That Rutgers board is trash

Rarely have I seen a bunch of fans whose team just beat us soundly be so insecure. Kind of reminds you of another school a little closer that wears red.
Rutgers is an outstanding academic institution and probably would be a better fit for the Ivy league , especially since their traditional rivals are there. Lehigh and Lafayette being 2 others that are traditional rivals. You can keep blabbing about our scandal all you want and everybody knows that it goes on everywhere and probably in every department in most FB schools. I do concede that Rutgers probably hasn't had this issue due to it's fairly recent introduction to big time athletics and the relative scarcity of big time HS football talent coming out of NJ. Good luck in the B1G , I am afraid you guys are going to have a tough time especially with the likes of OSU , Wisky , MSU , Nebraska and with PSU righting the ship and Harbaugh on the way to your beloved Michigan things will be even tougher. Congrats on your 1949 men's fencing championship.
Grill heel I am the biggest State fan in the world and I am on your side on this one. Also what kind of fans show up on another teams board running their mouths after a victory. I do not know if that is Rutgers thing or a New Jersey thing?
Originally posted by chattreb:
Grill heel I am the biggest State fan in the world and I am on your side on this one. Also what kind of fans show up on another teams board running their mouths after a victory. I do not know if that is Rutgers thing or a New Jersey thing?
Chattreb, I apologize to you personally for the unnecessary shot. I appreciate your correct analysis of this pretty senseless discussion.
Originally posted by HeelFan58:

Rutgers is an outstanding academic institution and probably would be a better fit for the Ivy league , especially since their traditional rivals are there. Lehigh and Lafayette being 2 others that are traditional rivals. You can keep blabbing about our scandal all you want and everybody knows that it goes on everywhere and probably in every department in most FB schools. I do concede that Rutgers probably hasn't had this issue due to it's fairly recent introduction to big time athletics and the relative scarcity of big time HS football talent coming out of NJ. Good luck in the B1G , I am afraid you guys are going to have a tough time especially with the likes of OSU , Wisky , MSU , Nebraska and with PSU righting the ship and Harbaugh on the way to your beloved Michigan things will be even tougher. Congrats on your 1949 men's fencing championship.
With your name including number 58, I take it that you are stuck in the past.

Lafayette? Lehigh? How about including Colgate, and the like? That goes back, way back! You must be an old man, stuck in the past.

For your information, in case you are not aware, now there is something called the Internet, which is pretty cool. Look it up!

New Jersey scarce of football talent? You obviously are not well informed.

The Big Ten will be a challenge. But we are on our way up. Now, the kids from New Jersey are beginning to show an interest in staying in the state. There is a buzz that, Kareem Walker, for example, from Wayne, NJ, and the #1 ranked running back in the country (class of 2016) is talking about staying. And he is just an example.
guys who live in new jersey which is a synonym for garbage pail hate people who live in the southern part of heaven. imagine that.
Originally posted by JimmyinVA:
guys who live in new jersey which is a synonym for garbage pail hate people who live in the southern part of heaven. imagine that.
As a Tar Heel football fan I ask you this rhetorical question:

Who is your daddy?

This post was edited on 12/28 5:39 PM by RUalumnus
RUalum: First thing symbolized is spelled with a "y". I thought an alum of an Ivy type school wouldn't have a problem with spelling. 2nd thing if you think UNC is on the way down you aren't living in the past or future, you are living in dementia. 3rd thing "a thing called the internet" duh I'm on it dumazzzz. 4th I can guarantee you Walker won't be at Rutgers it will be Bama or Ped State. It's called lip service. Face it you guys just are not a national player in College Sports. Did I mention the "identity" problem. Rutgers is it a college , an obscure sport played with an odd shaped ball or a clothing brand??? I seriously doubt you are anybody's daddy in any sport not since the '49 men's fencing championship any way. How's that for OLD??? Final thing: Can we consider you a permanent resident on our chat board? Obviously there isn't enough interesting going on at the RU board. That is if you have one cause I've never been interested enough to check.
Hey RUalum...


Now go away...

This post was edited on 12/28 5:47 PM by TarHeelMark
Originally posted by RUalumnus:

Originally posted by JimmyinVA:
guys who live in new jersey which is a synonym for garbage pail hate people who live in the southern part of heaven. imagine that.
As a Tar Heel football fan I ask you this rhetorical question:

Who is your daddy?

