have been changed years ago. Did you know there's a high school on the Navajo reservation - serving only NA kids - and they adopted the Redskins as their team nickname. In fact, they talk about having pride in the name. But I get it, some white, angry millennials have been offended on behalf of all indigenous people and so we should wilt under the pressure.

Or maybe there's nuance I'm missing here @gary-7 . Tell us all what we should think about this.
My, you are quite the butt-hurt little bigot today, huh?
My, you are quite the butt-hurt little bigot today, huh?

There it is. I was wondering how long it would take before you started the name calling. Typical of @gary-7 , you don't want to address the content of my poast - you know, the fact that A SCHOOL ON A NAVAJO RESERVATION USES THE TERM 'REDSKINS'. You just want to muck up the discussion, attempt to make me the bad guy and run from it. All because you're a puss who can't defend his position. Just admit you're a puss and I'll move on.
Why is Gary a member of Auburn's premium board but not UNC? Does Gary feel Auburn is worthy of his money but UNC is not? Is Gary even a UNC fan?

We ask the hard hitting questions here on OOTB.

He's one of us now. You need to tag him. @gary-7 , come on over.
I even confronted @tarheelbybirth about his handle and he claimed "I heard...but the nickname goes back to the 1700's and references the state's status as a top producer of turpentine, pitch, and tar from pine trees. The workers were also called "rosin heels" but it never caught on for obvious reasons."

The nickname, technically, does not go back to the 1700's. The actual nickname "Tar Heels" goes back to... wait for it... the Civil War. There is reference to the name, or evolution of the term. But, officially, Tar Heels made its debut in and during the Civil War. Now, that really doesn't mean anything negative... unless you want it to be be negative.

The Civil War was America's crossroads. It defined the nation, in many ways. Just because something- especially language- is an echo of the Civil War doesn't mean it is bad, or wrong, or racist, or oppressive. The New York Yankees are okay, apparently. Hate to break it to people, but, the Yankees before, during and after the Civil War didn't care much for blacks/slaves, either.

This "Union Soldier Campaign" sounds like a group that is stuck in 1865.
Now, that really doesn't mean anything negative... unless you want it to be be negative.


That goes for literally anything.
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That goes for literally anything.
That UNC Professor of History didn't really make a strong case, in the video, as a retort.

Tar Heel simply means someone from North Carolina. I have no doubt that Michael Jordan, Sam Perkins, Charles Scott, Vince Carter, Ray Felton, Harrison Barnes... you see where I'm going... have no issue at all with being called Tar Heels. If anything, Tar Heels is a term of solidarity for ALL races, creeds, nationalities, and so forth. There's a huge umbrella in the name Tar Heels. People celebrating the victories together.

North Carolina was the name of a confederate state. There's nothing that can be done about that. But, there's no "shame" in the name North Carolina, NOW, because of that.
Tar Heel was a slur used against the men that had to work in the brutal resin industry and predates the civil war. It became and ethnic slur (Since they all appeared black) much in the same way tar baby is. Historians discovered it used as an insult by conf troops against N.C. confederate troops who surrendered without much of a fight in an early civil war raid. Zeb Vance reclaimed it and made up the popular version of N.C. soldiers standing their ground. The first known use of it in published writing was as an insult aimed at Frederick Douglas the abolitionist.
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Tar Heel simply means someone from North Carolina. I have no doubt that Michael Jordan, Sam Perkins, Charles Scott, Vince Carter, Ray Felton, Harrison Barnes... you see where I'm going... have no issue at all with being called Tar Heels. If anything, Tar Heels is a term of solidarity for ALL races, creeds, nationalities, and so forth. There's a huge umbrella in the name Tar Heels. People celebrating the victories together.
There are plenty of Black players, including a few you named, that proudly boast "I'm a Tar Heel!" in this video. They don't seem to feel it's racist at all - but maybe we should listen to the woke white people who tell us they should be offended. I doubt the name goes away (although it might with the current climate being what it is, who knows). But I would wager that the stink that has already been raised puts the kibosh on this video which plays (played?) at all/most home games:

