Thoughts on Nice massacre?

Well it's sounding like another terrorist attack. Sad to say but there will be more to come. We've been doing things that don't work for a long time and until a different approach is taken, this will continue to grow and become more frequent.
Or blowing up their homes, families and stuff like that. It would piss me off I'm sure.

Perhaps if they wouldn't kill people we like in the first place, perhaps they wouldn't have to deal with drones.

Just a thought.

And maybe while at it, they should quit raping innocent women and children, practicing forced female (or male) circumcision and sentencing gay people to death.

Why attack the French though? Are you saying that we're to blame for what happened in France?

No we aren't to blame. We are the innocent victims in this. They are jealous because we are free to do what we want, when we want. They should stop getting upset at us for blowing up their homes instead of trying to go in and rescue the women and children they rape and harm. We don't mean to make those same women and children suffer even more by placing even more fear in their life. But someone has to pay the price and it certainly cannot be us. So you guys are right, as usual. Thank you for this enlightened moment.
No we aren't to blame. We are the innocent victims in this. They are jealous because we are free to do what we want, when we want. They should stop getting upset at us for blowing up their homes instead of trying to go in and rescue the women and children they rape and harm. We don't mean to make those same women and children suffer even more by placing even more fear in their life. But someone has to pay the price and it certainly cannot be us. So you guys are right, as usual. Thank you for this enlightened moment.
It was a serious question, but thanks for your thoughtful response.
That came after the first bombing by ISIS, so what was the first attack for? Do you guys really think that this was our fault? I'm not trying to be a smart ass, I really want to know what you think.
Maybe they like playing "I did that because you did that" for perpetuity. Around and around it goes. I don't think, at this point, that there is just ONE party at fault.
Chick is trying to draw out strum by making stupid remarks.

It was a serious question, but thanks for your thoughtful response.
I really haven't kept track of who did what first where France was involved. I just offered you some links where French bombers have attacked them and blown up oil fields, etc. If they retaliate, then, I guess France drops more bombs. It's great if you're in the munitions industry. They're cleaning-up.
Y'all make fun of us for thinking alike so what should we call all of you? Hmm the Jackson Five, The Osmonds..... No, wait, how about KC and the "sh*tshine" band!!!! Y'all think alike too, you goobers!
That was really weak. If you are trying to use a band name to describe a group of people that think alike, the correct band would be One Direction. Families have different opinions so the Jackson 5 and The Osmonds just donโ€™t work. KC and the Sunshine Band make no sense at all, especially when you change the name the way you did. Youโ€™ve got to remember that this board consists of hall of fame level sarcasm experts, so youโ€™ve got to be strong with your game.
And France was bombing them just for grins and no reason whatsoever. It couldn't have been due to their terror campaign and their mass killing of innocent Christians and other Muslims that aren't the right kind of Muslims. Nahhhh, couldn't be.

And before someone trots out their regular diatribe, the Muslims not liking us is NOT because of our mid-20th century foreign policy. They were sinking our merchant ships and pressing our sailors into slavery all along the Barbary coast in the 1800's. We told them to stop it, and the Pasha laughed at our delegation. They said that raping, killing, stealing, and enslaving was simply what they did. They eventually signed a treaty agreeing to stop, and broke it before the ink was dry. That's where the phrase "To the shores of Triploi" in the Marine Battle Hymn came from .
That was really weak. If you are trying to use a band name to describe a group of people that think alike, the correct band would be One Direction. Families have different opinions so the Jackson 5 and The Osmonds just donโ€™t work. KC and the Sunshine Band make no sense at all, especially when you change the name the way you did. Youโ€™ve got to remember that this board consists of hall of fame level sarcasm experts, so youโ€™ve got to be strong with your game.

I needed more wine. Sorry.
And France was bombing them just for grins and no reason whatsoever. It couldn't have been due to their terror campaign and their mass killing of innocent Christians and other Muslims that aren't the right kind of Muslims. Nahhhh, couldn't be.

