OT:Textbook example on how not to open a meaningful dialogue......


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Nov 1, 2006
A UNC town hall meeting on race relations on college campuses was disrupted Thursday evening by a group of students who took over the event and read off a lengthy list of 50 demands.

The demands rang from the removal of the new system president, mandatory training for students and staff on the "historical racial violence of the university", banning the use of standardized tests like the SAT for college admission, more transparency when it comes to graduation rates, and free access to all school cafeterias and gyms for all North Carolina residents.

But some of the items on the list seemed odd to some who attended the meeting.

"I don't think you should be making demands if they're not feasible," said UNC student Diamonde Henderson.
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Capitulation to mob demands leads to fascism the demands in Mizzou vs the facts
This is what happens when you bend to mob rule. Reaping the seeds that were sown in Missouri.
Don't forget the demand for free tuition. Where were those people when I was there.
I am moving this to OOB. This is a political/social issue and I see nothing good coming from it here. Feel free to carry on tnt discussion here.