There are plenty of Black players, including a few you named, that proudly boast "I'm a Tar Heel!" in this video. They don't seem to feel it's racist at all - but maybe we should listen to the woke white people who tell us they should be offended. I doubt the name goes away (although it might with the current climate being what it is, who knows). But I would wager that the stink that has already been raised puts the kibosh on this video which plays (played?) at all/most home games:

Well, technically that "Union Soldier Campaign" looked like all black guys, with the lead guy dressed up in Union Reenactor gear. He wasn't woke white, he was pissed-off black guy. The rest were holding images of... racism-through-commercialism? Now, they may have woke white support somewhere.

On some level, I can accept that we can, unintentionally, normalize a racist attitude toward people of a certain race by dehumanizing them, or the subconscious characterization through commercials. But, commercials have been making caricatures out of every possible facet (and face) of society- black, white, old, young, rich, poor, and all in between. And, even then, it can only normalize it to people that aren't smart enough to tell the difference anyway! We have to modify our culture to pick up the slack for the dumbest members of the species? When did that ever become a successful plan?

And, for fukks-sake... MASCOT NAMES are the absolute LEAST of our problems! The same with brand names of rice and pancake mix! It's absurd! I could understand if Aunt Jemima was crap. But, it's the BEST-SELLING of ALL TIME! Are white people buying it because they hate black people?

This unnecessary "name-changing" will go too far, eventually, and there's going to be more push-back, and race relations will suffer as a result, at least for a while.
I will love and support UNC athletics regardless of what the nickname is.

I'm one of those that doesn't really care either way about the statues or the battle flag. I know what they represent to me but I also do my best to realize they mean different things to different people.

Having said that if they try to do away with "Tar Heels" I'll be the one screaming the loudest against it and fighting the hardest to make certain it doesn't happen.

same here. That's why I despise those who tear down what seems benevolent or innocuous to me just because they happen to have a different take on things. Let things mean whatever they mean to each individual, and respect others' rights to have their own POV.
This is folly and am sure that sensible people will not even consider a name change. And it wouldn't matter. Just like with the the Redskins announcing a change to their name this week, it is never enough to satisfy the mob. It is just on to the next thing on the slippery slope. But who knows. Many decision makers at UNC are constantly trying to win their next PC "woke" ribbon and would probably be all for it because someone made the stretch thay it offended them in some way. But some must know if they did cave and pull a stunt like this that a lot of the donations they have counted on for years would begin to dry up.
I don't see how anyone can support the "Tar Heel" name any longer. Its a "racist" term and is long overdue to be removed and replaced.
While we are at it Screw Silent Sam, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, et al. Every damn one of these monuments, and statues should have been removed years ago. While we are at it let's destroy Mount Rushmore and Stone Mountain. Next up we can start burning books. Then we can move on to the Websters Dictionary. I am sure there are plenty of words there we can all agree are offensive to someone if we look hard enough. I want everyones gun confiscated, or the people we deem mentally incapable of owning one. Who makes that decision, well we will decide that later. Next we can outlaw certain political parties because we just don't agree with them. Then to hell with it all. Let's just elect ONE MAN who will fix it all for us. Anyone seen this story before?
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In what regards?

A lot of what’s happened has been warranted. Approach with an open mind and assess each situation individually. Some changes are necessary.

Really that isn't possible, who decides what should be changed and what shouldn't?

They changed a redskins name and until this day I have never heard an Indian butch about the name. Hell I went to the Cherokee casino a few days ago and ask Indians if it offended them they ALL said not in any way, one even said it was kind of an honor those were warriors and as he put it "bad ass
Really that isn't possible, who decides what should be changed and what shouldn't?

