Radical Islamist Terrorist Attack Muhammad Cartoon Event

Well, we're on the same page there.

It's just how to go about achieving that goal. Some here claim that's impossible because these peoples' every waking moment is committed to killing anyone not-Muslim, or not their version of Muslim. Those kinds of people are isolated and extreme no matter what nationality they are.

I think you'd agree that having festivals or contests of "Who makes the funniest Mohammed cartoon" is a bad idea. I realize it's our right to do it, but why poke the bear in the cage with a stick? To see if they suddenly got a sense of humor about it? From what I can tell, the Texas thing was spurred-on by the cartoon contest. Would it be wise to go into Little Italy in New York and have a contest of the best cartoon depicting the Virgin Mary in a gang bang? Ya think the Mafia might get pissed? Ya think the people submitting cartoons would catch hell for it? Maybe catch a bullet for it? If there's no cartoon contest, does anyone die?

When they quit beheading Americans who are in their country, sending suicide bombers into Israel, and trying to kill people on US soil, I will then start lecturing people here on stirring up trouble by drawing pictures of Muhammad.

You talk about poking the bear? They are beheading Americans, not drawing stick figures of George Washington. How does that not meet the definition of poking the bear?

F' em, and if they want to bring their intolerance over here, I'm going to join Heelbent in my camo and bring my shotgun and a pouch of Levi Garrett when they have a Prophet drawing contest down East.
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Well, we're on the same page there.

. Would it be wise to go into Little Italy in New York and have a contest of the best cartoon depicting the Virgin Mary in a gang bang? Ya think the Mafia might get pissed? Ya think the people submitting cartoons would catch hell for it? Maybe catch a bullet for it? If there's no cartoon contest, does anyone die?

Furthermore, no, the Mafia would not kill someone for that. They would call the cops who they have on payroll to cart your ass out of there.

The only comparison you could possibly make would be donning a white hood and walking through a predominantly black area with a racist and offensive banner. However if you had armed and uniformed off duty police protecting you (as did the Texas people), you could walk all day. But if you had a picture of Muhammad and attempted to walk through a predominantly Muslim area, people would try to kill you even if you were escorted by the 82nd Airborne.

How can you not see the difference?
Well, they have no intention of stopping and neither do we. So, have fun.
Yes but they have no intention of stopping even if we do, at least not until Israel is annihilated and even that probably wouldn't be enough for them.
Heelbent gets it. Strum thinks facts that he doesn't agree with are opinions. Doesn't matter what you've done, studied, researched, etc, he knows more than you do. One of the most dangerous people is someone that thinks he knows things that he doesn't. Even worse are the uninformed with self granted moral superiority.

This is very simple- the reason we have a draw mohammed contest is because we have freedom of speech, this is America, and we will not be dictated to by those who choose to join our culture, and then seek to change it to suit them.

And just so you know, there is a Holocaust cartoon contest every year in Iran every year. Are the Jews blowing it up? So even if you have all of this "empathy" for them, don't you have to question the double standard? Ok for them,to ridicule other religions, but no one can ridicule theirs? They can call Jews apes and pigs, but no one can draw Big Mo? Screw those people and all those who apologize for them.
And that Holocaust Cartoon Contest was, according to them, in retaliation for the Mohammed mocking. They're all insensitive, done with the intent to insult and offend, and in very poor taste. But, as long as both sides resist any culpability and accountability, and play the game of "Well, THEY'RE the ones who started it!" then the violence will just go on and on. Organized religion has ruined this species.
And please tell us all about the Jews that became outraged and started blowing things up and cutting peoples' heads off over it. Oh, wait....didn't happen.

And if some right wing extremist decided to kill the Piss Christ artist, would you leftists blame the artist for provocation, or would you blame the extremist that committed a murder. You don't have to answer- we already know.
And please tell us all about the Jews that became outraged and started blowing things up and cutting peoples' heads off over it. Oh, wait....didn't happen.

