SEC commissioner Greg Sankey’s removal as Committee on Infractions chairman due to a conflict of interest in the University of North Carolina’s prolonged NCAA investigation has been officially requested.
The letter cited NCAA bylaw 19.3.4, which states “no member of a hearing panel shall participate in a case if he or she is directly connected with an institution under investigation or if he or she has a personal, professional or institutional affiliation that may create the appearance of partiality.” Abrams indicated Sankey’s role as SEC commissioner created the appearance of partiality, which has been a topic of conversation amongst talking heads in recent months. In February, ESPN basketball analyst Jay Bilas criticized the NCAA for allowing a sitting commissioner to be in charge of the Committee on Infractions.
The letter cited NCAA bylaw 19.3.4, which states “no member of a hearing panel shall participate in a case if he or she is directly connected with an institution under investigation or if he or she has a personal, professional or institutional affiliation that may create the appearance of partiality.” Abrams indicated Sankey’s role as SEC commissioner created the appearance of partiality, which has been a topic of conversation amongst talking heads in recent months. In February, ESPN basketball analyst Jay Bilas criticized the NCAA for allowing a sitting commissioner to be in charge of the Committee on Infractions.