OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Btw, can anyone share with me what I am doing wrong in posts? Sometimes just the link itself appears, sometimes the linked article appears. Why?
You people can't even see when you're being made fun of by the rest of the world. If you really saw yourself like the rest of the world did you would understand.
Not trying to be argumentative in asking. Genuinely would like to know your supposed source for this or what your logic is based upon, if you can provide anything to support this position. Because, based upon your bald assertions, the only explanation would be that:

1) prlyles has tds, so the world must see trump as a clown, and; 2) as prlyles supports the depends spokesperson, he will ignore what the rest of the world sees.

Everyone has a person they support over another, but repeating this nonsense without any basis is like saying Don is so full of crap that he uses twice as much TP as Joe. It's a personal evaluation of the two men without any actual connection to the conclusion.

You are getting shown repeated video and audio of our nation's leader acting like his next big event should be getting moved into an assisted living facility that deals with patients that have dementia, etc. If he was someone in your family acting this way, you'd be having some very serious and difficult conversations about what to do next. You would have already taken away all the car keys and turned off the gas to the stove or removed the pigtail for fear that he'd burn down the house with himself or others in it. Most of us have had to deal with this, unfortunately, just not in our president. And you keep claiming the world is just fine with that? How is it that we get to see these "events", but you believe "the rest of the world" doesn't? Seriously, please explain.
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Not trying to be argumentative in asking. Genuinely would like to know your supposed source for this or what your logic is based upon, if you can provide anything to support this position. Because, based upon your bald assertions, the only explanation would be that:

1) prlyles has tds, so the world must see trump as a clown, and; 2) as prlyles supports the depends spokesperson, he will ignore what the rest of the world sees.

Everyone has a person they support over another, but repeating this nonsense without any basis is like saying Don is so full of crap that he uses twice as much TP as Joe. It's a personal evaluation of the two men without any actual connection to the conclusion.

You are getting shown repeated video and audio of our nation's leader acting like his next big event should be getting moved into an assisted living facility that deals with patients that have dementia, etc. If he was someone in your family acting this way, you'd be having some very serious and difficult conversations about what to do next. You would have already taken away all the car keys and turned off the gas to the stove or removed the pigtail for fear that he'd burn down the house with himself or others in it. Most of us have had to deal with this, unfortunately, just not in our president. And you keep claiming the world is just fine with that? How is it that we get to see these "events", but you believe "the rest of the world" doesn't? Seriously, please explain.
Check out the news media in other countries
Check out the news media in other countries
Again, this is what's known as a bald assertion. You make a claim with NOTHING behind it. Not a scintilla of actual evidence besides your opinion and unsupported claim. If you think the media in other countries are out there expressing their admiration and respect for Biden while also expressing that Trump is a clown show (AND this thought is because you've been viewing such articles and videos), simply link them for all of us to review ourselves. Otherwise, it's BS on your part. You're allegedly already seeing and consuming them, why can't you link them?

Edited to add: And this, of course, doesn't even get into the topic of why we'd really care about "the rest of the world" and what they think. We should be setting our policy independent of opinion polls from your average European or what the leader of some South American country thinks. Only a fool governs by opinion polls and then changes their fundamental positions. Sound familiar?
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Check out the news media in other countries
Do you think the world's media will pick up on a story like this?

What kind of leader personally allows their security detail to be repeatedly attacked and does nothing about it? Is it this type of arrogance he is demonstrating or total lack of responsibility that you believe is creating the respect you assert?

I've seen a hell of a lot more of it than you.
maybe you have, maybe you haven't; of course you have no way of knowing whether you're talking out of your ass or not but you do anyway. And as usual you miss the point. The point is, have you seen it lately and do you somehow have your finger on the pulse of foreign attitudes and viewpoints. Of course you don't. You just talk out of your ass.