This post was edited on 12/28 5:39 PM by RUalumnus
yeah, losing to you idiots hurts for a few days, but living in a cesspool like new jersey (even temporarily to go to school) would hurt forever. new jersey -- that's my sweet revenge.
Originally posted by HeelFan58:

RUalum: First thing symbolized is spelled with a "y". I thought an alum of an Ivy type school wouldn't have a problem with spelling. 2nd thing if you think UNC is on the way down you aren't living in the past or future, you are living in dementia. 3rd thing "a thing called the internet" duh I'm on it dumazzzz. 4th I can guarantee you Walker won't be at Rutgers it will be Bama or Ped State. It's called lip service. Face it you guys just are not a national player in College Sports. Did I mention the "identity" problem. Rutgers is it a college , an obscure sport played with an odd shaped ball or a clothing brand??? I seriously doubt you are anybody's daddy in any sport not since the '49 men's fencing championship any way. How's that for OLD??? Final thing: Can we consider you a permanent resident on our chat board? Obviously there isn't enough interesting going on at the RU board. That is if you have one cause I've never been interested enough to check.
To the Old Man:

Yes, "symbolized" has a typo. I guess it is the same thing that happened to you with Ped State. Is that a new Big Ten school?

UNC certainly does not have the reputation that it once did; that is the truth, plain and simple. I am not making it up. And I do not have anything against UNC. As a matter of fact, I like it very much. And I love Chapel Hill, which I visited in 2011 for the Rutgers vs. UNC game. But the truth is that UNC is not regarded as it once was.

I was not sure you were aware you are on the internet, since you were born in '58. You ain't a young man, although you might not be aware of that either.

We [Rutgers] certainly are not a national power. We admit that. It will take a good 5 to 10 years to be mentioned in the same sentence with Michigan, Ohio State, and the like. But we are on the right track.

Is Rutgers a college? Are you kidding me? Look it up; you will be impressed, especially now with the integration of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and Rutgers. We are two universities in one! You have to take a good look at Rutgers. Take a look, don't take my word for it.

Well, in football, we are your daddy. We simply gave the Tar Heels a whipping, on national TV. It was painful to watch.

No, I will not be a permanent resident of your board. As a matter of fact, this is the first time ever that I write. I just got turned off by the title of this thread, and by the content.
RUalum.... saying that the scandal at UNC is a national disgrace is a bit of a stretch. Yes, it sucks and no alum or fan is proud of it.

But that sound you hear is 99% of the other major universities shredding documents and removing any evidence of the same thing going on at their schools, and breathing a huge sigh of relief that somebody else's transgressions got discovered before theirs did. That doesn't excuse what took place at UNC, but it's the truth.

This post was edited on 12/28 6:04 PM by TarHeelMark
To the Old Man (HeelFan58):

I realized that you were saying "Ped State" to refer to Penn State, as some refer to it after the Sandusky incident. I did not think of it, because I would not have expected you to do such a thing. I kind of had developed a positive impression of you.

This post was edited on 12/28 6:10 PM by RUalumnus
Originally posted by RUalumnus:
To the Old Man (HeelFan58):

I realized that you were saying "Ped State" to refer to Penn State as some refer to it after the Sandusky incident. I did not think of it, because I would not have expected you to do such a thing. I kind of had developed a positive impression of you.
On this point, I am in total agreement with you. Sandusky should get the death penalty, IMO, but no one should continue to pile on to the current team, coaches, etc. at Penn State as they had nothing to do with that disgusting mess.
Originally posted by TarHeelMark:
RUalum.... saying that the scandal at UNC is a national disgrace is a bit of a stretch. Yes, it sucks and no alum or fan is proud of it.

But that sound you hear is 99% of the other major universities shredding documents and removing any evidence of the same thing going on at their schools, and breathing a huge sigh of relief that somebody else's transgressions got discovered before theirs did. That doesn't excuse what took place at UNC, but it's the truth.