And before someone trots out their regular diatribe, the Muslims not liking us is NOT because of our mid-20th century foreign policy. They were sinking our merchant ships and pressing our sailors into slavery all along the Barbary coast in the 1800's. We told them to stop it, and the Pasha laughed at our delegation. They said that raping, killing, stealing, and enslaving was simply what they did. They eventually signed a treaty agreeing to stop, and broke it before the ink was dry. That's where the phrase "To the shores of Triploi" in the Marine Battle Hymn came from .

I am not disagreeing with you but I do wonder if you or anyone thinks that if hypothetically if that was going on here, Christians or some other large group killing, raping, etc. would another country come drop bombs on us and set up camp (military bases) on our land and try to turn us around to being more like they are?
Youโ€™ve got to remember that this board consists of hall of fame level sarcasm experts, so youโ€™ve got to be strong with your game.

I think the grace period has ended for Chick. We have explained this to her numerous times and if she doesn't get it at this point, then all the better for entertainment purposes of others.
I am not disagreeing with you but I do wonder if you or anyone thinks that if hypothetically if that was going on here, Christians or some other large group killing, raping, etc. would another country come drop bombs on us and set up camp (military bases) on our land and try to turn us around to being more like they are?

That's a good question, but I will ask it another way: If a group of Christians in the US were running amok and killing off another, ideologically different group of Christians, and occasionally killing Christians in other countries, and the US government was either too feckless and inept to prevent it, or were looking the other way and tacitly supporting it, would the group getting killed WANT another country to step in and protect them if no one else would?

I'm not normally in favor of us getting too involved in the affairs of other countries.
That's a good question, but I will ask it another way: If a group of Christians in the US were running amok and killing off another, ideologically different group of Christians, and occasionally killing Christians in other countries, and the US government was either too feckless and inept to prevent it, or were looking the other way and tacitly supporting it, would the group getting killed WANT another country to step in and protect them if no one else would?

I'm not normally in favor of us getting too involved in the affairs of other countries.

Thank you, you posed the question perfectly. Now, I need to think about this. I always try to put myself in another shoes so to speak so maybe I can understand a different point of view.

I imagine if that were happening here it would literally be like a living hell and I would probably want to seek refuge in a safe country (be an immigrant, if you will) and take my children and loved ones with me. I would not even know how to begin to handle raising a family and worrying about if my house would be bombed, or attacked by either side that is fighting or protecting me. The fear those people must live in is unfathomable to me.

I'm gonna have to think about this one a bit. Thanks, Dean.
After this presidential election we might deserve some of the blame in the future. :(
Oh, we definitely deserve our share of the blame for some of the world's problems. We share some of the blame for the instability of the Middle East, along with Russia, China, France, Germany, etc..., and any other country that has affected change there via political machinations or the selling of arms. But a large portion of the blame falls squarely upon a people who want to live like it's 1016, not 2016.

I certainly don't know how to solve the clusterfork that is the Middle East. It may be FUBAR'ed. Do we bring all our troops home? Would that just make the area more unstable? Perhaps Chick could enlighten us.
Obama believes his approach is different...

I don't see how he thinks that. I thought he was sending in drones to bomb. I guess he has less troops because, well, we have been over there a really long time and nothing has really changed other than taking out a few whack jobs (sadaam and Bin Laden)... All we have managed to do is allow other radical groups to pop up and terrorize.
And France was bombing them just for grins and no reason whatsoever. It couldn't have been due to their terror campaign and their mass killing of innocent Christians and other Muslims that aren't the right kind of Muslims. Nahhhh, couldn't be.

And before someone trots out their regular diatribe, the Muslims not liking us is NOT because of our mid-20th century foreign policy. They were sinking our merchant ships and pressing our sailors into slavery all along the Barbary coast in the 1800's. We told them to stop it, and the Pasha laughed at our delegation. They said that raping, killing, stealing, and enslaving was simply what they did. They eventually signed a treaty agreeing to stop, and broke it before the ink was dry. That's where the phrase "To the shores of Triploi" in the Marine Battle Hymn came from .
And that event has not one damned thing to do with the current unrest with the Middle East. But, it does allow people like you justification for whatever "we gotta even the score" motivation you feel. I'm sure when they took over the American Embassy in Tehran, in 1979, they were shouting "Revenge for 1805!" It had nothing to do with the coup by our CIA in 1953 to overthrow their democratically-elected leader Mossadeq, who was going to nationalize the oil. Nooooo... it was revenge for Tripoli in 1804.
Oh, we definitely deserve our share of the blame for some of the world's problems. We share some of the blame for the instability of the Middle East, along with Russia, China, France, Germany, etc..., and any other country that has affected change there via political machinations or the selling of arms. But a large portion of the blame falls squarely upon a people who want to live like it's 1016, not 2016.