They changed a redskins name and until this day I have never heard an Indian butch about the name. Hell I went to the Cherokee casino a few days ago and ask Indians if it offended them they ALL said not in any way, one even said it was kind of an honor those were warriors and as he put it "bad ass

They have Cherokee casinos in India?

Or did you just ask Indians in America that happened to be in the casino if the name "Redskins" offended them? That'd be weird tho, why would they be offended?
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Did they feel pressure and react to it?

Yes. I believe without a shadow of a doubt that the Redskins made this decision because of the pressure they faced in this ridiculous culture of "change-anything-we-don't-like" that the left has created. You're right in that it's their team and they can choose to do whatever they want with the team name. Sure, I get that. And I'm free to boycott it, talk shit about it and anything else I want to do.

But here's the deal, this has moved the moderates further from the real cause. Moderates who might have been an ally before or at worst, sat on the sideline, are now mobilized against those with the phony indignation. This situation harms the next real situation. The Bubba Wallace fiasco hurts future reaction to real racial situations. Does the left not understand that? Or is it that the left wants the racial strife? I'm honestly curious as to your opinion on this. Is it stupidity or something more nefarious?
Did you ask if calling them "Indians" offended them? How did you ID who in a casino is Native American and who isn't? If the story has an ounce of truth in it you claim to have talked to a few about the scandal. I know a few African-Americans who believe Obama fixed race relations in this country and one who wears a Confederate flag belt buckle! A few people believing something doesn't make it any less idiotic!

Redskin is a racist term and has no other possible meaning! Braves, Warriors, Seminoles are examples of names highlighting pride possibly.
Yes. I believe without a shadow of a doubt that the Redskins made this decision because of the pressure they faced in this ridiculous culture of "change-anything-we-don't-like" that the left has created. You're right in that it's their team and they can choose to do whatever they want with the team name. Sure, I get that. And I'm free to boycott it, talk shit about it and anything else I want to do.

But here's the deal, this has moved the moderates further from the real cause. Moderates who might have been an ally before or at worst, sat on the sideline, are now mobilized against those with the phony indignation. This situation harms the next real situation. The Bubba Wallace fiasco hurts future reaction to real racial situations. Does the left not understand that? Or is it that the left wants the racial strife? I'm honestly curious as to your opinion on this. Is it stupidity or something more nefarious?
"Or is it that the left wants the racial strife?"

Of course they do. Grist for their mill. How can you save the world if the world doesn't need saving?
Did you ask if calling them "Indians" offended them? How did you ID who in a casino is Native American and who isn't? If the story has an ounce of truth in it you claim to have talked to a few about the scandal. I know a few African-Americans who believe Obama fixed race relations in this country and one who wears a Confederate flag belt buckle! A few people believing something doesn't make it any less idiotic!

Redskin is a racist term and has no other possible meaning! Braves, Warriors, Seminoles are examples of names highlighting pride possibly.
Really that isn't possible, who decides what should be changed and what shouldn't?

They changed a redskins name and until this day I have never heard an Indian butch about the name. Hell I went to the Cherokee casino a few days ago and ask Indians if it offended them they ALL said not in any way, one even said it was kind of an honor those were warriors and as he put it "bad ass

Being completely FOS is nothing new for you, but watching you fabricate a story to try and make a point is at least somewhat amusing for the rest of us.
They have Cherokee casinos in India?

Or did you just ask Indians in America that happened to be in the casino if the name "Redskins" offended them? That'd be weird tho, why would they be offended?

The casino is ran by a group of The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. What is your point? Yes I did ask if it was offensive!
Being completely FOS is nothing new for you, but watching you fabricate a story to try and make a point is at least somewhat amusing for the rest of us.

You are questioning if I ask that question and that was the answer? I unlike you am not afraid to ask a question while not being afraid to be labeled a racist.

If you want answers you ask questions thats the difference in you and I! I ask the questions and find out for myself and don't just listen to what Fox, CNN or MSN tells be to believe!