They STILL get away with it


Hall of Famer
Apr 7, 2006
Watching the doochies play bball fo r 45 years ya think they can't keep getting away with the mugging and assaults they use every game Yet today once again they hack grab and now viciously assault the opposing team with no reprocussion. I lost count of the obvious fouls in the first half that weren't called...all around the basket that were fouls...ya see gotta allow them back in the game.

Then in the second we see a vicious elbow from some back up center to a GT guy...loooks like a broken nose as it wasbleeding review no foul on the assault..... in fact they call an outrageous foul on the guy from GT!!!!

These arrogant jerks and their repulsive spoiled brat fans are such pu$$ies.. btw Flagg got a sprained ankle and of course is back on the bench...will probably play tomorrow after they shot him up at half time...these dbags have zero clue what devastating injuries are like...need I remind you of Ford, Kenny Smith, Butter etc that have gone down for us and cost us Nattys. F dook and their entire fan base.

As a post script ...with 2+ minutes left the muggers have FIVE fouls called on them...what they continue to get away with is a massive stain on college ball
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Watching the doochies play bball fo r 45 years ya think they can't keep getting away with the mugging and assaults they use every game Yet today once again they hack grab and now viciously assault the opposing team with no reprocussion. I lost count of the obvious fouls in the first half that weren't called...all around the basket that were fouls...ya see gotta allow them back in the game.

Then in the second we see a vicious elbow from some back up center to a GT guy...loooks like a broken nose as it wasbleeding review no foul on the assault..... in fact they call an outrageous foul on the guy from GT!!!!

These arrogant jerks and their repulsive spoiled brat fans are such pu$$ies.. btw Flagg got a sprained ankle and of course is back on the bench...will probably play tomorrow after they shot him up at half time...these dbags have zero clue what devastating injuries are like...need I remind you of Ford, Kenny Smith, Butter etc that have gone down for us and cost us Nattys. F dook and their entire fan base.

As a post script ...with 2+ minutes left the muggers have FIVE fouls called on them...what they continue to get away with is a massive stain on college ball
Yes. Yes they do.
Btw ever notice how theteam that plays the doochies is always the team that ends up bloodied and meanwhile the doochies whine about the calls on them..just a bunch of punks