Pitt - UNC Tar Heels Game Thread

Great look from Paige followed by a nice steal and break. Keep up the pressure.
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Whoa! Great couple of trips by Marcus on both ends. Pretty unorthodox on that 3 but we'll take it.
Strong board from Berry and then great D from Britt goes unrewarded as he is whistled.
Right there was the epitome of MAJOR BS in the college game. Nate - not a great defender - but he played that PERFECT. If that's a foul on him, there is NOTHING a defender can do, nothing, to stop the dribble drive. I hate it.
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as a bonus it appears that was called a shooting foul. It is like they want to make the call as over the top ridiculous as possible
As many push offs as I'm seeing on Pitts O maybe that's how they've been out rebounding us ..haven't paid that much attention to it but makes sense
Great game so far except for the defensive boards. Consistent issue that isn't going away.
well some of the O rebounding is Pitt getting away with pushoffs like that possession right there. Still, have to be stronger.
Berry on the line hits 2 65-47 but Pittsburgh pounds the boards again and gets fouled. Someone has to help Johnson on the glass because it is like 1 against 4. Don't know if Jackson or Meeks have been credited with a board yet.
I would love to see how well we rebound when fat Meeks is in the game vs. when he is not. He is not good on the boards, and I am guessing vertical jump has something to do with that.
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I think we're limited somewhat on rebounds bc Meeks can't jump and Justin doesn't really crash the boards that hard so that leaves Brice as the main dude vs 3 of their guys going at it
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Love the effort.
Wonder why our guards don't throw it into Brice early in the set. Seems like he's open early each set and I don't think he can be stopped by Pitt when he's close to the goal

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