"Quick Stuff Gary"


Jan 15, 2004
Gary, I tried to reply to your last "Quick Stuff" post but my long winded thought here didn't pass the reply requirement, to many characters, opps...
I enjoy reading your take after the games, the majority of folks here do. We know it takes a lot of effort and you promptly publish your thoughts after every game, so thanks for doing it. I actually learn "stuff" along the way, as I suspect many here do as well. I've been reading all the posts/replies and as of recently, some have become very negative to a point and results in attacks, both ways. There is an art to argumentation, you know, reason with clarity and purpose but at times it goes beyond that here, especially due to your efforts and exposure on this board. You are very active here, for good reason, so the principle of stats and probability will apply: Yes, you will say something some disagree with and die on that hill but there are reasons you believe, even when it doesn't pass a visual test to some. I happen to think as a coach, you see more fundamentals in players and at times as I mentioned, willing to die on that hill. Doesn't mean you should get attacked over it, challenged, YES attacked, NO. Flip it, when you do get questioned or challenged, certainly respond, that's the primary purpose of this forum right? And yes, there will certainly be disagreements but as an observer, I recommend ignoring the attacks, those going beyond the art of argumentation(I have a hard time doing that myself, so, do as I say, not as I do lmao). Also statistically, are you going to be right about everything? Um no, but that is an opportunity to have real discussions about the topics, share opposing thoughts and views and if so, agree to disagree (Most here are very humble and do just that). As it turns out, I along with many others, agree with most of what you share. I've read good opposing arguments from those that challenge your claims, normal stuff. We are all fans here and for the most part should be able to share dialog and opposing views without attacking each other. Doesn't mean we can't laugh and call out extreme stuff, that is pretty fun... I've been following the board for quite a while, mostly lurking for years. I learned early it's a terrible idea to post and reply to posts out of frustration, especially after a few beers during and after games. I suspect some of that still goes on around here heh. So I just wanted to add a thread of appreciation for taking time to publish your "Quick Stuff" after games, very cool.
That was one of the most interesting and reasonable posts I have ever seen here! It gives me hope, that if the underlying message is actually received, we will all be better for it! Maybe there is worth in slogging through the nonsense, attacks, trollishness, and idiocy to discover the gems! I try to ignore fools, but they are hard to suffer. Especially when they relentlessly attack great content contributors like G-7. I wish peeps could learn the obvious truism that reasonable, intelligent people can see the same set of facts and come to vastly different conclusions. Unfortunately, many people seem to be either unwilling or unable to allow for even the slightest opposition. I wonder if it is pride, intolerance, or capability. I will attempt to return to my tenet of ignoring those who seldom add anything useful to discussions and liberal use of the ignore function. I will try to simply refute ideas I believe are unfounded or unworthy of Family.

I humbly apologize for my contributions to any derailed discussions to date!

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