The General Lee is now a general LIE


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Oct 1, 2010
I took this today at the Hobby Lobby in Anderson, SC. I'm getting some supplies and the guy behind me puts this on the counter... and I had to get a photo. I was in awe. He said "I know, man. I'm going to see if I can find a decal, or make one, or just paint it on." I would have left it on the shelf. I wanted to go see if they had a Hindenburg model and left the Swastikas off the tail-fins.

Americans are some weird folks.

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That's why I don't shop at Hobby Lobby anymore. Tired of their PC BS.
I don't think this is a Hobby Lobby thing. It's the model manufacturer.
the Dukes of Hazzard was hardly a racist show. Context, Context, Context!
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of course this happened in Massachusetts. maybe @Hark_The_Sound_2010 can offer his services. Still not as bad as what happened at Emory in Atlanta. Students freaked out and asked for counseling because someone wrote a positive message about Trump on the sidewalk using chalk.

OMG. I just realized what I fear???? The future, over-sensitive, my mommy wiped my butt until I was 10 Generation!!!! I have to take some of the blame though. My twins are 24 and tend to take things way too seriously sometimes, even though I don't. I allowed them to think freely and be who they are, which I don't regret but I had no idea they would be so influenced by their peers more than being influenced by me. The Internet had just started when they were born and I didn't know it would be this huge in our lives, good and bad.
I hate people. Also, I kindly invite any of these over-offended white-guilty Northerners to come down here and drive around any Southern town they want. They'd faint within 15 minutes from all the Rebel flags they would see flying from folks' front porches.
of course this happened in Massachusetts. maybe @Hark_The_Sound_2010 can offer his services. Still not as bad as what happened at Emory in Atlanta. Students freaked out and asked for counseling because someone wrote a positive message about Trump on the sidewalk using chalk.

My services are offered to stick a boot in their ass and give them something to actually be offended about. I honestly can't believe that these puds are taken seriously with this always crying offended bullcrap.

The most concerning thing about that whole story is that there is actually a "Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer" on that campus. By even employing someone with that title you are inviting people to feign being offended over stuff like this all the time. I think I should apply to be a Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer at some school up here, and then when people come to my office because some meanie-face in their class said they're gonna vote for Trump, or has a flag on their laptop, I can punch them in the face and give them something to actually be offended about. I would still be adhering to my job title too: I would be very diverse (I'd be an equal opportunity puncher - any race, religion, or political stance would be open to it) and I would include them all (back into a society of normal acting people).
My services are offered to stick a boot in their ass and give them something to actually be offended about. I honestly can't believe that these puds are taken seriously with this always crying offended bullcrap.

The most concerning thing about that whole story is that there is actually a "Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer" on that campus. By even employing someone with that title you are inviting people to feign being offended over stuff like this all the time. I think I should apply to be a Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer at some school up here, and then when people come to my office because some meanie-face in their class said they're gonna vote for Trump, or has a flag on their laptop, I can punch them in the face and give them something to actually be offended about. I would still be adhering to my job title too: I would be very diverse (I'd be an equal opportunity puncher - any race, religion, or political stance would be open to it) and I would include them all (back into a society of normal acting people).
Once you become Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, just tell them to read this board. Then they'll really be offended. I'll see to it personally :p

"Now get outta my yahhhd kid."
I hate people. Also, I kindly invite any of these over-offended white-guilty Northerners to come down here and drive around any Southern town they want. They'd faint within 15 minutes from all the Rebel flags they would see flying from folks' front porches.
I don't see them flying from a lot of porches or yards anymore. I think that's a good thing, too. There is a context where they can symbolize an adherence to racial divisions and hatreds. There are also settings where they convey nothing derogatory at all. I see people saying "what if Germans flew Swatikas now?" Well, then I'd deal with that on a case-by-case basis, too. Germany's history is not identical to the US's history.

The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (a political party started by and created for Mississippi blacks in 1964) used the Confederate Flag in some of their symbols. The flag has been used in totally benign contexts... like a 1969 Dodge Charger in a TV comedy show. This kind of blanket censorship inhibits people from telling the difference.
I've wavered back and forth on the conf flag. It is quite complicated to me for many reasons

Its not the actual conf flag to begin with! (But its embraced as such by most people on both sides of the argument so i guess its irrelevant to the argument,) so if u want to argue its about "history" then i'm gonna call bs since Its obvious u dont know jack about history.

But If u assume its the conf flag (see above) then it flew over the army of a country that fought against and killed american soldiers. My fam is from ala by way of immigrating to wisc from netherlands long after the civil war. I feel zero loyalty to the defunct and defeated entity that is the confederate states. I'm just 'merican.

