Poll: Who should go

Who should be banned?

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. . and polarizing.
No, this is polar-icing


(say my initial comment in this guy's voice)
Polarizing . . polar-icing . . polemesmerizing . .

I'm sorry, I had to take off my polarized sunglasses to actually see the difference.
The people have spoken. Poasters who meet any of the following descriptions are hereby ordered to delete their accounts:
  • People who don't eat bacon
  • People who call all soda, coke
  • People who think dunkin donuts is better than krispy kreme
Thank you,
The Management
The best KK donuts are two day old stale ones! Grill them in a frying pan with REAL butter and flatten then with slightly burned edges. Uhmmmm goooood!
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Reactions: BillyL
The best KK donuts are two day old stale ones! Grill them in a frying pan with REAL butter and flatten then with slightly burned edges. Uhmmmm goooood!
Stale KK's make great bread pudding also..
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Reactions: osjr
I've managed to cut my sweet tea down to a half a cup of sugar per gallon. When I was a kid it was 2.5 cups per gallon. You could drink it and dip your pancakes at the same time.
I only drink tea while eating at home. No caffeine at all. Water the rest of the time
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Reactions: osjr
  • People who don't eat bacon
  • People who call all soda, coke
  • People who think dunkin donuts is better than krispy kreme

At least I made it all the way until final cuts.

Also - in regards to the sweet tea or unsweetened battle. I'm not sure which side I'm on. I like Iced Teas such as a Lipton Brisk or something like that - compared to plain unsweetened tea, but it still has sugar in it - just not the sickening sweet sugar that's in sweet tea.
She hasn't been around since yesterday when she said she was going to leave. I guess she was serious this time.

She claimed she had a date with a cutee sometime this week IIRC . . maybe she's tied up somewhere and in need of a ride home . . ?