(Editor's note: for the sake of this thread, I kindly suggest/request you put aside the Trump - NFL - anthem thing for a second)
Where has American patriotism gone? Remember the 90s? Remember how everyone was so proud to be American? Tons of everyday clothing was American themed; people would wear American flag shirts or shorts or dresses. In general, it seemed folks were outwardly very proud to be American. Were we a perfect nation in the 90s? Hell no. Plenty of terrible things went wrong in the 90s. But people were still proud to be American.
Fast forward to the past 5 or so years. What the **** has happened? Why is it so "cool" now for folks (I'm trying to keep this non-political so I'm not gonna identify who it is that usually does this and I'll just say "folks") to be sorta anti-American and trot out the "Yeah man, Canada and Norway do it better. American society is so behind the times." What the what?! I hate that so much.
Is America perfect? Hell no. There are things that BOTH political parties do and support that make America not perfect. But is America 1000% better than any other country on earth? You bet your fuggin nuts it is. I'm sick of this fad of some folks being "ashamed" to be American and ish like that. American patriotism is now mocked in 2018 as "'Murica hahahaha!!!111!!!! You are patriotic so you must be a backwards guy with a Southern accent and a deep voice!!!111!!!"
Sick of it man. I know a ton of Americans are still patriotic, but there's certainly a vocal group that is proudly anti-American and I don't support that one damn bit. USA! USA!
Where has American patriotism gone? Remember the 90s? Remember how everyone was so proud to be American? Tons of everyday clothing was American themed; people would wear American flag shirts or shorts or dresses. In general, it seemed folks were outwardly very proud to be American. Were we a perfect nation in the 90s? Hell no. Plenty of terrible things went wrong in the 90s. But people were still proud to be American.
Fast forward to the past 5 or so years. What the **** has happened? Why is it so "cool" now for folks (I'm trying to keep this non-political so I'm not gonna identify who it is that usually does this and I'll just say "folks") to be sorta anti-American and trot out the "Yeah man, Canada and Norway do it better. American society is so behind the times." What the what?! I hate that so much.
Is America perfect? Hell no. There are things that BOTH political parties do and support that make America not perfect. But is America 1000% better than any other country on earth? You bet your fuggin nuts it is. I'm sick of this fad of some folks being "ashamed" to be American and ish like that. American patriotism is now mocked in 2018 as "'Murica hahahaha!!!111!!!! You are patriotic so you must be a backwards guy with a Southern accent and a deep voice!!!111!!!"
Sick of it man. I know a ton of Americans are still patriotic, but there's certainly a vocal group that is proudly anti-American and I don't support that one damn bit. USA! USA!