Soon after Biden took office, there was a plethora of clips of foreign dignitaries expressing wonderment at his apparent ineptitude. And he had barely gotten started. He has only gotten worse, so I imagine the impression he's making with them has followed suit.

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Do you think the world's media will pick up on a story like this?

What kind of leader personally allows their security detail to be repeatedly attacked and does nothing about it? Is it this type of arrogance he is demonstrating or total lack of responsibility that you believe is creating the respect you assert?

Maybe Joe’s mutt needs to be put down. Commander, not Hunter of course.
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A certain tds infected poster here is always boasting to us about all that great legislation and policy accomplishments that pawpaw joe has accomplished during his term. Much like all those EV charging stations that have (not) been built, there is this:

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From the US Open @ Pinehurst #2 thread:


Wednesday at 2:51 PM

"Prediction: Tiger makes the cut"
🤣 🤣 🤣

Tell us again how Donald Trump is going to win in November. You're a crappy prognosticator.

Am I a crappy prognosticator? Am I really? Also from the US Open thread:

your top three and score…lol the greens are strupid, again…not the #2 i grew up playing.


I went to Thursday round in 1999. Was awesome.


Darkhorse: Hideki

Winning score: -4

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No idea what you or the poster on X thinks this even means or shows, despite its conclusory summary. There appear to be a good number of black people on stage and mixed throughout the crowd. Is there some rule that only blacks or even a majority of blacks can attend a Blacks Voters for Trump rally?

Then again, it was only nine seconds and about a 30 degree view of the attendees from the back, so I'm not sure what it was supposed to show. I mean, with nine seconds and a still, closeup camera on Joe, he'd probably only manage to mangle three or four words. So, all in all, not that bad I guess.

And here's another brilliant policy of again planning on depleting our oil reserves (after he has failed to replenish what he used the last time) that are supposed to be tapped in an emergency only. Of course, the only emergency here is that our fuel prices are killing every sector including Mr. Six Pack and Joe is falling further behind in their polling. This is how it's done, in trouble on the border, sign some ineffective EO's, but claim you are fixing it. In trouble on gas prices, rob our emergency reserves to claim you are doing something. Just get elected regardless of the reality.
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Obama still doing everything for his VP. Another fund raiser/public appearance and another frozen Joe. This must kill Obama inside to have to be Biden's babysitter and lead him off stage while being the reason for the dough being raised. How many times during any given event do you think he says to himself, "Why did I pick this guy to be my VP?"

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Obama still doing everything for his VP. Another fund raiser/public appearance and another frozen Joe. This must kill Obama inside to have to be Biden's babysitter and lead him off stage while being the reason for the dough being raised. How many times during any given event do you think he says to himself, "Why did I pick this guy to be my VP?"

LMAO at that pathetic display.. How is it they aren't using the 'hide-him-in-the-basement' strategy this time around? Whenever he's out in public, they might as well hang a sign around his neck that says 'You Can't Seriously Be Thinking About Voting For Me, Can You?'
I guess there's nothing unusual about a 90% WHITE congregation in a predominantly BLACK CHURCH in the heart of Detroit's west side.

One legal analyst called it “MAGA whites in the hood for Trump."
It's funny (but not in a ha, ha way) that Trump holds a rally that includes numerous endorsements from black leaders entitled "Black Americans for Trump" at a predominately black church, gets all kinds of positives from the pastor and others, and your complaint or big gotch ya is that there were too many white people in attendance.

