Just emailed Dennis Hennigan, coordinator of ACC officials. He should be loving me by now...emailed him photos of the phantom GT first down back in Oct., asked him why Cutfart could whine and officials get suspended, but no other teams get any action on their complaints in Nov., and just emailed him on the Rose VICIOUS cheap shot today!
"You can keep ignoring me if you want to, Mr. Hennigan; all you’re doing is reinforcing what I and many Tar Heel fans have believed for 30+ years now….and that is that the ACC desperately would prefer that UNC not rise to any heights in football due to the other member schools’ whining/bitching/jealousy. As a result, other teams can do as they wish with impunity when the opposition is UNC."
"Why has Mike Rose from MooU (aka NCSt.) not been suspended (effective this bowl season) for this intentional, vicious, headhunting, helmet to helmet hit on a helpless, exposed Marquise Williams that occurred last Saturday on UNC’s first offensive possession? Not even a flag, and your official was standing right there looking at it! THAT is one of the biggest cheapshots I’ve ever seen…in the context of UNC having had their starting QBs injured by late hits in 3 of the previous 4 UNC/mooU games (2011, 2013, and 2014), this seems to me to be an intentional, COACHED strategy. Where is the league office in asking Dave Doeren of mooU to explain these headhunting hits of the past 3 years (all of his years in Raleigh)? UNC has lost a QB (Bryn Renner) to a separated shoulder when sandwiched between 2 mooU players leading w/ their heads (2013); Marquise Williams, running out of bounds took a vicious hit in Chapel Hill from a mooU DB; and now the cheap shot shown in this video. Doeren is a classless a$$h**e anyway; he shouldn’t be allowed to get away w/ this kind of bush league bullsh*t."
"When are you going to do your job, Mr. Hennigan, and hold your officials accountable? Most likely, when the player on the receiving end of such a blatant cheap shot ISN’T a UNC player."