Talk nerdy to me: Machete order for LOTR?


Hall of Famer
Mar 9, 2007
Lowell, NC
@heelz2345 @JuleZ '02 HEEL @Raising Heel and others --

I was thinking about this last night. Y'all are familiar with the "Machete" style of watching the six Star Wars films (for those who don't know, here's what it is and the rationale behind it).

I'm wondering if a similar, alternate order of viewing could be applied to the LOTR trilogy + Hobbit trilogy? I've got a couple different orders in mind but wanted to see what y'all thought before I share.
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I've never really thought about it, but that's interesting. My thought would be you throw the Hobbit in when Frodo meets Bilbo in Rivendell, just because nothing else really came to mind as a clear place to insert the Hobbit story. With that said, might want to use the fan edit version that condenses the three Hobbit movies into one.
I've never really thought about it, but that's interesting. My thought would be you throw the Hobbit in when Frodo meets Bilbo in Rivendell, just because nothing else really came to mind as a clear place to insert the Hobbit story. With that said, might want to use the fan edit version that condenses the three Hobbit movies into one.
One of the ideas in my head is pretty similar to yours, but I'll hold on to it until there's a couple more replies.

What is this fan edit you speak of? I'd be interested in seeing that. I really enjoyed the Hobbit trilogy (except for the awful re-work of Bilbo taking the ring instead of finding it, as myself and @JuleZ '02 HEEL have discussed), but it would interesting to see how people have edited it down to one movie.
Which episode of Battlestar Galactica was the best:

The Road Less Traveled (Season 4)
Resurrection Ship (Season 2)

One of the ideas in my head is pretty similar to yours, but I'll hold on to it until there's a couple more replies.

What is this fan edit you speak of? I'd be interested in seeing that. I really enjoyed the Hobbit trilogy (except for the awful re-work of Bilbo taking the ring instead of finding it, as myself and @JuleZ '02 HEEL have discussed), but it would interesting to see how people have edited it down to one movie.
Yeah, there's a couple out there where they condense it, I don't really have all the specifics, but mainly stuff that isn't really pertinent to Bilbo is left out, like the love story, Legolas, all the foreshadowing to LOTR that in context of the films releases is actually hindsight.
Can't speak for THM, but no. Nor Star Trek. Nor Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, or even the first episode of Game of Thrones.

F it, maybe I'm the lame one. GFY.
IMO, Star Trek and Game of Thrones kinda suck lol. But I'm all about LOTR.

I'm definitely not "nerdy" in the stereotypical sense, and I really don't even like that much sci-fi stuff, but as a kid, I was ALL ABOUT some Star Wars. I loved it. This was before Episode 1 (the first of three they made in the late 90s and early 2000s) came out. I'd watch one of the only three in existence at that time, over and over and knew everything about them.

But then the Fellowship of the Ring movie came out and really brought the books to life for me. I had tried to read them at the encouragement of my dad, but I was only like 11 or 12, so I couldn't really grasp the enormity of Tolkien's universe. That first movie really helped me "get" it, and ever since then, LOTR has almost ruined Star Wars for me in a way. Like, I do love Star Wars, but those movie can't compare to the LOTR trilogy movies. IMHO.
I never saw the second and third Hobbit. Did they get better? I thought the first one was terrible. I was let down after the LOTR series, which I loved. I love all the books though.
IMO, Star Trek and Game of Thrones kinda suck lol. But I'm all about LOTR.
I disagree about GoT, but I will grant that about half of the Trek movies are not good. The common theory is the odd numbered Trek movies are the worst. I really liked the newest one though. I haven't seen the TV shows of Trek though.
Yeah ... I don't know about trying to mix up the LOTR and Hobbit movies. I'm glad they did the Hobbit so I could get another Middle Earth movie fix (although they probably should have made it one movie, or two at the most, IMO) but they're not on the same level as the LOTR trilogy. And the little bit of backstory they provide isn't needed to follow or enjoy LOTR. So my advice to anybody who hasn't seen these movies and is interested would be to watch the LOTR trilogy, and then if you enjoy those and want more, watch the Hobbit trilogy.

FWIW, I'd probably recommend the opposite for the books. Get a little taste with the lighter, easier-to-read Hobbit, and then if you want more, dive into Fellowship.

But I'm curious to hear about your machete order for the movies and the reasoning behind it.
Can't speak for THM, but no. Nor Star Trek. Nor Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, or even the first episode of Game of Thrones.

F it, maybe I'm the lame one. GFY.
I did get through the first LOTR film... but barely. I thought it was ending about 3 times before it finally ended. The story itself just doesn't interest me much.

I watched the first 3 Harry Potter films.

I watched the original Star Wars films in the theater, and several times after. I've never made it all the way through any prequel film.
Yeah ... I don't know about trying to mix up the LOTR and Hobbit movies. I'm glad they did the Hobbit so I could get another Middle Earth movie fix (although they probably should have made it one movie, or two at the most, IMO) but they're not on the same level as the LOTR trilogy. And the little bit of backstory they provide isn't needed to follow or enjoy LOTR. So my advice to anybody who hasn't seen these movies and is interested would be to watch the LOTR trilogy, and then if you enjoy those and want more, watch the Hobbit trilogy.

FWIW, I'd probably recommend the opposite for the books. Get a little taste with the lighter, easier-to-read Hobbit, and then if you want more, dive into Fellowship.

But I'm curious to hear about your machete order for the movies and the reasoning behind it.
Yeah, I would say the same thing. I watched the Fellowship movie in theaters, then read Hobbit+LOTR before Two Towers was released. The LOTR movies are way better than the Hobbit movies, I don't think the Hobbit movies are terrible like some of my friends do, but they have a lot more filler than the LOTR movies
Why are people who haven't watched or don't like LOTR in this thread?

Anyway, as far as the OP, I've never really thought about it. Interesting idea. Seems like the only place you could break up the LOTR story would be between the first two movies, after Frodo and Sam separate from the Fellowship. It would be too disorienting to break after the battle at Helm's Deep. So maybe something like this?

Fellowship of the Ring
[Flashback] Unexpected Journey
[Flashback] Desolation of Smaaaawwg
[Flashback] Battle of the Five Armies
The Two Towers
Return of the King
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Yeah, I just pulled the run times off IMDB. The extended editions would probably run a full 24 hours.
The extended editions are awesome... EXCEPT the alternate "ending" they put in The Return of the King where they
have Wormtongue kill Saruman right in the beginning of TROTK
. It's cheesy and stupid. They made a good decision to cut that out of the theatrical release.
@TarHeelNation11 are you going to wait until there's nobody here on a Friday afternoon to actually post your proposed viewing order?
Sorry, sorry. I actually had to do some work for like an hour. I know...on a Friday. WTF. Here's my favorite proposal of the ones I've mulled over in my head:

- Fellowship of the Ring until they get to Rivendell (specifically, at the end of the Council of Elrond...this is where Disc 1 ends on the extended version of the Fellowship of the Ring). <-- This basically get you introduced to the story and gets you up to the point where they've just decided the ring needs to be destroyed. Well hang, on, how did this hobbit even come to own this ring? Enter...
- Hobbit 1, Hobbit 2, Hobbit 3
- Pick back up immediately after the Council of Elrond in Fellowship
- The Two Towers, The Return of the King