And if some right wing extremist decided to kill the Piss Christ artist, would you leftists blame the artist for provocation, or would you blame the extremist that committed a murder. You don't have to answer- we already know.
Where have I condoned ANY of the killing or violence? Please show me.
It was a simple question.
No one ever said you condoned anything.
The question was who would you assign the blame to if the Piss Christ artist were to be killed by a Christian zealot. Would it be the artist's fault for "provoking" him by exercising free speech, or the person who killed someone over a "provocation."
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It was a simple question.
No one ever said you condoned anything.
The question was who would you assign the blame to if the Piss Christ artist were to be killed by a Christian zealot. Would it be the artist's fault for "provoking" him by exercising free speech, or the person who killed someone over a "provocation."

The blame is on both... period. The killing is far worse, for sure. It's against the law! You have to show some restraint in this country. But, there is some fault on the part of the antagonist. When you antagonize someone that is potentially volatile, and then they assault you, or even kill you, you (the assaulted) are never held accountable under our laws (I don't think. I'm not a litigator). The one who assaults you is charged and tried. But, I think the antagonist is culpable on some level.

Freedom of Speech is absolute. Having the better sense of knowing when NOT to use it is part of the Freedom, too! That's also clearly a subjective aspect. Where these people are concerned, I would suggest being more sensible. These people obviously have a hair trigger. Having contests to make fun of Jesus, or Mohammed, or any other sacred religious figure is going to get 1) headlines 2) confrontation 3) a possible dead body. Is it worth doing it just because you can? Not to me. To me, doing things like this is just being disrespectful for kicks. I remember Larry Flynt and Jerry Falwell's case over Flynt's parody Campari ad. I fully agree that Flynt had every right to publish the ad, but the purpose and intent was to insult Falwell. Some people got the joke. Falwell sued him. I realize that is not the same as killing Larry Flynt. I'm not challenging the degrees of reaction by the alleged victims. I'm asking people to consider that it's just disrespectful. So, what are you guys proposing? You want more Mohammed Cartoon Contests until they finally get the joke and finally see it for how most of us see it? Good luck... we'll get more violence and confrontation.

And, by the way, I have seen no "facts" in this thread. I see opinions and hearsay. Those opinions and allegations are in-line with most everyone on the board so maybe they get construed as facts. Especially if the opinion's source came from some really objective news outlet that has NO agenda of perpetuating the whole conflagration for as long as possible.
And, moving forward with this... what is the solution? These people are not very likely to get a sense of humor or tolerance about their prophet's image thing. So, what are we to do? Keep having contests until we bring them all out in the open and kill and/or arrest/incarcerate them here, while losing citizens who are practicing Free Speech along the way? You're going to eventually piss off even moderate Muslims who live here by doing that, which is creating more enemies and making the problem worse. Do you deport anyone who is Muslim? Set up seminars to help them get a better sense of humor?

The Texas incident is over. Since apparently 5-10% of them hate every one of us, and want us all dead... what's the plan?
"I have seen no "facts" in this thread. I see opinions and hearsay."

Do you really think the US military would take the actions below based merely on opinion and hearsay?

The U.S. military has raised its alert level for bases in North America to its highest since the 10th anniversary of 9/11 in the face of mounting threats from Islamic State sympathizers on American soil.

The move, which officials said is not based on a specific threat, was “informed by recent events,” a spokesman for U.S. Northern Command told Fox News.

The level, known as "Bravo," is the third of five levels of alert and means increased security at military posts across the country. A day earlier, FBI Director James Comey offered blunt remarks about the domestic threat from ISIS sympathizers, saying hundreds and possibly thousands of people in America are following ISIS on social media and consuming their "poison."

A Defense Department statement described the elevated alert level as a “prudent measure” to help mitigate threats.

“The USNORTHCOM Commander raised the baseline Force Protection Condition as a prudent measure to remind installation commanders at all levels within the USNORTHCOM area of responsibility to ensure increased vigilance and safeguarding of all DOD personnel, installations and facilities,” the statement said. “This change, in addition to random drills or exercises, is a mean to ensure that we effectively execute our force protection mission."