I certainly don't know how to solve the clusterfork that is the Middle East. It may be FUBAR'ed. Do we bring all our troops home? Would that just make the area more unstable? Perhaps Chick could enlighten us.

well dear, I think if we completely left, it would definitely be a problem for other countries in that area but we would be fine like we are right now. Maybe even less nut jobs that are actually here and pissed about us being over there would chill out. I really don't know the answers, obviously, but I think if we go back to doing unto others as we want them to do to us and remember we get back what we give out that might be a start in the peaceful direction. Those people think differently and obviously by the discussions we have right here on this board, you cannot change someone's mind if they are deadset in their belief, so maybe just leaving them the hell alone and if they want to blow each other up, oh well. I'll just pray that the ones there that don't want that will be able to find their way out of it.
Getting involved with Israel, and overthrowing one regime and propping-up another, and bombing them, and then sending troops and occupying them, and rinse and repeat has made it a huge mess. If it weren't for the profit from the oil, and the influence of Saudi money and the profits from the entire process, it would never have been looked at twice.

Those people are just like us. If you leave them alone, they will fight with each other, JUST LIKE WE DO! If you give them a common enemy, they'll focus on that, JUST LIKE WE WOULD. Saying that "if we left, it would be worse for us", or any variation of that, is pure speculation. It might be, it might not be. One thing is for sure, it hasn't been tried and things only get worse the more we continue to f*ck with them. Drone-bombing can kill innocent people just as well as a mortar by a US soldier. For every innocent life taken by American hands, or any Western ally's bomber jet, you're guaranteeing a future potential terrorist by their survivors. The same thing would happen here, if the roles were reversed. Revenge can set-in no matter what color, nationality, gender or religion you happen to be.
Maybe even less nut jobs that are actually here and pissed about us being over there would chill out.
I think thatโ€™s being naรฏve. In my opinion what we are doing has nothing to do with why they are coming after us or anyone else. Theyโ€™ve killed more of their own people than they have Americans and they were doing it long before the US existed. Drone strikes by us doesnโ€™t make them walk into a store in the Middle East thatโ€™s full of Muslims and blow them up. As I said in another thread there are two types of people who do this. Evil people and people who are mentally ill. It doesnโ€™t matter if you ignore, hug or shoot an evil person. They are always going to be evil. You can, in theory, help a person who is mentally ill, but how do you do that with a group of terrorists? Youโ€™re not going to be able to go over there and tell them to take a pill every day and come back once a week for therapy.

There is also another aspect of this that hasnโ€™t been mentioned yet. If we were to just completely stay out of it, there would be issues for us beyond people dying. If you have continuous, unchecked attacks throughout the western world, it will damage the world wide economy greatly. That means lost jobs, lower wages, higher prices, etc.

There is no perfect solution to this and Iโ€™m not even sure what the best solution is. What I do know is that no matter what we do, or donโ€™t do, this type of thing will always be around.
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Instead of complaining about who wronged who first - we should focus on a "going forward" basis. Because newsflash: we can't change the past - so who started it is a moot point.

Now that we've got that squared away... If we withdrew everything from the middle east, and didn't get involved at all, are there actually any morons out there that think that "Poof!! All of a sudden we'd never have a terrorist attack on our soil again"? This is the situation we've been given, complaining about the past does nothing.
If we withdrew everything from the middle east, and didn't get involved at all, are there actually any morons out there that think that "Poof!! All of a sudden we'd never have a terrorist attack on our soil again"?
I thought you said move forward?

I think it's pretty obvious that you reduce the revenge factor substantially. I don't remember the Vietcong following us home after we left Vietnam.