OOTB's Political Thread . ..

@joeydavid and the other libs here seem nervous today. Increasingly so everyday it appears. Y'all know what's coming.

They will not sleep for the next 4 years!
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The only effective thing Trump did on border was orchestrating the most incompetent response to an health emergency. That alone stopped the flow and only cost 500,000 American lives.

The border was a "crisis" in 2019 pre-covid. It was the same post-covid only with way more apprehensions/encounters.

This "borders" on pure comedy gold. Your referenced tweet goes back to that same SOP of confusing things. It says that Trump was "asking Congress to pass the same border bill he now opposes". So, the only thing that can be concluded from that claim is you are now asserting that Trump is better than Nostradamus.

Think about it for a second.

If it was the same border bill that Trump asked for, that means he asked for a bill that provided funding, literally, over 2/3's of which was for billions and billions and billions of dollars for two separate wars that were going to start in the NEXT administration. Trump was predicting both the war in Ukraine and the Middle East. Damn, that's good. Glad you've come to the light, but that's more ability than any of us would ever have given the guy.
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As to your abilities to look at facial expressions and discern what people are thinking, perhaps apply some of that fantastic insight to KH. Or, look back over your posts defending this guy. What was he thinking here?
Just a guess but ol' Joe may have been thinking, I really have to shit right now and if I break into dance I'll pull a Trump and crap myself.

More to the point is your refusal, or should I say your inability, to see in your candidate what is glaringly obvious. He's a sham, a con artist, a habitual liar. If you believe he avoided answering the question because the Bible is "very personal" to him then you are definitely the dumbest person in the room.
Just a guess but ol' Joe may have been thinking, I really have to shit right now and if I break into dance I'll probably pull a Trump and crap myself.

More to the point is your refusal, or should I say your inability, to see in your candidate what is glaringly obvious. He's a shame, a con artist, a habitual liar. If you believe he avoided answering the question because the Bible is "very personal" to him, and I have to assume that you do believe that, that means you could be the dumbest person in the room.
What I believe is that you made a claim that wasn't true, were called on it, doubled down, were called on it, and finally admitted you were speculating based on your belief about your ability to discern facial expressions versus your prior claims regarding what he said/didn't say. So, you still haven't addressed that you were wrong and were making false claims to support your own speculation and have now sought the refuge of trying to make it personal about the person who laid out your bias.

I have and will continue to admit that Trump is a flawed person. He is also a brilliant marketer and entrepreneur. None of that changes that your anointed successor to the throne also is deeply flawed. But you fail to see or acknowledge any of those issues. At the end of the day, we have two people neither of which should be held up for sainthood. But it's not about putting a person in charge who is the best person, it's about their policies. That you can't see that when you claim to be able to see inside someone's head based on their facial expression is just sad.

Cue the standard crotch remora reference.
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There were no words, only the stumped look on his dumb face when he was put on the spot.

After all of his self-righteous promotion of the Bible, from talking about it at his rallies to holding up an upside-down copy in front of St. John's Church in Washington to selling his own overpriced version of scripture, do you reeeally believe he wouldn't gladly show off and share his favorite passages if he knew any? Maybe Proverbs 22:7 or 1 Samuel 2:7?
His fav verses

You deserve a break today
1 cofveve 3:16

We love to see you smile
Bigly 17:4

Make it Mac tonight
2 nambia 2:13
I will give the Bible credit where it’s due. The descriptions in revelations of Armageddon are uncanny in its resemblance to a modern day ground war , an asteroid strike, and a nuclear war. For someone 2000 yrs ago to make these descriptions is pretty fuking impressive.
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The descriptions in revelations of Armageddon are uncanny in its resemblance to a modern day ground war , an asteroid strike, and a nuclear war.
Except in this version of the Bible it's rewritten (with a Sharpie, of course) to depict a world in flames while Trump and his lover boy Putin are exchanging bodily fluids in a bunker somewhere in Siberia.

Then of course there’s this Pearl of wisdom

“A quarrelsome wife is as annoying as a constant drip, stopping her complaining is like stopping the wind “

Proverbs something something
As per SOP, you've taken something and intentionally confused it with another. No one has any problem whatsoever with the migrant worker program where non-citizens come here to work in relatively low paying, labor intensive jobs such as agriculture harvest. There have been many calls to expand and streamline that process. The issue are criminals who illegally enter our country, some caught and released after using appropriate buzz words and phrases, and many, many others never accounted for.

Whatever the sob story and the shitty conditions of their home life, it doesn't change the facts that there is a legal way to immigrate and there are illegal ways. We have immigration problems and there needs to be many changes in things, but don't piss on our legs and claim it's raining. No one is talking about removing "migrant workers". Oh, and you may also not know this little detail: the way a migrant worker program works is people come, they do a job, and they go home. They don't sneak in and stay.

Obvious GIF

You have a candidate who is running on throwing legal migrants out of this country. If you remove illegal workers only, it will still cause a financial disaster.
This "borders" on pure comedy gold. Your referenced tweet goes back to that same SOP of confusing things. It says that Trump was "asking Congress to pass the same border bill he now opposes". So, the only thing that can be concluded from that claim is you are now asserting that Trump is better than Nostradamus.

Think about it for a second.

If it was the same border bill that Trump asked for, that means he asked for a bill that provided funding, literally, over 2/3's of which was for billions and billions and billions of dollars for two separate wars that were going to start in the NEXT administration. Trump was predicting both the war in Ukraine and the Middle East. Damn, that's good. Glad you've come to the light, but that's more ability than any of us would ever have given the guy.

tHE gOp ASkEd foR THe cOMbINEd biLL.

From his own National Security Advisor.

tHE gOp ASkEd foR THe cOMbINEd biLL.

From his own National Security Advisor.

that was mostly unwatchable, the idiot talking over Bolton was ridiculous...almost as stupid and ridiculous as Bolton saying that Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco was 'Trump's deal'. Take them both out and shoot them in the back of the head and never show such crap here again...
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True dat! Remember all the wars going on when Trump was Prez?
let's go ahead and start pointing out that Trump is not responsible for the wars already going on when he takes office. Because sure as shit, at some point the demlibs will be saying 'look at the statistics. Look at all the wars going on while Trump was in office'.
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I will give the Bible credit where it’s due. The descriptions in revelations of Armageddon are uncanny in its resemblance to a modern day ground war , an asteroid strike, and a nuclear war. For someone 2000 yrs ago to make these descriptions is pretty fuking impressive.
praise the Lord, I sense a turning point....

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