It also flew over a country that was fighting over the desire to enslave a race of people. (Yea yea spare me the states rights stuff, it was over slavery, several states said as much point blank in their articles of secession, not to mention the designer of the flag HIMSELF stated it was in response to the god given right to enslave blacks) so descendants of slaves and those wh sympathize with them have every right to be offended by it TO A CERTAIN EXTENT which is....

It has no more right flying over any govt building than the british or french flags (countries who did more to establish this country and have contributed far more to our history than the confederate states ever did)

BUT Outside of that

There are people who dont see the flag as representing slavery but instead southern pride and defiance of fed govt interference. They have the right to feel that way and express it. I admit i think you're declaring yourself an ignorant red neck but thats jmo.

Th pc culture has taken it wayyyyyy too far in equating it to the swastika and wanting all indications of it removed (except from govt property) The car in the tv show had the flag on it. U dont like it DONT BUY THE CAR. Otherwise it is a factual non avoidable aspect of our history and people have a right to observe it, defend it, and commemorate it in the manner they wish.

The flag, like all flags, represents submission to the authority of and to be governed by the entity it represents. If u want to fly it and declare allegiance to the confederate states and be governed by their principles then go ahead. It is your right. I choose to fly an american flag and I declare allegiance to what it represents. You have to choose one or the other though. They represent polar opposites in most every way.

I never enslaved anyone. Nor do i desire to. Its OVER. Dont expect me to pay the price for what happened a hundred years ago.
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All this is crap. The first amendment gives a white person the right to fly that flag just like it gives a black person the right to fly a black panther flag. There is no case by case basis. Freedom of speech was put into the constitution so unpopular speech could be heard and protected.
I don't think this is government imposition... yet.

I'm hoping (fingers-crossed) that the Supreme Court allows the Washington Redskins to have their copyright back. It has nothing to do with me not being empathetic to the plight of descendants of the indigenous tribes of the continent (I hate the PC term "native american"), it has to do with people understanding context.

There are dozens of high schools where the enrolled are mostly the descendants and they use Redskins as their mascot. That is absolute proof positive that the term is NOT ALWAYS offensive. One of those inoffensive situations is a football team nickname/mascot.

And, the Redskins "Indian Head Profile" logo was drawn by and offered by a tribe in South Dakota! They wanted them to use it and they had a member of the tribe create it. It was considered a noble amalgam of their ancestral warrior. No insult, no discrimination, no intent to ridicule. In fact, it's the exact opposite of all of those.
Completely right @heelmanwilm that people -- on either side -- don't know jack sh*t about history. That's why I called it the Rebel flag above, not the Confederate flag. More proof people have no clue........

Georgia changed their state flag because they were getting pressure to do so. They took out the portion that people think of as the "confederate flag" and instead changed it to an identical version of the Stars and Bars (first flag of the CSA) and just plopped the Georgia state seal in the middle of the ring of stars. This is THE flag of the Confederacy folks, and since the change, no one has said jackshit about it being racist LOLOL. People are just looking for stuff to be offended by; they have no clue what they're talking about though.

original Stars & Bars

Revised Georgia state flag
Completely right @heelmanwilm that people -- on either side -- don't know jack sh*t about history. That's why I called it the Rebel flag above, not the Confederate flag. More proof people have no clue........

Georgia changed their state flag because they were getting pressure to do so. They took out the portion that people think of as the "confederate flag" and instead changed it to an identical version of the Stars and Bars (first flag of the CSA) and just plopped the Georgia state seal in the middle of the ring of stars. This is THE flag of the Confederacy folks, and since the change, no one has said jackshit about it being racist LOLOL. People are just looking for stuff to be offended by; they have no clue what they're talking about though.

original Stars & Bars

Revised Georgia state flag
I always try to SAY "Rebel Flag", too.

I always laugh at the Georgia state flag ordeal! The one that had the Battle Flag was unacceptable... so offensive! Then they wind-up with a virtual twin of the First National Flag of the Confederacy! Symbols and peoples' associations with them are always entertaining.
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Why should I care if anyone is offended? Why should any of us care? I mean, when did everyone's feelings start mattering so damn much. "Oh, you're offended? Not sure I care but thanks for letting me know."

But it's our culture now. We allowed this to happen when we started caving to everyone's complaints. And when it happened, some of us said this is a slippery slope - bending over to meet the needs of the few. And like some do with similar situations today, people said, "Relax, what do you think is gonna happen." Well, this happened. We've created a culture where everybody's little feelings are hurt by pretty much everything. And what's worse, we give a shit.