This post was edited on 12/28 6:04 PM by TarHeelMark
Any college that has an 'AFAM' is going to have grade inflation problems tied directly to academics perverted toally by being political vehicles. Anybody who thinks UNC's 'AFAM' is the only one that got that bad is hopelessly naive, the kind of hopeless naiete that continues to believe Al Sharpton will eventually become a decent human being with common sense and basic morals.
RUalum: Wow you must be real young and dumb if you thought Ped State was a typo. Just sit there and think about it a while. Rutgers on the same level as OSU , Michigan etc. Damn you are delusional. 1st thing you have no recruiting base , the few good players in NJ will be scooped up by PSU , UM and OSU been happening for 100 years and will continue cause you just cannot compete with a 52.545 seat stadium. Hell even we sneak in and get a good one out of NJ from time to time see Tommy Hatton. Those guys love getting out of Jersey. Rutgers just got no cache , no gravitas. Hell , you got the 13th ranked recruiting class in the B1G .....hate to tell you son but that ain't the way to be "up and coming". I maybe old but I realize our team is mediocre this year at best , but we are still out recruiting you so our prospects looking better than yours.
I commend RU on their APR but if you think big time recruits care about that...... and I'll take our AFAM scandal over an Assistant molesting little boys and the Administration looking the other way. There has been tons of academic/cheating scandals but the B1G got the one and only molestation scandal or I hope they do.
This post was edited on 12/28 6:24 PM by HeelFan58
Yes, you are right. I might be exaggerating. On the other hand, it was embarrassing when the news was spread worldwide. It was shameful and embarrassing. I am from New Jersey, but I felt embarrassed myself.
Originally posted by TarHeelMark:
RUalum.... saying that the scandal at UNC is a national disgrace is a bit of a stretch. Yes, it sucks and no alum or fan is proud of it.

But that sound you hear is 99% of the other major universities shredding documents and removing any evidence of the same thing going on at their schools, and breathing a huge sigh of relief that somebody else's transgressions got discovered before theirs did. That doesn't excuse what took place at UNC, but it's the truth.

This post was edited on 12/28 6:04 PM by TarHeelMark
Delusional..thanks for my making my point for me. Every College President comes in saying oh we gonna win NC's conference championships blah , blah , blah. Rutgers athletic budget last year...28 million deficit , 47 million in subsidies from the university most in the nation. 1,2 million drop in ticket sales. Don't doubt me on this there is a hierarchy in college football and Rutgers and UNC aren't in it and ain't gonna be in 10 years either. You are not going to be a top team in the B1G only taking good students as athletes. They are a limited breed. Reality bites man. UNC turns guys down every year that go to SEC , B1G or even other ACC teams. You can keep talking the AFAM all you want but all it was is a liberal administration not paying attention to a politically correct department. UNC accepts 27% of applicants overall and Rutgers accepts 43% does this make one better , not necessarily but UNC more applicants to last class than ever. As far as your location it's just not a positive because people in the NYC area don't give a shit 'bout CF and NY to be the 4th most populated state(just passed by FL and we just passed MI) turns out almost nothing for CF talent. CF is what it is basically same 10-15 teams with a Boise sneaking in from time to time by playing a cream puff schedule and it ain't changing any time soon and with the 4 team playoff will get more exclusive if anything. Oh yeah scandals...don't forget Mike Rice it was a lot of $$$'s it cost you guys.
If people want to live in NYC so badly then why is the population steadily dropping? NYC is an open cesspool , the mayor is an avowed communist and doesn't even support the Police force and the population was dumb enough to elect him. I have been to NYC and hope I never have to return for any reason. Face it people want to live somewhere that has nice weather and a lack of obnoxious crowds. People move north to south and not south to north stats don't lie. I feel for all of you that are stuck there.
Originally posted by HeelFan58:

If people want to live in NYC so badly then why is the population steadily dropping? NYC is an open cesspool , the mayor is an avowed communist and doesn't even support the Police force and the population was dumb enough to elect him. I have been to NYC and hope I never have to return for any reason. Face it people want to live somewhere that has nice weather and a lack of obnoxious crowds. People move north to south and not south to north stats don't lie. I feel for all of you that are stuck there.
To the Old Man:
I suggest you tune in to ABC on December 31st at 11:55 PM and watch for a little bit. Tell me if they look as if they are suffering.

Another thing: In New York, the population did not drop this year, it went up. It became the 4th state in population, a drop of one notch, because the population of Florida increased by a wider margin, becoming the third.