Shouldn't you really just be worried that Trump would be invited to a black church in Detroit? Or any black church anywhere? For any purpose? Regardless of who else attends? The old and tired assumptions are going to bite you down the road. People are starting to realize they are being taken for granted.
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LMAO at that pathetic display.. How is it they aren't using the 'hide-him-in-the-basement' strategy this time around? Whenever he's out in public, they might as well hang a sign around his neck that says 'You Can't Seriously Be Thinking About Voting For Me, Can You?'
They can't hide that way this time around as there is no pandemic to kick Trump's ass for them. Instead, they're gonna spend a gazillion dollars screaming convicted felon and trying to put Joe up for sainthood. They've only got abortion and personal attacks because they surely can't rely on Joe's policies and performance.
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They can't hide that way this time around as there is no pandemic to kick Trump's ass for them. Instead, they're gonna spend a gazillion dollars screaming convicted felon and trying to put Joe up for sainthood. They've only got abortion and personal attacks because they surely can't rely on Joe's policies and performance.
and even those attacks are based on falsehoods. They're also attacking him as a threat to healthcare. How stupid can you be to think that a president can threaten your healthcare status? No wait, I guess if you can allow in millions and millions of illegals and cancel a billion dollars of student loan debt, you can do just about anything. But Trump isn't going to try to take anyone's healthcare away. They are taking random quotes out of context and running with them.
Shouldn't you really just be worried that Trump would be invited to a black church in Detroit? Or any black church anywhere? For any purpose? Regardless of who else attends?
Trump wasn't invited. He invited himself and the pastor almost said "No" because he figured it was a typical Donald Trump scam. “I was thinking ‘Am I being punked?’” pastor Sewell said. He chose to host it to give the black community a voice, he said.

To add insult to injury, Trump arrived at the event bragging about meeting pastor Sewell but then failed to recognize that the man was sitting beside him.
He picked four golfers, three of which are ranked in the top 12 in the world and one of which happened to win. Yeah, he's a real Nostradamus.

Check your feet before you go inside.

You're trying to give him a hard time as a prognosticator for picking one of only TWO possible winners of an election by pointing out his pick of one of TWELVE likely golfers? The one who was tenth-ranked, I might add. And you might note that only three of your top twelve world golfers finished in the top ten on the U.S. Open leaderboard.

I guess maybe his prognostications aren't that questionable after all.

Check your ears, shit-for-brains. Maybe that's where the smell is coming from.
Trump wasn't invited. He invited himself and the pastor almost said "No" because he figured it was a typical Donald Trump scam. “I was thinking ‘Am I being punked?’” pastor Sewell said. He chose to host it to give the black community a voice, he said.

To add insult to injury, Trump arrived at the event bragging about meeting pastor Sewell but then failed to recognize that the man was sitting beside him.
the REAL scoop.

Is this the pastor Sewell you're referring to?

"When the Rev. Lorenzo Sewell got a call last week from the campaign of Donald Trump asking whether he was interested in his Detroit church hosting an event Saturday with the former president, he couldn't believe it.

"I thought I was being punked," Sewell, senior pastor of 180 Church, told the Free Press on Friday. "I literally thought it was a joke." "

You know what they say about when a libs lips are moving...
the REAL scoop.

Is this the pastor Sewell you're referring to?

"When the Rev. Lorenzo Sewell got a call last week from the campaign of Donald Trump asking whether he was interested in his Detroit church hosting an event Saturday with the former president, he couldn't believe it.

"I thought I was being punked," Sewell, senior pastor of 180 Church, told the Free Press on Friday. "I literally thought it was a joke." "

You know what they say about when a libs lips are moving...
"I let (the Trump campaign) know clearly that I don't endorse any candidate," Sewell said. "I'm a pastor. I can't trade my spiritual influence for political influence."

Oh, well, at least Donnie tried. I wonder how his "talks" with the hundreds of opioid addicts went at the free clinic afterwards.
You're trying to give him a hard time as a prognosticator for picking one of only TWO possible winners of an election by pointing out his pick of one of TWELVE likely golfers?
He won the equivalent of a $5 scratch-off. Whoop-de-do. By the way, as usual in matters where percentages are concerned, your math absolutely sucks.
here's what your boy Biden is all about. He's gained a reputation as a serial plagiarist, and here's why. The whole clip is worth watching (bot not worth seeing, IYKWIM), but start at the two minute mark to see Joe playing his strongest suit.

