OOTB's Political Thread . ..

there must be something genetic that makes people like you and Heels Noir twist words to your advantage. I have not at any time tried to indicate that such abortions occur with any particular frequency or even at all.. My thrust has ONLY been that there is ample support for the allowance of such abortions. Why don't you honestly argue that instead of of repeating the same strawman and moving the goalposts over and over.
Your candidate said that they (those kinds of abortions) were happening when he was talking to the women of the NABJ yesterday. I asked for some clarification from HN and you decided to follow me yet again. No one is twisting your words. There's ample support for something that doesn't exist? That means... Politicians are earning every penny!
It would be considered racist AF to have any kind of WHITE organization, now. White men controlled this country completely for at least the first hundred years. And, they really controlled the next 100, for the most part, with some more noticeable exceptions in the last 50 years (maybe a little more if you start after WWII). It's hard to measure the impact of such a... head start? I understand why these organizations had to be created. They HAD to be created as separate from white people because most of America chose to be separate for a long time. Jim Crow laws, "separate but equal", white-supremacist bullshit like that.

I think it will be ideal when we, as a society, move beyond distinctions based on race/ethnicity/gender/sexual orientation. I think most individuals can get there quicker than the whole lot of us. It's very incremental, but it's getting there. I think (I hope), at some point, something like the NAACP will no longer be needed. Status quo is slow to change.
not much to argue with here, it's the conclusions drawn that go haywire. Euros who happened to be mostly Caucasian came to America and overran the natives and imported subjugated people as slaves, and gradually built a country on that basis. The mostly African slaves and the Native Americans were definitely behind the eight ball compared to what you call white people. But over time, the country they successfully built became accessible to the formerly excluded.

They are still behind the eight ball in that much white wealth was tied to real estate, and in that respect whites got a head start. A really big one. But what do you do about it? In the kind of society where land can be 'owned' individually, ownership of real estate must be made a possibility for minorities. But you can't just force such a possibility or you end up with, for example, the economic disaster caused by Bill Clinton. Rather, you acclimate those minorities (over time) to the successful culture and encourage them to participate in it. You DON'T encourage them to whine about how unfair it all is, because there's nothing fair about life. It makes no sense to whine about basic reality. You just do your best to overcome it and take advantage of it. If you do spend your effort whining about it you're just pissing up a tree and that's exactly what race relations is all about at this time.

Instead of tearing down what made this country the greatest ever (however you might want to define that), you bring the marginalized up. The insanity that we are now experiencing is a process of bringing success down to the level of the unsuccessful out of a misguided sense of fairness and justice. The obvious stupidity of that is incredible.

Instead of griping about head starts, we should be celebrating the head start that now benefits everyone, albeit unequally. Unequally is an unchangeable part of the equation so deal with it. The trick is to create a situation where today's successful person is tomorrow's unfortunate one and vice versa. GUESS WHAT? That situation already exists and if we have half a brain, we won't keep tearing it down.
Israelis killed a Hamas guy with a bomb planted in an Iranian house two mos ago. Lol. I’m not a fan of the Israeli govt but I gotta admit their assassination game is strong af.
Good. Hope they keep it up. Best thing we could do for the middle east is to get out of Israel's way and let them take every out. They can take care of the dirty work and all we need to do is send them some bombs.
Your candidate said that they (those kinds of abortions) were happening when he was talking to the women of the NABJ yesterday. I asked for some clarification from HN and you decided to follow me yet again. No one is twisting your words. There's ample support for something that doesn't exist? That means... Politicians are earning every penny!
you asked about the frequency, as if INfrequency would be acceptable. So I asked you how many occurrences there would have to be for you to find it reprehensible. What 'my' candidate said or didn't say had nothing to do with our interchange.

You are stupidly or disingenuously ignoring the fact that the support for such notions that result in proposed and nearly passed legislation allowing infanticide creates an actual threat of it being made to happen. You argued that no one would support and engage in full birth or partial birth abortions. And in arguing, you have consistently twisted what I've been saying, going back again and again to such monstrous acts not occurring instead of addressing the possibility of that which I am pointing out. Your above post is an example.
Good. Hope they keep it up. Best thing we could do for the middle east is to get out of Israel's way and let them take every out. They can take care of the dirty work and all we need to do is send them some bombs.
I'm not much in disagreement with the sentiment but I think the Israelis might have a hard time taking on all their enemies at once with us standing down except for supplying some bombs..
Trust me, I did. But I learned a long time ago how to recognize flawed conspiracy theorists with biased agendas and you fit the mold perfectly.
trust me, having discoursed with you as I have done, the molds you form and fit don't mean much to me.
So you're sticking with it was all last minute just in time for the election? I suppose you can only appreciate complicated and time-consuming negotiations when Donald Trump is involved. I do like how you pretend to have been there, eyewitness to it all with a stopwatch to time every step of the process as it occurred. You so clevah.
have you, nitwit? You're the one who tried (and failed) to detail how it all came about.
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I'm not much in disagreement with the sentiment but I think the Israelis might have a hard time taking on all their enemies at once with us standing down except for supplying some bombs..
They don't have to take on everyone, just the terrorists groups which are smaller and more manageable. Countries would never directly attack them because they would be afraid we would jump in. That's why Iran goes through these groups. Take out those groups and it's a lot better over there.
I missed this gem. Musta come at the end after I couldn’t take any more.

