Recruiting Rankings


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2003
I knew we had some good momentum but ummmm Mack has put together the 3rd ranked class for 2021. Yes we are talking about football, not basketball. Wow. Impressive.
If it absolutely comes to it, I think they would try to play the games without fans in the stands before cancelling the season.

We need the opportunity to put a large number in the win column to keep the momentum rolling. One more top level class and we'll be one of the most talented teams in the country.
They will play. May not start at the normal time, but they will play the season. Too much money on the line. Football is the athletic cash cow that most universities can't do without.
Now I know that some, and college administrator types would be on this list, that either want a vaccine or zero cases of the virus before they come out of their hiding places. Well, that is well and good. But working with that theory will mean that we have an economy that rivals Rawanda at the end of this thing. At some point, and some point soon, folks are going to have to put their big boy pants on and deal with this as best we can. Is this virus serious? Sure. Thousands die of a normal flu every year even though they trot out a vaccine every fall. Cold blooded to say, but true. And this is not to discount their worth. But the vast majority dying from this are compromised in some way due to age, or existing medical condition. They weren't going to be able to handle the next upper respiratory issue to hit them no matter what it was. And this doesn't marginalize their issues in comparison to the pleasure of attending a ball game. But the world keeps turning no matter what. And if we don't get things back to normal, with necessary cautions and testing, a lot of the population will be wandering the street after being evicted, or foreclosed on.
To be direct, at some point in the next 60 days, this country has to make a big decision that goes 1 of 2 ways. Continue the shut down until we have a vaccine, or open things up progressively, while recognizing that there will be flare ups of the virus again but acknowledging that the long term affects of prolonged shut down far exceed the short term impact of health risk. (That’s not to discredit any persons health or those that have died or will die from the virus)
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I don't think they can wait 60 days. And the federal government can't send out checks, and fund unemployment forever. If they don't turn the economic machine back on soon, the jobs lost will never be regained. Many wont be regained as it is. Have to proceed with folks not shaking hands, washing hands, etc., to limit spread as much as possible, but at some point they have a choice to make between understood loss of life or a 3rd world economy
Maybe, maybe not. Commissioners have said no college sports until students return to campus. There's some stuff going on in CA that might make things difficult. I'd say it's not looking good
It will be insane for the rest of the country to continue in lock down because of 1 or 2 or 3 states. This thing has never gotten half as bad as the many worse-case predictions, and it seems to have crested already in most places.

Time to get back to normal life. That includes school starting in the fall semester.

Give football teams an extra week or maybe 2 in Fall Camp and play the season as scheduled.
UNC up to #2 in class of 2021 football recruiting rankings, ahead of Clemson at 3 and behind Ohio State at 1.

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