Here is a pretty good interview with Gregg by Howard Stern. Stern doesn't ask kiss-ass questions (like him or not). This was in 2012, a year or so after his liver transplant, I think. I saw where he died from complications of liver cancer, and that developed from delayed effects of the transplant. Anyway, the interview is pretty good. You can tell that Allman is a bit slower and more deliberate. He seems like a man that, back in his younger years, when he was more physically capable, could be set-off and get really mean. We all have that trigger, of course. His life and experience probably didn't help to defuse that. His father was murdered when he was very young. The murderer contacted him later in life from prison. I think Allman was peaceful at heart (I think all people are), but he had some demons and pain that he struggled with. He talks about some of it in the interview.
Gregg Allman was considering being a dental surgeon and was a valedictorian in junior high school.