Rick Pitino

Yep he is a bitch, like Roy never hears crap like that. I said it before maybe the guy brought up his recruiting whore house!

This was shared on another board by a reliable poster. I cut and pasted HIS comment.

"I talked to a guy over lunch who was in that section last night. The fan yelled at Pitino, "Make sure you tip both your waitresses next time!"

No profanity. Nothing to get ejected over in my opinion. Just a clever, rude dig at the opposing coach. Apparently Coach Williams told the officials he agreed with the ejection."
I really thought joining the ACC was a step up for the Cards, these posts do not do anything to make me think the ACC is the classy league I thought it was and UNC was one of the programs I respected.

If you judge class of a basketball conference by facetious comments by poasters on a message board you're a bigger clown than your coach.

Moving on, if the waitresses comment is what was said, that's hilarious and in no way merits an ejection.
i wish fans at games were polite, respectful, restrained, etc etc. but the reality of college basketball is fans yelling rude comments at visiting coaches and players. unfortunately, pitino lacks the self-control and maturity to ignore a rude fan which is consistent with his rage and lashing out at his own players during the game.
I really thought joining the ACC was a step up for the Cards, these posts do not do anything to make me think the ACC is the classy league I thought it was and UNC was one of the programs I respected.

I'm sure Pitino has never said anything as bad, or worse, than "suck" on the court .. he prolly does Sunday school classes and sings in the church choir .. maybe even a youth bible study when he's not too busy. Not only is he an ahole brat he's a friggin' hypocrite Prima Donna .. jmho
UL can't get out of their own way. The only guy that can get away with that uses the dark side of the force.