I have never, nor will I deny that Trump is a grifter and huckster. But reality is simply not your friend on this one despite what the trolls in the media and social media tell you. Go look up Trump's net worth before and after his last term in office. We'll wait.You're denying the obvious?
Trump is all about dealing. Why would he be doing this without making a profit?
I'm not saying he doesn't have other reasons for these moves in addition to personal benefit. But if you think Trump isn't making money on these rope-a-dope market manipulations, you are the one underestimating Trump.
As for whether Jesus would approve, are you kidding me?
And what part of the obvious is such a challenge for you? It's not personal. When presidencies do well, it almost always means that the country is doing well. That's regardless of party and regardless of any particular personal hatred for an individual. Lastly, let's not forget that Trump is a lame duck. He will never, ever again be in any office and doesn't have to run the WH based on getting re-elected in four years. What would be so bad for ALL of us for the next four years to be a huge success? Why would you want him to fail? Ever heard of a saying about nose and face?