Supreme Court Decision on Illegal Immigration


Hall of Famer
Nov 10, 2009

From the article:
The Supreme Court handed President Obama a significant legal defeat Thursday, refusing to revive his stalled plan to shield millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation and give them the right to work legally in the United States.

In response, Obama sharply criticized congressional Republicans for refusing to consider his nominee to the Supreme Court, and he vowed that programs implemented under his executive authority to prioritize deportations would continue.

The second paragraph cracks me up. The supreme court shot down his bill to keep illegals in the country, and he gets all pissed off at the Republicans for not getting his nominee in there to stack the deck for his proposal. Then on top of that, he promises that he's going to keep pushing the issue even though the Supreme Court has already given their ruling on it.
The sad truth is that most won't pay any taxes because they will qualify for the earned income credit not to mention free cell phones etc.
I took a public policy course at UNC taught by a super huge lib from California who helped author the finer points of the earned income tax credit. He seemed like a cool enough dude but got damn that dude was as liberal as they come when it came to fiscal policy.
My feelings on the SCOTUS decision:

For more reasons than one. Of course I like that we are actually going to enforce the law (what a crazy notion). But I know it ruined Obama. And that makes me very happy.

I lean pretty hard right on immigration, .

Not as far right as I do. Because as I've said in many poasts, I'm in favor of suspending legal immigration for the foreseeable future. No. One. In. At. All. See my avatar for further details.
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Not as far right as I do. Because as I've said in many poasts, I'm in favor of suspending legal immigration for the foreseeable future. No. One. In. At. All. See my avatar for further details.
You and I are on the same page on this issue, as you know. Illegal immigration is such a wide-ranging problem that impacts so many facets of our society. It pisses me off to no end that BOTH parties ignore it and don't wanna touch it because they don't want to upset potential current and future voters. F*** that shit. This is a real problem that's affecting our nation. Put your re-election dreams aside and do something to fix the damn problem.
No one has a RIGHT to immigrate to the U.S.A. On the contrary, the U.S.A has the RIGHT to reject any immigrant we damn well please. Screw the PC crap. If all an immigrant is going to do is come into the country and go immediately on the dole, then don't let 'em in!
The stupidest argument in this debate is that "America is a country founded on immigration". Yes, that's a true statement. But the immigration that allowed the country to flourish was back in the 1700's with the English/French/German immigrants and even up until the pre WW2 days with the Irish and Italian immigrants during the Industrial Revolution. Those periods we had plenty of room for more people. Now we're up over 350 million people and its a completely different ball game. The big cities are beginning to become over saturated. And that's exactly where immigrants flock. If all immigrants would be shipped to North Dakota where there's plenty of room for them, maybe we could reconsider, but they won't be - they'll be flocking to the already crowded major metropolitan areas.

That's setting aside the issue that back a hundred years ago and prior - if an immigrant came into the country, we know they would have to bust their ass in order to survive and potentially thrive. There wasn't as much risk for the already-citizens. In today's world, those immigrants can come in and just suck off the teat of the government at everyone else's expense.
The stupidest argument in this debate is that "America is a country founded on immigration". Yes, that's a true statement. But the immigration that allowed the country to flourish was back in the 1700's with the English/French/German immigrants and even up until the pre WW2 days with the Irish and Italian immigrants during the Industrial Revolution. Those periods we had plenty of room for more people. Now we're up over 350 million people and its a completely different ball game. The big cities are beginning to become over saturated. And that's exactly where immigrants flock. If all immigrants would be shipped to North Dakota where there's plenty of room for them, maybe we could reconsider, but they won't be - they'll be flocking to the already crowded major metropolitan areas.

That's setting aside the issue that back a hundred years ago and prior - if an immigrant came into the country, we know they would have to bust their ass in order to survive and potentially thrive. There wasn't as much risk for the already-citizens. In today's world, those immigrants can come in and just suck off the teat of the government at everyone else's expense.
QFT. Excellent post. As the old saying goes, there's no room in the inn.
The stupidest argument in this debate is that "America is a country founded on immigration". Yes, that's a true statement. But the immigration that allowed the country to flourish was back in the 1700's with the English/French/German immigrants and even up until the pre WW2 days with the Irish and Italian immigrants during the Industrial Revolution. Those periods we had plenty of room for more people. Now we're up over 350 million people and its a completely different ball game. The big cities are beginning to become over saturated. And that's exactly where immigrants flock. If all immigrants would be shipped to North Dakota where there's plenty of room for them, maybe we could reconsider, but they won't be - they'll be flocking to the already crowded major metropolitan areas.

That's setting aside the issue that back a hundred years ago and prior - if an immigrant came into the country, we know they would have to bust their ass in order to survive and potentially thrive. There wasn't as much risk for the already-citizens. In today's world, those immigrants can come in and just suck off the teat of the government at everyone else's expense.
