Quick stuff (JCS exhibition)...


Hall of Famer
Jan 27, 2003
Parts Unknown
...and we'll just use this last tune-up for a checklist.

After some initial lethargic effort on our end coupled with the predictable pumped-up opponent, this was just gonna be a chance to check ourselves, so let's run thru it quickly:

- we started Small this time with Tyson at the 4 and at Seth at the 3. Dunno if that will be the same going forward --- could change as to matchups

- Speaking of Cade, his stroke didn't look rushed this time --- that's more like it.

- Seth continued his newly proactive slasher game

- Lotta chances to mix-and-match lineups, from very Big to Small

- Good showcase op for the Frosh. Jackson got to show out some without rushing himself so much --- Powell keeps flashing that freaky athleticism (that 2-handed snatch-block was nasty) --- Brown again gave solid minutes. On the negative side, Ian still needs to realize that he doesn't have to force everytime he gets the ball in transition --- make the extra pass when in doubt. And Drake needs to grasp that he's not a Guard in our system --- get the rock to your PG instead pf pulling an Ingram in transition.

- Speaking of transition, there were two concerns: 1) after doing a concerted job at OUTLET passes at Memphis, there were too many times in which we eschewed it in favor of dribbling, and 2) we need to re-emphasize the trail DIVE to the block --- not doing that clogs the Secondary and/or ends it too soon.

- I was hoping to see a few more minutes of EC and RJ together just to evaluate how we were gonna move the rock. We need at all costs to avoid RJ becoming a de facto ball-stopper as happened too often last season. The Memphis game was a clinic in ball-movement and that needs to be the template now with RJ back on the floor. We avoided the old habit for the most part.

- Our Bigs all gave good accounts of themselves, with the obvious caveat that we had JCS overmatched physically. And I TOLD y'all you were gonna see more lobs this season.

- I would love to see our utilization of depth and balanced scoring from the exhibitions continue into the actual season. We shall see...

- FT pct was encouraging

- Mostly avoided self-inflicted TOs

- Been watching EC on the defensive end and really liking what I'm seeing --- he's meshing into our 21.5 seamlessly and has learned to be a pesky defender w/out the give-away fouls. Got his hands on several balls as well. Also, our savant PG was the driver of the Ferrari, getting just about what I figured his season averages will be (12 and 8) with no TOs in somewhat fewer minutes than we'll see in real games (and that dime to JWash to end the first half was just sick). Next step in the young fellas development is getting that FT pct closer to 80...

Finally, nice tuneup and a nice coda with a Blue Steel dunk in the Dome. Good chance to clean some stuff up and we mostly did. Moving forward I still maintain that it is ESSENTIAL that we work half-court offense thru JWash --- and not just the PnR stuff, but inside-out as well.

Anyway, sh** gets real quick with our schedule with only one "tune-up" type game at the outset, so here we go Heels --- there'll be some growing pains but it should be fun to watch!...

Thanks G! Good write up. I only got to see the last 10 minutes. Some fun moments. It looks like the Heels offense will be Coach’s vision with the interchangeable parts and open lane. The defense is still that 21.5 as the base. Any looks at other defenses in this game that we could see more of moving forward?
Thanks G! Good write up. I only got to see the last 10 minutes. Some fun moments. It looks like the Heels offense will be Coach’s vision with the interchangeable parts and open lane. The defense is still that 21.5 as the base. Any looks at other defenses in this game that we could see more of moving forward?
Good question. They have practiced traps and Zone. If/when we see them remains to be seen...
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What a top 10 team does to an inferior opponent is EXACTLY what our Heels did to Johnson C Smith today, leave no doubt. It is hard for many strong teams to not play down to the competition, to get over confident, to lose their intensity. This was fun to watch!

Couple things just stick out looking at the box score, the most notable was how balanced our scoring was, 7 guys scored double digits and Drake had 8pts to go along with 9 boards! They didn't force things, they got what they did thru the flow of the offense and yet defensively they just didn't let up. I talked a lot over the summer about minute distribution, took some blow back for it actually. But the pay off is to have the fresher legs, this game was a perfect example of just that. This was an exhibition game, not going to quibble over Jwash only getting 14mins or RJ less than 18. What better time to get James Brown 10mins of development time or allowing Ian and Drake to stretch their freshman legs a bit, it is what exhibitions are for.

My main concern for this season was and still is that we are not real long in our front court when JWash sits and JWash sits a lot (more than I feel he should). But the most effective way to neutralize height is with quickness and speed and enough shooting to keep the longer team having to play honest (burn em when they double off). While this is a really hard game to be critical of lets face it, this was not Kansas or duke. JWash has to be on the floor more when we see those really long teams and we need to play thru him a bit more, as gary points out. When our center can not be left alone on those mid range or treys he drags to opposing center out away from the paint and everything opens up from that point. If you can not double with a shot blocker guys like Cadeau, RJ, Drake, Ian, or Seth then really good things happen for us. To be fair, Lubin showed the ability to force a big to step out to him as well, great to see.

I really want to see the way we played today to define this team for the whole season, great pace and deep deep bench! We have Elon up next, basically our last tune up before the bullets get real and this pre-conference slate of games for us just is no joke because the competition ramps up big time just around the corner! Love what I am seeing so far!
Good question. They have practiced traps and Zone. If/when we see them remains to be seen...
Well, I think if I were coaching against this team, Cadeau, Seth, Ian, JWit, Lubin, and Drake would have to prove to me they can consistently hit long jump shots, I am playing them to drive. The problem is we have a couple of zone busters in RJ and Tyson, and really JWash is as well that make clogging up the paint hard. Our spacing looks and should look really good so far because you have to respect our speed, quickness, and insane athletism our our guards.

But I watched us against memphis and happened again today, we have really good middle length and active hands (especially when Drake and Ian are in together, these freshmen work hard defensively, sort of like the anti Caleb/Kerwin LOL. While against longer front courts longer back courts as well we can have some match up problems but we give them match up problems as well. Playing such a deep bench not only gives you the fresher legs advantage against most teams but it as well tends to keep the intensity level up.
Thanks G! Good write up. I only got to see the last 10 minutes. Some fun moments. It looks like the Heels offense will be Coach’s vision with the interchangeable parts and open lane. The defense is still that 21.5 as the base. Any looks at other defenses in this game that we could see more of moving forward?
Good question. They have practiced traps and Zone. If/when we see them remains to be seen...