I will push you out of my car going 80 mph, then visit you in the hospital and pull out your IV.
No f'n sh!t. Hates classic rock, likes Skynyrd. What the hell?
That's like saying I hate going to get a massage, but I love the dentist.
I will push you out of my car going 80 mph, then visit you in the hospital and pull out your IV.
Hey, I honestly am not bothered by THN's musical tastes, the dude is free to like and listen to whatever he wants, same as any of you, same as me. I agree with you, I don't listen to much country music, which is almost unheard of in the part of NC where I live. So what's crazy to one person is totally normal to another.
I just am looking forward to when I'll be baffled by my children not liking music that is currently popular, or when I hear that music on "classic" stations. "This is 96.5 WQRT, playing all the classics. That was "99 Problems" by Jay-Z, and now we have Maroon 5 on the way"
The Wizard of Oz, ...Gone With The Wind...Casablanca? Those were made 70+ years ago. But they're just as good today as they were in those days. And I like them and I certainly wasn't born anywhere near the time those films were made.
The age of the music and the age of the listener shouldn't matter. If anything, I'm more likely to be drawn to something because it's old and because I wasn't fortunate enough to have been around when said piece was made.
Yeah, except that will rarely happen because that music sucks.
Floyd is easily the best IMO. I like Zeppelin and a lot of the other stuff too but it is Floyd and then everyone else in terms of 'classic' rock for me.
Wish You Were Here is one of my all-time favorite albums.Floyd is easily the best IMO. I like Zeppelin and a lot of the other stuff too but it is Floyd and then everyone else in terms of 'classic' rock for me.
Don't I know it. I may have to Vincent Van Gogh both my ears by the sound of things.THN11, you better hope some kind of defense shows up or its gonna be a LONG season!
Double linked and multi-color? Must be important.@uncboy10 @Raising Heel
Normally I wouldn't post stuff like this, but saw it this morning and thought it pretty well summed it up.
Double linked and multi-color? Must be important.
@uncboy10 @Raising Heel
Normally I wouldn't post stuff like this, but saw it this morning and thought it pretty well summed it up.
Dear god...gag me with a chainsaw.
"Hey man...make love, not war. Let's all do a bunch of drugs and grow our hair and beards really long. And not bathe...and wear Birkenstocks with socks."
I thought the point might be lost on THN but it was most certainly lost on you.
What the hell has you so pissed off recently?
Have I been pissed off lately? More of a dick than usual? I can't even tell anymore.
As a big fan of both Floyd and Zep, I'll go with Zep as the band that gave the greatest music to rock 'n roll fans. They're(Led Zep) collective work far exceeds what Pink Floyd produced . . . and actually, its not even close between the two.
Jus' saying . .
Floyd has 'Dark Side and 'The Wall' as high quality pieces . .
Zeppelin has so much more . . #s 1, 2, 3, (#4)Zoso and then you can throw in the Graffiti piece.
Zep has it all day long over PF . .