PK 80 Uniforms

Those solids on jersey and shorts, Mmm, some people may like them but, dang, they look awful to me.
Looks like the women's team jerseys. Just get us out of this tourney unscathed and I won't care about the jerseys.. If we drop a game.... "$#@!$#$ jerseys.....!"
Would've preferred a color scheme inversion. Black with swaths of Carolina Blue. They're not hideous.....but they're not my favorite either.
Just typical when youl let somebody else try to put your best foot forward .... really horseshit!!! But typical TV!
Terrible. Nike is better than this and should be ashamed. Most of them are pretty bad but I think UNC's is the worst.
Ours are definitely the worst. About half of them look like decent alternate jerseys with similar logos to what’s on the regular jerseys. The blue doesn’t even look like the right color Carolina blue. But it could just look dull beside the black. Regardless, they look like shit and should be donated to charity or burned in the trash afterwards.
Whoever the model is, she's wearing a bra .... It's a woman in that uni schyzzt!!!
Like someone said earlier, it's just odd that every team has the school name on the front except for Arkansas. That makes no sense.