On a related but not-so-related note, I was watching the movie Weird Science the other night (seriously underrated John Hughes 80s flick) and at one point, Gary (Anthony Michael Hall) uses the word "******". I was like, "daaaamn, I haven't heard that word in quite some time". No way that gets written into a movie these days...unless of course it's used in a way to make the person saying it look like a terrible, awful, POS, bigot.

** EDIT - Haha. Even Rivals now censors the word. My goodness. I typed the word in and then I hit poast and the word changed to a bunch of asterisks. Anyway, the word I wrote was fagg0t.
We've created a culture where everybody's little feelings are hurt by pretty much everything. And what's worse, we give a shit.

This is so true, and so disappointing.

** EDIT - Haha. Even Rivals now censors the word. My goodness. I typed the word in and then I hit poast and the word changed to a bunch of asterisks. Anyway, the word I wrote was fagg0t.

It's always nice when your point is proven as soon as you make it - as evidenced by the overly sensitive censorship on a message board.
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On a related but not-so-related note, I was watching the movie Weird Science the other night (seriously underrated John Hughes 80s flick) and at one point, Gary (Anthony Michael Hall) uses the word "******". I was like, "daaaamn, I haven't heard that word in quite some time". No way that gets written into a movie these days...unless of course it's used in a way to make the person saying it look like a terrible, awful, POS, bigot.
DiCaprio uses it at the very end of The Departed while talking to Matt Damon during the Big Scene. Granted, that was what, like 2004? But still more recent than Weird Science. I like that they put that word in there at that situation because that's just how people talk when they're pissed at someone.
** EDIT - Haha. Even Rivals now censors the word. My goodness. I typed the word in and then I hit poast and the word changed to a bunch of asterisks. Anyway, the word I wrote was fagg0t.

DiCaprio uses it at the very end of The Departed while talking to Matt Damon during the Big Scene.
THN, I know you hate Louis C.K., but he does a great bit about this and other offensive words. His point, quite simply, is that people ascribe literal (and therefore hateful/offensive) meaning to words when sometimes that's not what you mean at all. He says there are times when it's okay to call somebody a fagg0t because, well, they're acting like a fagg0t.

ETA: LOL, even the Google search preview stops making suggestions when you type in "Louis CK fag...."
THN, I know you hate Louis C.K., but he does a great bit about this and other offensive words. His point, quite simply, is that people ascribe literal (and therefore hateful/offensive) meaning to words when sometimes that's not what you mean at all. He says there are times when it's okay to call somebody a fagg0t because, well, they're acting like a fagg0t.

ETA: LOL, even the Google search preview stops making suggestions when you type in "Louis CK fag...."

South Park also has a great episode on this topic. About how some words shouldn't be taken literally to be associated with whatever offensive thing they're being associated with. They made a whole episode calling Harley riders fags, because they're annoying to listen to. The adults thought they were being insensitive until they got to the bottom of it. The best quote was when they asked them what they would call a straight person riding a Harley, and they responded "a fag" and then they asked what they would call a gay person riding a Harley and they responded "a gay fag, duh"

THN, I know you hate Louis C.K., but he does a great bit about this and other offensive words. His point, quite simply, is that people ascribe literal (and therefore hateful/offensive) meaning to words when sometimes that's not what you mean at all. He says there are times when it's okay to call somebody a fagg0t because, well, they're acting like a fagg0t.

ETA: LOL, even the Google search preview stops making suggestions when you type in "Louis CK fag...."
Maybe I'll have to check that out, RH.

And yeah, Hark, the writers of South Park are just genius. *motorcycle noise*
I don't think this is government imposition... yet.

I'm hoping (fingers-crossed) that the Supreme Court allows the Washington Redskins to have their copyright back. It has nothing to do with me not being empathetic to the plight of descendants of the indigenous tribes of the continent (I hate the PC term "native american"), it has to do with people understanding context.

There are dozens of high schools where the enrolled are mostly the descendants and they use Redskins as their mascot. That is absolute proof positive that the term is NOT ALWAYS offensive. One of those inoffensive situations is a football team nickname/mascot.

And, the Redskins "Indian Head Profile" logo was drawn by and offered by a tribe in South Dakota! They wanted them to use it and they had a member of the tribe create it. It was considered a noble amalgam of their ancestral warrior. No insult, no discrimination, no intent to ridicule. In fact, it's the exact opposite of all of those.

Oh cool, love them too! I have a lot of native american blood in me, my great grandmother was full blooded native american of an Indian (as she would call herself). I don't get the whining about that issue either! I think people really have nothing better to do. It never offended my grandparents and some of my family would wear Redskins clothes. Does not offend me! I am more "offended" by people being offended! lol In fact I have a cute little t-shirt that says Redskins right across the front! Dang, Strum... where do you live? You seem pretty cool sometimes haha