PTI Viewers . . . Which of Korny -Or- Wilbon . . . Do You Favor the


Resident Idiot
Gold Member
Aug 17, 2005
. . most . . . ?

I'm a big Michael Wilbon fan for the most part. 75 % of the time when he and Korny give their opinions on a subject, I'm more inclined to agree with Wilbon. I know Wilbon banged UNC pretty hard back when our scandal was front page, and the hot topic, but, most of the time I do seem to agree with his thoughts . .

Korny or Wilbon . . ?
love them both, together or separate...kornheiser is almost too smart to do that job...wilbon is so level headed that he's the perfect balance.

i miss the radio show to this day.

i'll go with korny
Originally posted by gteeitup:

i miss the radio show to this day.
Kornheiser's radio show was infinitely better than PTI. I worked a job during those years where I spent a considerable amount of time driving around Charleston, SC area. And I looked forward to that part of the day. Many days for lunch, I would get my food to go and just go sit in my car somewhere and listen to Tony. The best part of his show was when he wasn't talking about sports.

I liked PTI ok when it came out, but then Tony got a little too big for his britches. And then what a nightmare his MNF involvement was. Ugh.

You should get Tony's books if you're a big fan, gtee. I have "I'm Back For More Cash", which is just a collection of his columns - very few about sports. I love that book.

Wilbon,...meh, he's alright.
gsd, i'll check out the books for sure.

speaking of those non-sports moments...i recall one day him talking for an hour about those storage bags that are vacuum sealed...I got completely lost in that conversation as if i was him complaining to my wife about what's the appropriate storage container.

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