The heightened alert means additional security measures can be taken including stricter inspections of vehicles and IDs on military posts across the country. On the heels of the decision, the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force in Ohio canceled a scheduled concert for Friday night, citing "elevated security measures."
And, moving forward with this... what is the solution? These people are not very likely to get a sense of humor or tolerance about their prophet's image thing. So, what are we to do? Keep having contests until we bring them all out in the open and kill and/or arrest/incarcerate them here, while losing citizens who are practicing Free Speech along the way? You're going to eventually piss off even moderate Muslims who live here by doing that, which is creating more enemies and making the problem worse. Do you deport anyone who is Muslim? Set up seminars to help them get a better sense of humor?

The Texas incident is over. Since apparently 5-10% of them hate every one of us, and want us all dead... what's the plan?
what is the solution?

The solution? Really? Let me help you out, here. The only solution is an unwavering and unapologetic commitment to and enforcement of our free speech rights under the US Constitution! Good grief!
"I have seen no "facts" in this thread. I see opinions and hearsay."

Do you really think the US military would take the actions below based merely on opinion and hearsay?

The U.S. military has raised its alert level for bases in North America to its highest since the 10th anniversary of 9/11 in the face of mounting threats from Islamic State sympathizers on American soil.

The move, which officials said is not based on a specific threat, was “informed by recent events,” a spokesman for U.S. Northern Command told Fox News.

The level, known as "Bravo," is the third of five levels of alert and means increased security at military posts across the country. A day earlier, FBI Director James Comey offered blunt remarks about the domestic threat from ISIS sympathizers, saying hundreds and possibly thousands of people in America are following ISIS on social media and consuming their "poison."

A Defense Department statement described the elevated alert level as a “prudent measure” to help mitigate threats.

“The USNORTHCOM Commander raised the baseline Force Protection Condition as a prudent measure to remind installation commanders at all levels within the USNORTHCOM area of responsibility to ensure increased vigilance and safeguarding of all DOD personnel, installations and facilities,” the statement said. “This change, in addition to random drills or exercises, is a mean to ensure that we effectively execute our force protection mission."

The heightened alert means additional security measures can be taken including stricter inspections of vehicles and IDs on military posts across the country. On the heels of the decision, the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force in Ohio canceled a scheduled concert for Friday night, citing "elevated security measures."

Well, maybe there's proof that the last 14 years of foreign policy is working so well that it's getting worse. Keep that gas pedal floored. We'll live in a true police state sooner or later and those in power get to blame it all on them. They control it, we're stuck in the police state. So, who really "wins" in this game?

And, to answer the question, NO, I don't trust this sh*t any further than I could throw it. You trust it because your entire life has been spent being conditioned to trust whatever they say and do. I don't do that. You follow orders your whole life and it doesn't make you very objective.
what is the solution?

The solution? Really? Let me help you out, here. The only solution is an unwavering and unapologetic commitment to and enforcement of our free speech rights under the US Constitution! Good grief!
Be more vague. How are you going to enforce and implement that under these specific conditions? Keep having these stupid contests and see who shows up shooting? What a wonderful place this will be.
Well, maybe there's proof that the last 14 years of foreign policy is working so well that it's getting worse. Keep that gas pedal floored. We'll live in a true police state sooner or later and those in power get to blame it all on them. They control it, we're stuck in the police state. So, who really "wins" in this game?

And, to answer the question, NO, I don't trust this sh*t any further than I could throw it. You trust it because your entire life has been spent being conditioned to trust whatever they say and do. I don't do that. You follow orders your whole life and it doesn't make you very objective.
Yep. We deterred nuclear war and won the Cold War, beat Saddam Hussein in Gulf War I, prevented genocide and forced relocation in the Balkans, prevented Saddam from wiping out the Shia muslims in Iraq, kicked the Taliban out of power in A-stan, ousted Saddam Hussein in Gulf War II, decimated AQ with direct and indirect action, and killed bin Laden... yep. You could say I followed orders and got the job done, unobjectively. And, damn proud of it! What exactly have you done?

OBTW, enforcing the Constitution would only be perceived as a police state action by people who don't want a federal republic but rather a Sharia state. I want those who want a Sharia society to lose.
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Yep. We deterred nuclear war and won the Cold War, beat Saddam Hussein in Gulf War I, prevented genocide and forced relocation in the Balkans, prevented Saddam from wiping out the Shia muslims in Iraq, kicked the Taliban out of power in A-stan, ousted Saddam Hussein in Gulf War II, decimated AQ with direct and indirect action, and killed bin Laden... yep. You could say I followed orders and got the job done, unobjectively. And, damn proud of it! What exactly have you done?