This post was edited on 12/28 7:57 PM by RUalumnus

This post was edited on 12/28 7:58 PM by RUalumnus
Ahhh Yeah I've seen it before and YES they are suffering just most are too stupid to realize it or have never known anything different to compare it too. Packed like sardines in freezing weather on the filthy streets of NY. I myself will be in Myrtle Beach with temps in the high 50's to mid 60's in a club with a great band and plenty of cold brews and if I get tired of the crowd I can walk outside and smell the surf. Probably be more than a few NY'ers there too , probably very few Carolinians standing in the cold streets of NY . The best choice is obvious if you have it.
if you RU fans actually believe your own bs then you shouldn't be afraid to go to the rivals and scout boards for the other B1G teams and ask their fans if they would swap even up, the Heels for the Scarlet Knights, tomorrow, or any other day for that matter...

a trade that puts UNC into the B1G and RU out, if they could make such a trade...

you won't like the overwhelming percentage of the answers...

the most disappointing part of that thread on your rivals board (the one that spawned this thread), was the incredible stupidity of the lies repeated from that pathetic abc-er website that so many media members seem to get their stories from, rather than actually looking things up or reading reports...

moronic drivel such as UNC created an academic discipline just to keep athletes eligible...

try actually reading the Wainstein Report instead, imperfectly inaccurate as it is, or any of its seven predecessors, if you want to come here to discuss this...

there is a reason why the NCAA's President Emmert pointed out UNC did not have to do this (the last report which merely discusses the same thing one more time), since the NCAA had said it was satisfied that these issues had been handled and should remain closed, but UNC went ahead and did this last investigation, anyway...

causing Emmert to observe that UNC should be commended, because we actually do put academics first when there was no other reason for us to hire Wainstein...

but I guess RU fans wouldn't understand that concept...
Oh forgot to ask you R-alum: Why do you need to expand the stadium when your average attendance is only around 46K? There is a concept called supply and demand. We average over 54k and have 2 other division 1 programs less than an hour away and 2 more in about a 2 hour range. Rutgers is the only game in the state. Talk about boring , standing in the street in the cold looking up and waiting for an apple to drop while surrounded by morons. I guess simple minds are easily amused!
To the Old Man:

That is because, as we start winning big time on a consistent basis, we will attract more fans. The current dimensions of High Point Solution Stadium will prove to be too constrictive.

Talking about simple minds!

This post was edited on 12/29 1:58 AM by RUalumnus

This post was edited on 12/29 2:03 AM by RUalumnus
Not going to get involved in this insane drivel.

I'm responding to a member of your board that actually said the State of NJ is not a strong recruiting base. LOL

NJ is a top 10 state for Div 1 football talent and the #6 state for players in the NFL!
This post was edited on 12/29 6:44 PM by zappaa
Not sure when #16( based on last 5 years) is in the top 10?? 11th or 12th most populated but only 16 in FB talent most of which goes out of State. States below them all have much smaller populations too except the cesspool known as NY a pathetic #22..
This is just too fun. If you read my post, I make no reference to any comparison between UNC and Rutgers.
I simply wanted to point out some facts that a reasonably intelligent individual could understand.
Some are comfortable in their ignorance, I am not. I was hoping that some of the things that I listed would enlighten some here to the quality of education at Rutgers. I am not comparing it to UNC at all, just pointing out that Rutgers provides our economy with many of the movers and drivers that make it go. (CEO of Ford Motor Co is a RU grad along with ranking 10th in the nation in the number of Fortune 500 CEOs). Rutgers is also the 13th oldest college in the country.
The NJ comments are another example of the ignorance in this thread. As of 2012, NJ was third in the US in Per Capita income where as North Carolina was 38th. I guess the best and brightest are choosing to live in a cesspool. If you have any doubts about what comes out of NJ, some day look up the number of iconic entertainers that were from NJ.
Their are too many to name but some that you may recognize include Sinatra, Springsteen,Nicholson, Streep, Abott, Costello, Pesci, Travolta, BonJovi, Valli, Cruise and Depalma to name a few.
You can continue in your ignorance by ignoring the facts if thats what makes you happy.

This post was edited on 12/31 1:35 PM by snowboarder
Originally posted by HeelFan58:

Oh forgot to ask you R-alum: Why do you need to expand the stadium when your average attendance is only around 46K? There is a concept called supply and demand. We average over 54k and have 2 other division 1 programs less than an hour away and 2 more in about a 2 hour range. Rutgers is the only game in the state. Talk about boring , standing in the street in the cold looking up and waiting for an apple to drop while surrounded by morons. I guess simple minds are easily amused!
RU will not even consider expansion until we have solid season sellouts, and a waiting list for new fans....anyone telling you otherwise is just guessing and guessing wrong.

I also would like to know if the 46 k figure is people in the seats, or tickets sold with students figured in etc....I know we sold out the Michigan, Penn state and wisconsin games and the others seemed to be close to 50,000......we did have bad weather for half of our home games, and a lot of our fans would skip a game

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