THI's 2016 Survivor Football Pool


Gold Member
Oct 19, 2004
Rocky Mount NC
Hey Carolina Football Fans,

For the past several years THI has run an ACC Football Survivor Pool – a contest that has been a lot of fun (although quite frustrating at times) for many THI subscribers. The short version of the rules: each week you pick one ACC team to win its game: and if they win, you advance to the next week. If they lose, you’re out of the competition. If you advance, once you’ve selected a team, you cannot select that team again during the rest of the year. Of course there are some other rules (for tie-breaking purposes, etc.), and they will be posted on the Blue Heaven thread.

Adam Powell started this contest, and when he left, Andrew has allowed for its continuance. I have assumed the role as monitor and supervisor. Last year we had 96 contestants, and at the end of the year, AJ awarded the following contest prizes:

1st Place: botate Winner of a 12 month subscription to THI.
2nd Place: gteeitup Winner of a 6 month subscription to THI.
3rd Place: kcs46919 Winner of a 3 month subscription to THI.

. . . pretty nice prizes for only a few minutes of work/analysis each week. Prizes will be the same for this year’s contest.

The only stipulation is that contestants must be subscribers to THI. If you’re not a subscriber, sign up and join us. If you’re already a member, check out the Blue Heaven thread and acquaint yourself with this year’s rules.

I assure you that I will do my best in monitoring and supervising the 2016 Survivor Pool. Here’s hoping that we will have a record number of competitors in this year’s contest.

jim Taylor (jim0742)