OBTW, enforcing the Constitution would only be perceived as a police state action by people who don't want a federal republic but rather a Sharia state. I want those who want a Sharia society to lose.

And, look at the result!!! We now have crazed Muslims shooting-up a cartoon festival in Texas! Nice job subjugating the world abroad. Well done. Most of those incidents you claimed that you took care of were created by the same people that sent you over there! Spoken like a true obedient servant.

By the way, the deterring nuclear war and Cold War with the Soviets didn't require a firing a single shot at the Soviets.

There's not much difference in appearance of a Sharia state or Federal Republic if tyrants are in power. Soviet Russia wasn't a Communist country... it was a totalitarian dictatorship. The people in power call it whatever sounds good. The average people who experience it call it something else.

I didn't expect details from you as to how to enforce it. You need to wait for orders.
"I didn't expect details from you as to how to enforce it."
You do whatever it takes to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That should have been clear to you from my post, since I did whatever it took to do my duty to the best of my ability while I served this nation. That was good enough for me and hundreds of thousands of other vets who served while I was active duty.

Again. What have you done?
And, look at the result!!! We now have crazed Muslims shooting-up a cartoon festival in Texas! Nice job subjugating the world abroad. Well done. Most of those incidents you claimed that you took care of were created by the same people that sent you over there! Spoken like a true obedient servant.

By the way, the deterring nuclear war and Cold War with the Soviets didn't require a firing a single shot at the Soviets.

There's not much difference in appearance of a Sharia state or Federal Republic if tyrants are in power. Soviet Russia wasn't a Communist country... it was a totalitarian dictatorship. The people in power call it whatever sounds good. The average people who experience it call it something else.

I didn't expect details from you as to how to enforce it. You need to wait for orders.
"the deterring nuclear war and Cold War with the Soviets didn't require a firing a single shot at the Soviets."

Really? You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Completely blind, are you...
"I didn't expect details from you as to how to enforce it."
You do whatever it takes to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That should have been clear to you from my post, since I did whatever it took to do my duty to the best of my ability while I served this nation. That was good enough for me and hundreds of thousands of other vets who served while I was active duty.

Again. What have you done?

I'm not talking about that indoctrination Oath that essentially means "Tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it, no questions asked."

I mean, HOW do you correct the situation? You don't know until someone who's in charge to tells you. You never question it the orders or disobey them. You're conditioned to follow orders. It's abundantly clear. "Supporting and defending the Constitution" by that oath means "Do what we say!"

What have I done? One thing I did was nursed my father while he died, slowly and painfully, from Agent Orange cancer after he joined the service, only to be sent to some other sh*thole called Vietnam, so a bunch of wealthy mutherf*ckers could get more wealthy selling their napalm and helicopters and whatever else was profited from during that necessary War. After the VA failed him and screwed him over time after time we had to care for him! He "served his country" in Vietnam! It cost him his body and life, 25 years later, one tumor at a time. For what? He told me they called it "Supporting and defending the Constitution" then, too. Another scam, another farce for selling munitions and taking by force. My father at least had the good sense and humility to realize he was duped by these people in power and made sure I never had to go kill people- and be shot at- like he did, if "Gulf War I" had turned into a draft.He taught me to never allow myself to be used as human currency for these greedy, power-hungry people in charge of this place, who send kids off to fight, and die, for more acquisition and call it "Defending our freedoms."

Don't confuse "serving this country" with following orders to go blow-up peoples' homeland, okay? And, please don't confuse it with "Defending the Constitution."
I'm not talking about that indoctrination Oath that essentially means "Tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it, no questions asked."

I mean, HOW do you correct the situation? You don't know until someone who's in charge to tells you. You never question it the orders or disobey them. You're conditioned to follow orders. It's abundantly clear. "Supporting and defending the Constitution" by that oath means "Do what we say!"