"I let (the Trump campaign) know clearly that I don't endorse any candidate," Sewell said. "I'm a pastor. I can't trade my spiritual influence for political influence."

Oh, well, at least Donnie tried. I wonder how his "talks" with the hundreds of opioid addicts went at the free clinic afterwards.
nice move of the goalposts.

He wasn't there to gain Sewell's endorsement, but Sewell praised him for coming while noting that obama and Biden never bothered to visit anything other than elitist gatherings.

You're even worse at this than @blazers.
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"I let (the Trump campaign) know clearly that I don't endorse any candidate," Sewell said. "I'm a pastor. I can't trade my spiritual influence for political influence."
It's amazing how you first claimed (twice) that this was a big deal because it was a 90% white crowd. Then, when that's pointed out to be an irrelevant "controversy", you then assert that Trump almost wasn't allowed to come because he was running a scam. This gets demonstrated to be lies when shown the actual statements from Pastor Sewell and how he was actually so astonished that Trump would come to his community. As if your falsehoods never got typed, you then move to the above as the "best" quote you can pull out of a long article. A quote that simply demonstrates the pastor is neutral (not anti-orange as you want to falsely imply). Pastor Sewell saves his endorsements for his higher calling (that means he doesn't endorse Biden either numb nuts, which means you are batting 0 for 3 on this. You really aren't very good at it, are you?).

What's even more impressive about Pastor Sewell is this little exchange:

"We need all the help we can get," he said. "I don't care who it is. ... We're putting more money in Gaza than we are Grand River. I understand the pain of Palestine, but what about the pain in my community? ... We have so much attention on Ukraine, what about on America? And if I can get the attention of someone that wants to come and have that conversation, everybody should be willing to listen to that because we need help. Let me ask you a question, If you're drowning and somebody threw you a rope, are you're gonna ask them if they're Republican?"

I'm thinking you'd drown. Not because you wouldn't like their party affiliation, but because you wouldn't know to grab the rope instead of trying to throw it back.
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It's amazing how you first claimed (twice) that this was a big deal because it was a 90% white crowd. Then, when that's pointed out to be an irrelevant "controversy", you then assert that Trump almost wasn't allowed to come because he was running a scam. This gets demonstrated to be lies when shown the actual statements from Pastor Sewell and how he was actually so astonished that Trump would come to his community. As if your falsehoods never got typed, you then move to the above as the "best" quote you can pull out of a long article. A quote that simply demonstrates the pastor is neutral (not anti-orange as you want to falsely imply). Pastor Sewell saves his endorsements for his higher calling (that means he doesn't endorse Biden either numb nuts, which means you are batting 0 for 3 on this. You really aren't very good at it, are you?).

What's even more impressive about Pastor Sewell is this little exchange:

"We need all the help we can get," he said. "I don't care who it is. ... We're putting more money in Gaza than we are Grand River. I understand the pain of Palestine, but what about the pain in my community? ... We have so much attention on Ukraine, what about on America? And if I can get the attention of someone that wants to come and have that conversation, everybody should be willing to listen to that because we need help. Let me ask you a question, If you're drowning and somebody threw you a rope, are you're gonna ask them if they're Republican?"

I'm thinking you'd drown. Not because you wouldn't like their party affiliation, but because you wouldn't know to grab the rope instead of trying to throw it back.
I never claimed it to be "a big deal" (much less did I do it TWICE), nor did I call it a controversy or imply that anyone at the church was anti-Trump. I simply found it amusing that the Trump campaign would select a black church in an underserved part of a city like Detroit and ask permission to hold a "black roundtable" discussion there and invite a bunch of Trump's white MAGA followers to predominantly fill up the pews. It sort of goes against the whole spirit of the thing, don't you think?

By the way, if you learn how the discussions between Trump and the hundreds of meth heads and heroin addicts at the church's methadone clinic went, please share.

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