One of the replies to this tweet says something like, "In case you've forgotten the number, it's 107-56" LOL
a) why is this a topic of conversation?
Welcome back to Foxborough, Roger. He'll be greeted by 30K of these towels with the clown logo that he hates so much. Served with a loud chorus of boos of course.
@Hark_The_Sound_2010 that quote is from a sworn affidavit the accuser's friend signed last year...also stated that the accuser asked her friend to lie about zeke.
Ya if that's true, this should be an open and shut case with Zeke getting freed.
But we all saw Roger's ability to just blatantly deny facts in the Brady case - so who knows what the hell is gonna happen here.
Apparently they found some weed in his system too. Medical marijuana is legal in FL, but in the world of public relations weed never looks good.
What I don't get is how Tiger doesn't have a bodyguard or some handler to keep exactly this sort of thing from happening.
I don't blame the man at all for taking those drugs, but this isn't the first time that Ambien and car keys have screwed up his career.