What have I done? One thing I did was nursed my father while he died, slowly and painfully, from Agent Orange cancer after he joined the service, only to be sent to some other sh*thole called Vietnam, so a bunch of wealthy mutherf*ckers could get more wealthy selling their napalm and helicopters and whatever else was profited from during that necessary War. After the VA failed him and screwed him over time after time we had to care for him! He "served his country" in Vietnam! It cost him his body and life, 25 years later, one tumor at a time. For what? He told me they called it "Supporting and defending the Constitution" then, too. Another scam, another farce for selling munitions and taking by force. My father at least had the good sense and humility to realize he was duped by these people in power and made sure I never had to go kill people- and be shot at- like he did, if "Gulf War I" had turned into a draft.He taught me to never allow myself to be used as human currency for these greedy, power-hungry people in charge of this place, who send kids off to fight, and die, for more acquisition and call it "Defending our freedoms."

Don't confuse "serving this country" with following orders to go blow-up peoples' homeland, okay? And, please don't confuse it with "Defending the Constitution."
"Supporting and defending the Constitution" by that oath means "Do what we say!"

Wrong, again. It means "Take charge and move out." You really have no idea what you are talking about.

I get it. You are jaded and oppose the government. You don't think you are able to affect the kind of change you seek. You demean and belittle anyone who still believe defending it was worth the effort. But, you don't have the guts to really do anything substantive to change it... So, there are plenty other countries you could slip into out there... maybe you will find a nice sandy one you would actually prefer more than the one you currently live in. One that lops off the heads of Christians, crucifies its enemies, enslaves young, underage girls for sex, demolishes ancient cities for sport, etc...
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"Supporting and defending the Constitution" by that oath means "Do what we say!"

Wrong, again. It means "Take charge and move out." You really have no idea what you are talking about.
Whatever, dude. Save that pr*ck-waving rhetoric to dupe more kids into thinking they need to join up and "fight for freedom" by bombing and invading more countries to stay free here, okay? I know exactly WTF I'm talking about and it's nothing to do with taking orders to kill people I don't know, in their homeland, who have never wronged me. My Creator keeps me free, not the US Government or it's military might.
Whatever, dude. Save that pr*ck-waving rhetoric to dupe more kids into thinking they need to join up and "fight for freedom" by bombing and invading more countries to stay free here, okay? I know exactly WTF I'm talking about and it's nothing to do with taking orders to kill people I don't know, in their homeland, who have never wronged me. My Creator keeps me free, not the US Government or it's military might.
Then, go find a country that is very sandy and more to your liking...
Then, go find a country that is very sandy and more to your liking...

That's just it, man. That's what you don't get. There are no "countries" in truth. The WORLD is just one country! This nationalism, tribalism, religion, flags and borders are human constructs to keep people divided and fearful of one another so a handful can profit from it. You claim to be Godly, or Christian. Show it. This is ALL God's creation. "Whatever you do to the least of My brethren."

I'm done here. You keep the powder dry and hot.
Hey Nuk...journalist Abby Martin is getting rape and death threats from purported American vets because she wore a t-shirt that said "F**k Chris Kyle". Now that's free speech, right? THN11 earlier said we should have hundreds of those "Draw Mohammed" events. Should we all start wearing "F**k Chris Kyle" shirts, too? If not...why not?
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Chris Kyle helped secure her right to wear that shirt. Others don't have to like it,but she has the right. Just like we have the right to call her an ungrateful bitch for it.

Strum wants to enable the bully by not doing or saying things the bully doesn't like. Bullies prey on the weak ones like that.
If someone threatened her with violence, she has legal remedies and should use them. Those are the limits of free speech. Threats aren't protected, as that's a crime.....but you knew that.
Nice attempted distraction though
If someone threatened her with violence, she has legal remedies and should use them. Those are the limits of free speech. Threats aren't protected, as that's a crime.....but you knew that.
Nice attempted distraction though

