Rank 'Em- Old School Arcade Video Games


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Feb 25, 2003
Rank these in terms of total enjoyment:

Donkey Kong
Pac Man
Space Invaders
Spy Hunter

Feel free to add your own. Unlike other rank em threads, the rules are not strictly enforced here.
Dig Dug
Ms Pac Man
Pole Position
Dragons Lair

I considered all of those and the only one which came close to making the cut was Dragon's Lair, but in the end, it didn't have enough emphasis on skill.
all of your list were great games but Pac Man was my favorite. Use to get out of school and go to the Pizza hut and my sister was working and she would fix me a ham and cheese sub and a coke and give me a couple of dollars for Pac Man and the juke box. Those were great times.
Donkey Kong - I was a Donkey Kong killa back in the day...
Galaga - loved this game
Spy Hunter - my then-girlfriend (now wife) used to beat me all the time (and she still lets me know about it...LOL)
Joust - adding this one that was fun as hell
Space Invaders
Pac Man
donkey kong
spy hunter
space invaders
pac man

i was a donkey kong nerd growing up...getting to multiple pie factories was my life.

also loved spy underrated.
Off the top of my head.

Rally-X (probably the game I am best at)
Burgertime (my second best game.)
Gauntlet (Warrior needs food, badly. Elf shot the food.)
Star Wars
Ghost and Goblins
Donkey Kong Jr.
Mr. Do
Dig Dug
Double Dragon
Donkey Kong
Congo Bongo
Wizard of Wor
Ms. Pac Man
Pole Position
Pac Man
Qbert (would be higher but I never played enough to get the hang of moving diagonally.)
Star Castle
Zaxxon (had the same issues as Qbert.)
Spy Hunter
Space Invaders

Dragon's Lair came along as the industry was in decline and was laserdisc based. I don't really consider it in the same category as the others. But I did enjoy it--except that it cost twice as much to play...

Click here to revisit a lot of these games...
Originally posted by UNC71-00:
Rank these in terms of total enjoyment:

Donkey Kong
Pac Man
Space Invaders
Spy Hunter

Feel free to add your own. Unlike other rank em threads, the rules are not strictly enforced here.

Spy Hunter - in a close call with Donkey Kong, the music of Spy Hunter pushes it to #1.

Donkey Kong - I wasn't very good at it but it was an awesome game.

Galaga - There's a machine at the South Park mall movie theatre that probably still has me as the high score. I was the bomb at this game. On a side note, I was never quite sure how to pronounce it. Is it "GAL-a-guh" or "Guh-LAG-a"?

Centipede - What made this game cool was that it had the sit-down version machine. You often saw these in Pizza Huts (Mrs. Pac-Man was another). But having the ability to sit down and lean on the machine and play allowed for better top scores.

Pac-Man - Decent game but it was clearly overshadowed by Mrs. Pac-Man, the far superior game.

Space Invaders - just lame. Awful graphics. I even liked Asteroids better.

Need to give a shout out to a few that weren't mentioned. Moon Patrol was my sh*t. I kicked ass in that game. Missle Command was also legit. And what's the deal with omitting Dig Dug, Tron and Q*bert? All those were legendary arcade games.
Originally posted by WhatTheHeel?:

Off the top of my head.

Burgertime (my second best game.)

Mr. Do




Pole Position

Nice memory. I had completely forgotten about a couple of these.

Burgertime - pretty cool
Rampage - one of my favs. I was always the gorilla.
Mr. Do - a complete Dig Dug imposter.
Joust - Superb! The noises in the game were kind of scary though - you know, when you'd get knocked off your Ostrich or whatever it was?
Paperboy - kind of cool just because of the handlebars steering.
Kangaroo - cool but kind of a knock off of DK.
Pole Position - AWESOME. I never knew what they said before the race started.
Frogger - a classic although the Seinfeld episode gave it an unearned legendary status.
Of the original list Defender was my favorite or it's big brother Stargate to be precise.

A few others I can think of:

Cyberball (I love this game so much I have the 4 player version in my basement)
Red Baron
Lunar Lander
Missile Command
Star Trek
Track and Field
Punch Out
Originally posted by gunslingerdick:

Originally posted by WhatTheHeel?:

Off the top of my head.

Burgertime (my second best game.)

Mr. Do




Pole Position

Nice memory. I had completely forgotten about a couple of these.

Burgertime - pretty cool
Rampage - one of my favs. I was always the gorilla.
Mr. Do - a complete Dig Dug imposter.
Joust - Superb! The noises in the game were kind of scary though - you know, when you'd get knocked off your Ostrich or whatever it was?
Paperboy - kind of cool just because of the handlebars steering.
Kangaroo - cool but kind of a knock off of DK.
Pole Position - AWESOME. I never knew what they said before the race started.
Frogger - a classic although the Seinfeld episode gave it an unearned legendary status.
Yeah, I spent way too much time in the arcade.

Some of these I didn't really play until I got a Multicade at home.

Rampage - I was the wolfman.
Mr. Do - I agree, but it was unique enough for me to enjoy.
Joust would startle you when that pterodactyl came in and charged you.
I wasn't good at Paperboy because of the steering.
Pole Position, I know they said "Prepare to Qualify" but I don't know what was said before the actual race.

Another game I totally forgot but really loved was Track and Field.
And one I could never handle was Defender. Too many buttons! :)

Anyone who has fond memories of this era should watch King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters.
Originally posted by lovetheHeels!:

Of the original list Defender was my favorite or it's big brother Stargate to be precise.

A few others I can think of:

Cyberball (I love this game so much I have the 4 player version in my basement)
Red Baron
Lunar Lander
Missile Command
Star Trek
Track and Field
Punch Out
Never played a lot of video games in my lifetime, but, I did play the Missile Command game . .
Anybody else remember the old text interactive games like Zork, Wishbringer etc.. ?
I forgot about the sit down, cockpit version of Star Wars. That was an all time great.
I always loved Ms. Pac Man. Could play that games for hours on end.

Galaga was awesome too. There is a pattern on that game where if you waited and didnt kill the last bee on the bottom left of the screen, you could wait until it dropped down 2 times in a row without dropping bombs.When it did that and you finally kill it, the rest of the game, no one the bees would drop bombs. You could rack up points and extra rockets and never lose. All you had to do was kill the bees because you didnt have to worry about dodging the bombs.

Super Pacman also had a pattern on the board. As long as you followed the pattern, you'd never get killed.

This thread is AWESOME!!!
Never played many arcade video games, but when I do/did, it was Pac Man & Mrs. Pac Man.
Galaga-Easily my favorite arcade game of all time. Love it.

Donkey Kong-Fun game and it ranks here for me simply because of the awesome documentary made about it.

Spy Hunter

I didn't really care for the rest of them. I really don't remember what games we played when we went to the arcade besides Galaga.

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