Who else is super excited for the premier of the 30 for 30 tonight about The Nature Boy? Seriously, I haven't been this excited to watch something on TV since Monday, April 3rd.
^ two times a day? Too lazy for that shit.
@heelmanwilm kicked him off his lawn after crashthe best 30 for 30 to date, to me ... but admittedly I was a HUGE Ric Flair fan as a kid. Had never heard that he survived an airplane crash near Wilmington NC.
@heelmanwilm kicked him off his lawn after crash
Right? I'm still fairly young at 28 and even I think that's exhausting.Wait...so he spanked twice a day AND banged a chick each day?
i drank with him in 2001 on a tour bus while we watched wake forest/carolina...carolina had a gigantic lead in that game, durant set records, yet still lost..but he kept giving me miller lites and telling stories.
Well, he only averaged banging 5 chicks a week for the last 40 years.Wait...so he spanked twice a day AND banged a chick each day?
Banged 10k chicks? Damn, that's one every weekday for 40 years straight.... woooooo!
I still don't get it.
Same; I've never got the whole wrassling thing, but to each his own.I still don't get it.
Absolutely classic. That puts my Ric Flair tale to shame, but here goes:
About six or seven years ago I worked on a commercial shoot for the North Carolina Education Lottery which he starred in. While he was still in the motor home with wardrobe and makeup, the out-of-town producer was going around telling us all not to talk to our celebrity once he walked onto set.
In this market we work somewhat regularly with famous or semi-famous athletes and celebrities, and the last thing anyone is ever guilty of is being unprofessional. Plus, it was only Ric Flair and he never struck me as an aloof individual.
But that wasn't the message behind it. The fear was if you got Flair to talking he wouldn't stop long enough to step on his mark and deliver his lines for the camera, which is pretty much what happened. Of course it was the client and agency that ended up being the distraction, which was fine since they were the ones doling out the cash that day.