“Millions and millions of illegal immigrants are taking black jobs”

Laughing Out Loud Lol GIF
So……I don’t get it. What are we supposed to be seeing? Seems like a typical off the cuff normal conversation

lol. She made absolutely no sense, said nothing at all and sounded like a complete moron. If you didn’t pick up on it….ouch.

“It’s an extraordinary testament the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength,…that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy and strengthening alliances. This is an incredible day.”

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The better question is why was the vp even there and why was the vp speaking about the great "diplomacy" of the president? Where was Chuck? Where was Nancy? The normally non-existent vp makes this appearance? Joe can speak for himself and say goodnight. Or can't he?

She's been the non-elected, DNC picked nominee now for almost two weeks and this was the first off teleprompter speaking she has done. Not exactly a homerun. When is she gonna do a press conference? When is she going to be asked any actual, real questions about her past stances and records by the media? They're running another basement campaign again, but just hiding her in plain site with no actual access.

But, this wasn't a politically orchestrated event so I'll just withdraw my questions.
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I wonder what a black job is? Working the fields? Cutting grass? Maybe being a nanny?
why couldn't a black job be brain surgeon or astrophysicist or English teacher? Black people do hold those positions. Seems like there's some negative presumption here that sells short both black people AND those who might take their jobs away, and I don't think it was Trump who was conveying it.

On the other hand, blacks are twice as likely to be unemployed as white people are on a national basis, so just to say illegals might be taking black jobs is not in any way disparaging blacks or those who might take jobs away from them (other than their illegal entry).

black/white unemployment
If speaking like a normal, coherent human being were a prerequisite for being president, then both of these candidates would be disqualified immediately.

Seeing Trump supporters complain about how somebody else speaks is pretty funny though. You guys are silly.
why couldn't a black job be brain surgeon or astrophysicist or English teacher? Black people do hold those positions. Seems like there's some negative presumption here that sells short both black people AND those who might take their jobs away, and I don't think it was Trump who was conveying it.

On the other hand, blacks are twice as likely to be unemployed as white people are on a national basis, so just to say illegals might be taking black jobs is not in any way disparaging blacks or those who might take jobs away from them (other than their illegal entry).

black/white unemployment
I thought you were going to be like Morgan Freeman... this ain't being like that.
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why couldn't a black job be brain surgeon or astrophysicist or English teacher? Black people do hold those positions. Seems like there's some negative presumption here that sells short both black people AND those who might take their jobs away, and I don't think it was Trump who was conveying it.

On the other hand, blacks are twice as likely to be unemployed as white people are on a national basis, so just to say illegals might be taking black jobs is not in any way disparaging blacks or those who might take jobs away from them (other than their illegal entry).

black/white unemployment
Yeah, you missed the joke I was making about illegal Mexicans. The one about how they are working the fields, watching your kids or cutting your grass. Don't be so serious.
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I thought you were going to be like Morgan Freeman... this ain't being like that.
I thought you were going to stop being an idiot. You ain't doing that.

THE DISCUSSION I JOINED was started by someone else about black people, moron. Morgan Freeman didn't mean to refuse to join in a discussion already started, he meant to stop starting such discussions. As a matter of fact, he said that when he was in such a discussion.

It's disgusting to see someone make an ass of himself from trying too hard to show someone up. Do better. BE better.
Yeah, you missed the joke I was making about illegal Mexicans. The one about how they are working the fields, watching your kids or cutting your grass. Don't be so serious.
oh shit, I'm sorry. What was the punch line?
I thought you were going to stop being an idiot. You ain't doing that.

THE DISCUSSION I JOINED was started by someone else about black people, moron. Morgan Freeman didn't mean to refuse to join in a discussion already started, he meant to stop starting such discussions. As a matter of fact, he said that when he was in such a discussion.

It's disgusting to see someone make an ass of himself from trying too hard to show someone up. Do better. BE better.
He's not going to stop talking about it, either. I've heard/seen the clip where he pretends to act like he's doing that... he's not. I already knew you couldn't do it. Thanks!
I thought you were going to stop being an idiot. You ain't doing that.

THE DISCUSSION I JOINED was started by someone else about black people, moron. Morgan Freeman didn't mean to refuse to join in a discussion already started, he meant to stop starting such discussions. As a matter of fact, he said that when he was in such a discussion.

It's disgusting to see someone make an ass of himself from trying too hard to show someone up. Do better. BE better.
You need to take a break. You and gunslinger are looking worse and worse by the day. People are making fun of you both and you can't even see it.
You need to take a break. You and gunslinger are looking worse and worse by the day. People are making fun of you both and you can't even see it.
People have been making fun of your ass for years. You're nothing but a Rino. Go ahead and have someone fill out your ballot for that lib. You're about as conservative as Pelosi.
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lol. She made absolutely no sense, said nothing at all and sounded like a complete moron. If you didn’t pick up on it….ouch.

“It’s an extraordinary testament the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength,…that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy and strengthening alliances. This is an incredible day.”

i see your Harris at the airport and raise you one trump in iowa

That was in response to someone calling him entitled.

Bro out here really went full racist his second post/first page of this thread.

Sometimes a mistaken click to the front of thread can lead to little hillbilly nuggets of wisdom.
You thought that was racist? Your head is going to explode when you read the rest of this page and see my joke about Mexicans.

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