His behavioral problems are a drop in the bucket compared to Hillary's. For every one thing someone can say about Trump, there are 10 about Hillary. Trump's character is closer to Gandhi than Hillary is to Trump.
No, a huge wall in and of itself won't do it. But it significantly helps in that it shows illegals that we are serious and they better not try sneaking in. Fences and guard towers don't keep all inmates from trying to escape jail, but it serves as a deterrent to most. Right now illegals can just walk across the border- something needs to be done, and a wall is much more humane than a mine field. But a minefield would be cheaper and probably be a great deterrent- would that be better for you?
Do you really think employers know when they are hiring illegals? What happens if an illegal presents a social security number? Do you know? I'm being serious. Cause here's what happens- the business pays payroll taxes and the government never tells the business that the SSN is invalid. No one is hiring illegals because it is cheaper- that is simply not true. Think about it- if a business pays an illegal in cash, then the business is paying in after tax dollars because those wages can't be deducted as an expense. It costs about 25-35% more to pay under the table cash as salary than it does to pay it and issue a W2 or 1099.
It's easy to make Mexico pay for the wall- put a tax on all monetary transfers from USA to Mexico. In other words, tax the illegals when they transfer money back home- that will pay for the wall 10 times over and cause major problems for the Mexican government because they depend on this money to serve as welfare payments, which the state does not otherwise provide. If Mexico were faced with a tax on monetary transfers, they would pay for the wall in a heartbeat.
I'll give you that, the tax on transfers of money back might work, but I guess I am not seeing the reason to actually build a huge wall.... fence with armed guards, electric fence, something???? Mine fields, no..... I don't want to kill people but if there is no free medical or jobs that would keep them out, so finding a way to do that.
I know whenever I have taken new jobs, I have to prove I am an American and do all this crap, so I don't know how they get away with it. With our intelligence and systems to check every other thing, we surely can come up with a way to check SSN and keep this from being a problem.
Years ago when my kids were little and I got ZERO child support from the ass (never ever did actually), I went to try and get some sort of welfare thinking THAT would get the Social Services people and courts to actually find his butt and do something BUT at that time I worked in radiology and only made about $9.00 an hour and they said I made too much money, but what was interesting is had I qualified, I would have had to work for them wherever they sent me AND would have to prove I was an American with an ORIGINAL birth cert., SSN (being confirmed) and a state issued DL confirmed. So how do they get away with all of that if they are illegal??? I am scratching my head. They told me they had to check everything before they issued a measly 150.00 a month to me, which they did not do but that would have been what they gave out. I guess I don't understand how they do it. I know how they get free healthcare but the other stuff, I don't get.
I guess taxes is the way to go but I am afraid it will fall back on us yet again. Good ideas though and that is what we need more of, discussions with ideas and ways to get these things implemented. We probably should be more in contact with our state officials. If I can stomach it again, I will try and talk to Trey Gowdy again, but he pissed me off the first time we met soooooo...... smh