Not a distraction at all. It's squarely on point. If one of those vets kills her do you now claim that all vets are evil murderers? That's how it works with Muslims. More to the point, if you're willing to hold "Draw Mohammed" contests to demonstrate the right to free speech, why not wear "F**k Chris Kyle" t-shirts? Why is one permissable but not the other?
More to the point, if you're willing to hold "Draw Mohammed" contests to demonstrate the right to free speech, why not wear "F**k Chris Kyle" t-shirts? Why is one permissable but not the other?
It's my opinion that they both are permissible and protected under our laws.
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Not a distraction at all. It's squarely on point. If one of those vets kills her do you now claim that all vets are evil murderers? That's how it works with Muslims. More to the point, if you're willing to hold "Draw Mohammed" contests to demonstrate the right to free speech, why not wear "F**k Chris Kyle" t-shirts? Why is one permissable but not the other?

1) No one is claiming all Muslims are evil murderers. That is not at all how it works.

2) Have we seen the actual threats against Ms. Martin, or are they like the same threats that Mary Willingham said she received? If there have been threats, then they should be investigated and the threatening parties should be charged accordingly.

3) Sure, you can wear a F**k Chris Kyle Tshirt if you want. I bet if you did and walked right down the middle of the street in any place in America, no one would kill you (well, at least not for wearing the shirt. You can walk down some streets in the US and get killed regardless of your attire). Then after you get done with that, put on a t-shirt that says F**K Muhammad and take a stroll down the street in a largely Muslim community in any location in the US and see what happens.
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1) No one is claiming all Muslims are evil murderers. That is not at all how it works.

You're kidding, right?

That's just the first one that popped up.

2) Have we seen the actual threats against Ms. Martin, or are they like the same threats that Mary Willingham said she received? If there have been threats, then they should be investigated and the threatening parties should be charged accordingly.


"Time to put on our raping shoes & find this bitch" "I hope ISIS cuts your clit off w/ a dull knife" #ChrisKyleFans

3) Sure, you can wear a F**k Chris Kyle Tshirt if you want. I bet if you did and walked right down the middle of the street in any place in America, no one would kill you (well, at least not for wearing the shirt. You can walk down some streets in the US and get killed regardless of your attire). Then after you get done with that, put on a t-shirt that says F**K Muhammad and take a stroll down the street in a largely Muslim community in any location in the US and see what happens.

And I'll bet there are places where wearing a Kyle shirt would, at the very least, get you beaten if not killed. The lunatic governor of Texas just put theTexas NG on notice because the US military will be conducting exercises there. Those people are bat-s**t crazy.

We can play that game all day. Did you notice how the Muslims all over TX reacted to the Draw Mohammed contest in Garland? Did you count the protestors? There were none...they ignored it.
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You're kidding, right?

That's just the first one that popped up.


"Time to put on our raping shoes & find this bitch" "I hope ISIS cuts your clit off w/ a dull knife" #ChrisKyleFans

And I'll bet there are places where wearing a Kyle shirt would, at the very least, get you beaten if not killed. The lunatic governor of Texas just put theTexas NG on notice because the US military will be conducting exercises there. Those people are bat-s**t crazy.

We can play that game all day. Did you notice how the Muslims all over TX reacted to the Draw Mohammed contest in Garland? Did you count the protestors? There were none...they ignored it.

1) I was referring to people on this thread, not in the world at large. But you knew that.
2) Investigate these people making threats- I have already said as much.
3) I disagree with your position about wearing a Kyle shirt. Most people in the US don't even know who Kyle is.

And yes, there were plenty of Muslims who ignored it. The free world's issues aren't with normal Muslims. The issue is that extreme Muslims take it much further as a rule than do extremists from other religions. For every 1 Eric Rudolph, there are tens of thousands of suicide bombers and other forms of muslim terrorists.
1) I was referring to people on this thread, not in the world at large. But you knew that.
2) Investigate these people making threats- I have already said as much.
3) I disagree with your position about wearing a Kyle shirt. Most people in the US don't even know who Kyle is.

And yes, there were plenty of Muslims who ignored it. The free world's issues aren't with normal Muslims. The issue is that extreme Muslims take it much further as a rule than do extremists from other religions. For every 1 Eric Rudolph, there are tens of thousands of suicide bombers and other forms of muslim terrorists.

