star wars(give your reviews in this thread)POSSIBLE SPOILERS!!!!!!!!

I'm assuming you mean reviews for the newest movie, so I'll chime in while trying to avoid spoilers. Like many of you, I was 8 when I saw the first movie and it blew me away. The first one will always reign supreme because it kind of came out of nowhere in terms of production value for a space movie. The moment the words begin scrolling up the screen and the Star Destroyer keeps going and going by was sensory overload for me at the time.

That said, I got a nostalgic chill when I was in the theater and saw the same scrolling text (different words, of course) and the same John Williams score. Note, I opted for 3D, but really don't think that it adds much to the movie. Even though I've not followed the Star Wars universe outside of the movies, it wasn't hard to see where things were going and there were not really any surprises. Even the "big one" near the end, you could kind of see coming. But it didn't matter. The movie was almost, for me, more about catching up with old friends and seeing what they are doing than anything else. The subtle references to the original movies (things like certain phrases used and the hologram chess set) was appreciated. The humor added but wasn't over the top/slapstick. As best I can remember and noticed, the special effects/CGI were very realistic. I really like when movies have imperfect heroes that make mistakes and sometimes have to rely on luck to get out of a situation. John McClain in Die Hard is a good example of this. They seem more relatable than the ones who walk through every situation as if it were choreographed. This movie definitely works on that level.

A few things I didn't care for too much. The first bit of the movie flowed almost exactly like the first movie. Maybe this was intentional and/or unavoidable. I don't know. Also, for me, the actor playing Kylo Ren just didn't look the part. I can't say what I'd expect, but it just didn't feel right visually. He was fine with his acting, I suppose. I think he just looked a little too much like a young Gene Simmons and that distracted me.

A couple notes about the theater/experience. This was several weeks after the premier and a weekday matinee in a relatively small town. The theater was maybe 1/4 full. The ages of those in attendance was largely 45+ or under 10--and the under 10 were mostly there with grandparents. Also, several people clapped at the end of the movie. I just thought this funny because JJ Abrams, etc... was certainly not there to hear. Finally, unless you just want to watch the entire credits scroll, don't wait around afterwards. Unlike the Marvel Comics movies, there is no teaser/foreshadowing of the next movie.

Sorry I rambled. I really did enjoy this movie and would probably even go back and see it again (in 2D, most likely) just because it's one of those that really works best on a big screen.

My series ranking:

A New Hope
Empire Strikes Back/The Force Awakens (tie)
Return of the Jedi

All the others, probably in reverse order of release.
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i shouldn't say "sucked" but i was felt like they tried too hard to be over the top...not sure if it was technology or just ren's light saber was ridiculous looking.

i don't ever remember watching the original trilogy thinking "i didn't need to know that"...however, i liked the backstory stuff in clones and revenge, perhaps because that info filled in the gaps for the original trilogy...maybe i need to see it by myself.

it's 6th out 7 right now for me....

Had to watch it the second time to gain a better grasp on what they tried to accomplish. Second time went down alot better for me
Um, dude?

Han Solo was killed by his own son.

You kids today are so jaded lol.

That was it? Really?

It would have been a spoiler if someone said Han Solo survived. A 200 year old Harrison Ford is a perfect character to kill off.
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The story might have been a bit familiar, but so what? It was a reintroduction to our old favorites. Let the next two movies advance the story.
This was my reaction in a nutshell. There were a LOT of plot parallels to the original trilogy. That can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your perspective. I definitely like that there are loads of unanswered questions that do a great job setting up the last two movies. My only concern is that some of the questions are going to have predictable answers, but maybe there will be some good surprises along the way.
seeing again this week, maybe tomorrow.

interesting article i read today thinks rey belongs to obi wan.
Just got back from seeing it in 3D. It was pretty awesome, but needed more lightsabre duels
[/Between who? Ren isn't fully converted yet and Rey is just starting to use The Force. Remember that the First Order killed off all the Jedi Knights except Luke. Finn didn't stand a change against Kylo Ren and, like I said, as far as we know, that was the first time Rey had even picked up a light sabre for use.
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Watch the cartoons Disney put out last year. Disney's storyline still had at least 2 jedi besides ob1 and Yoda. Cartoon is a backstory of the early rebellion. Some speculation is the old man that was killed at the beginning of the movie was one of the jedi from the cartoon
bought a book yesterday called's supposed to close the gap between 6 & 7.

taking suggestions for anything between 3 & 4....heard the disney series rebels was pretty cool, but haven't watched it yet.
I read that as well. I guess I nerd out on star wars too much. Rebels is good. It brings in some characters from the clone wars series
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Should I really watch the cartoons? Where would you rate the cheese factor, on a 10-point scale?

Also, for comparison, rate Chewy, Ewoks, and Jar-Jar on your cheese scale.
I would say no to needing to watch. If you like the novels and back stories then yes. Many just stick with the movies. I see nothing yet that will fill in any blanks with the cartoons. I rate them 7.5 out of 10. Jar jar and the ewoks are a total waste imo
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So after abrams disappoints me with the third khan redo with the star trek movie he basically remakes the first star wars in this movie! Wth! The plot is identical! Does the dude not have an original thought??!!

Having said that i still enjoyed it
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I would say no to needing to watch. If you like the novels and back stories then yes. Many just stick with the movies. I see nothing yet that will fill in any blanks with the cartoons. I rate them 7.5 out of 10. Jar jar and the ewoks are a total waste imo
No, on the good end
Finally saw it yesterday in a virtually empty movie theater (Movie Tavern).

I give it a 7.75/10. Visually, it was really cool. Just a lot of cool shots and cool-looking terrain/weather/scenery that just wasn't possible to capture back in the '70s.

My main gripe I had while watching the movie (and I see that someone above said this too) was that the casting for Han Solo's son is Visually, he just doesn't look right. I don't know who would look better, but that just wasn't a good fit. Homeboy's head is ginormous and it just wasn't a good fit. Honestly didn't look like Han and Leia could produce a kid that looked like that.

Other than that, the casting and characters were pretty likable. I did think the storyline advanced a bit too quickly in a slapdash fashion, but maybe that was just me.

Finally, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher just looked too old for their roles lol. I know that's how it's supposed to be, but I couldn't buy old-looking Harrison Ford punching people and shooting people on the run.

Overall though, solid movie.