Originally posted by tarheelbybirth:
Originally posted by bluetoe: I admit that you apparently don't understand the obvious difference between out of bounds (where a football move is completely immaterial) and a live ball in the field of play. Or which end of a football is up. And I admit that you have done nothing to substantiate your uninformed and worthless opinion. I admit that you're taking a quote out of context and characterizing it as other than it was intended because that's the only way you can appear to have some point. I admit that you're just being you.
If a football move is performed prior to going out of bounds then what happens afterwards is immaterial - hell, you can even throw the ball to the ground to protect yourself (you knew that, right?). If you catch the ball while
falling out of bounds, control must be maintained through the catch...which is EXACTLY what you were talking about and EXACTLY the same situation as Bryant. So it's really EXACTLY the same thing. Feel free to continue with the personal attacks, though. I find you amusing.