No, I didn't know that as I was referring to the world at large - more specifically, I was referring to people right here in our own country. And if we call Abby Martin an ungrateful bitch, what do we call Pamela Gellar?
3) I disagree with your position about wearing a Kyle shirt. Most people in the US don't even know who Kyle is.

Chris Kyle? Who's that?

Are you serious? Most people in the US don't know Chris Kyle? C'mon, dude.

By the way, any statistics to prove the "for every 1 Eric Rudolph, there are tens of thousands of Muslims?"
No, I didn't know that as I was referring to the world at large - more specifically, I was referring to people right here in our own country. And if we call Abby Martin an ungrateful bitch, what do we call Pamela Gellar?

I'm referring to people ITT.

You can call Gellar whatever you want. I myself call her a hate mongering bitch with a death wish.
Chris Kyle? Who's that?

Are you serious? Most people in the US don't know Chris Kyle? C'mon, dude.

By the way, any statistics to prove the "for every 1 Eric Rudolph, there are tens of thousands of Muslims?"

I actually though Chris Kyle was the name of the woman who organized the contest until THBB just named Gellar. I then googled and figured it out.

Are you freaking serious with regards to stats? Nice try Strum, but at this point you are being obstinate for the sake of being obstinate. Just stop- you are being foolish at this point.

Sunni Muslim terrorists committed more than 70% (8,886) of the 12,533 terrorist murders in 2011. Note that the figure of 8,886 only covers the deaths caused by Sunni (i.e. orthodox) Muslim terrorists. Therefore, considering that the total figure includes deaths caused by Shi'ite Muslim terrorists, The Religion Of Peace's count of 9,015 dead bodies in 2011 is very conservative.

Sunni Muslim terrorists committed “about 70 percent” of the 12,533 terrorist murders in the world last year, according to a report by the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC).
The information comes from the 2011 NCTC Report on Terrorism, which is based on information available as of March 12, 2012.

“Sunni extremists accounted for the greatest number of terrorist attacks and fatalities for the third consecutive year,” the report says. “More than 5,700 incidents were attributed to Sunni extremists, accounting for nearly 56 percent of all attacks and about 70 percent of all fatalities.”

The report says that in 2011, a total of 10,283 terrorism attacks across the world killed 12,533 people. Terrorism also is blamed for 25,903 injuries and 5,554 kidnappings.

According to NCTC, of the 12,533 terrorism-related deaths worldwide, 8,886 were perpetrated by “Sunni extremists,” 1,926 by “secular/political/anarchist” groups, 1,519 by “unknown” factions, 170 by a category described as “other”, and 77 by “Neo-Nazi/Fascist/White Supremacist” groups. asked NCTC if it could break down the fatality and incident statistics by religious groups other than Sunni Muslims.

Carl Kropf, a spokesman at NCTC, told that the “only portrayal” NCTC has of terrorism perpetrators in 2011 is what is found in the report.

“We don’t break it down any further than that,” he said. “I thought it was a pretty good treatment of how it is not just Sunni extremists, but there are other elements that conduct attacks, and those are captured as best we can.”

The report showed that the number of terrorism-related fatalities “decreased by 5 percent” from 13,193 in 2010 to 12,533 in 2011, while the number of attacks dropped 12 percent from 11,641 in 2010 to 10,283 last year.

“More than half [6,418] of the people killed in 2011 were civilians and 755 were children,” the report noted.

Coming second after civilians were police: NCTC found that terrorism was responsible for the deaths of 2,423 law enforcement officers, followed by military security forces (1,389), and government representatives (768).

“Muslims continued to bear the brunt of terrorism, while attacks targeting Christians dropped nearly 45 percent from a five-year high in 2010,” stated NCTC.

“In cases where the religious affiliation of terrorism casualties could be determined, Muslims suffered between 82 and 97 percent of terrorism-related fatalities over the past five years,” added the report.
No more foolish than saying "Most people in the US don't even know who Chris Kyle is."

I already know what Muslims are being credited with and the casualties and the casualties are mostly OTHER Muslims. I was asking specifically for you to back up "For every 1 Eric Rudolph there are tens of thousands of suicidal Muslim terrorists." It doesn't take many to cause a lot of damage.