Thoughts to Ponder!


Sep 11, 2002
Thoughts to ponder, if UNC wins out, and knocks ND and CU out of the playoffs, does it almost force ND to join in football? I think ND falling to 5-9 range would have them begging to join the ACC. ND has brand power, but is it enough if you look at commen opponents? UNC would have won all of the commen opponents, and points won by would be three / two, i dont know, I still love my Heels and I still don't think any team in the NCAA can beat them!
I'm tired of the special treatment the Domers receive. The TV contracts bug the heck out of me and the ACC/ND tie to, what, nine bowl games...either you are in the ACC or not. Certainly geographically you are not in the ACC. Talk about a football only crowd...shoowee.
There is starting to be a heavy push for a "package deal", unfortunately it's 2 yrs away from fruition, I've never been one that post something I have heard or seen first hand, but there is a reason I ponder that question, there are currently two teams that because of conference/noconfrence affiliations, if that exact situation I named above were to happen, the would be cut out of the playoffs and the NY6! Hmmmmnmm!
Thoughts to ponder, if UNC wins out, and knocks ND and CU out of the playoffs, does it almost force ND to join in football? I think ND falling to 5-9 range would have them begging to join the ACC. ND has brand power, but is it enough if you look at commen opponents? UNC would have won all of the commen opponents, and points won by would be three / two, i dont know, I still love my Heels and I still don't think any team in the NCAA can beat them!
ND is not gong to be 'forced' into full football membership by anybody or any one event or outcome. ND will make the move as soon as the majority of football boosters have come to accept that the best long term situation for ND is for Irish football to be a full member of the ACC. That is not something that can come to fruition seemingly over night. It will take a few years. And the process is a given. Once the ND football boosters accepted the ACC scheduling 5 ND football games per year, on a rotating schedule (meaning ND has no say whatsoever). then they stepped onto the escalator that leads directly to full membership in ACC football.

ND is already a member of ACC football, just a 5/8ths member rather than a full member. And it is easier for all parties, including ND's boosters, to go from 5 to 8 games than to go from 0 to 5 games. So the second ND wants full membership, it has it. I would guess that several scenarios for scheduling have already been prepared and run by ND AD Swarbrick.
It even easier if you throw in a 6th game, there is too much scuttlebutt going around about two teams right now, and both of them are scared because they see the what ifs, if UNC wins out it will knock ND and CU out of the playoffs. It will also knock Navy and ND out of a NY6, CU would take the NY6, Navy may still sneak in a NY6, ND may sneak into a NY6 but because of the alliance with the ACC bowl pattern would likely be relegated to the first bowl under the NY6,
ND will maintain football independence as long as they have their own TV contract, favorable bowl tie-ins, and a seat at the playoff table. Since the TV contract isn't going away anytime soon, I'd love to see their reaction to being shut out of the playoffs.
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ND will maintain football independence as long as they have their own TV contract, favorable bowl tie-ins, and a seat at the playoff table. Since the TV contract isn't going away anytime soon, I'd love to see their reaction to being shut out of the playoffs.

Have to agree that a Notre Dame exclusion from the playoffs for a team like say Oklahoma, would upset more than a few Irish boosters and administrators especially since the Irish manhandled the team(Texas) that gave the Sooners their only loss thus far if that's the way it plays out....That could potentially start the process of moving the Irish into the ACC sooner rather than latter?....

On the other hand, a Notre Dame inclusion into the final 4 which is where they currently reside, would most definitely speed things up toward an 8-team playoff much sooner because 2 Power-5 Champions would be watching instead of participating in this year's playoff?

So I'm a little torn about what I want at the moment....

Most importantly, I would like to see an 8-team CFP, so that all 5 Power-5 Conference Champs are represented in a playoff...Of course, that would also help Notre Dame remain as an Independent because they would still have 1 in 3 chance every year of being one of the 3 Wildcards if an 8-team playoff were adopted?...

This is how I personally would like to see it play out:

Notre Dame finishes this season with only 1 loss, but is jumped in the final polling by Oklahoma who beats both TCU and Ok State to close the season, and become the "One True Champion" that the B12 has been proclaiming as a conference slogan for 2yrs now...Since Conference Champions are given more preference, and the B12 has NO Championship game to play like Independent Notre Dame: Then, the committee decides to include Oklahoma based on leaving TCU or Baylor out of the CFP, last year when they finished as Co-Champs of the B12?....Notre Dame Boosters and Administrators finally get the memo that if they had been a part of the ACC, and champion of the Coastal Division; Then, they would of have had an opportunity to redeem themselves by beating the #1 team in the CFP(Clemson) in the ACC Championship game, which would have gotten them included in this year's playoffs, so they decide to join the ACC as a full member...Of course, they would believe they would have beaten UNC for the Coastal Division title because they are afterall Notre!

The year after Notre Dame joins the ACC as a full-member, the NCAA and it's members decide to expand the playoffs to 8 teams...

Personally, I think that is one of the reasons that we haven't seen an expansion is because everyone else NOT named Notre Dame, would like to see the Irish join a conference, which would end a lot of the National bias that we currently see in favor of Independent Notre Dame...

Probably not going to happen the way that I want, but I can at least wish for that outcome...
Also, when I read the title of this thread, I just assumed it would be about:

If ND wins out and UNC can play and beat CU in the ACCCG, the committee will overlook the hit ND's SOS will take and put ND in the FF. They won't play the transitive property game because it wouldn't fulfill their agenda IMO.

ND's SOS took a good hit this past weekend - it dropped form like 9 to 27. I might be a few points off in either direction, but the point remains they're still in the top 4. Only Oklahoma can pass them from what I can tell. If the Bams lose to UF in Atl, UF will prolly go and Bams are left out. Whoever wins the B1G will be one of the schools in as well. Gonna take Free Shoes beating UF and then UF beating the Bams in order for a little chaos. Otherwise, you are pitting ND vs Oklahoma for spot #4. I realize that's not the Gospel, but it is close.
Also, when I read the title of this thread, I just assumed it would be about:


I thought the same thing,
I been doing some IT work up in Greensboro lately, and there is a lot of talk in a certain place, between certain people. I realize that I'm not giving you everything but read between the lines a little here! I'm not coming here with hyperbole, I'm coming with conversations I've heard while checking cables, or running wires. There is a lot of talk the last week between two schools in particular and the ACC. It may never happen, and all I can say is there is a lot of happy people foaming at the mouth! I never would have thought that one of these programs would ever be considered, but ND is trying its damnedest to bring another team as a condition, the ACC as a conference is split, with the big four in football either leaning against it, or down right against it. CU and FSU are against anything where ND is in there side of the conference, and considering how the other team is this year, they don't want that team either. There is also a lot of conjecture as to bringing them in and doing more of a north south split, than the current alignment. I've just kept my mouth shut and listened a lot this week. I've gave you enough water, and enough bread, I just wanted to see if anyone else, was excited as I am. ND and Navy fear that UNC will run the table, jump 6-7 spots every week and knock both of them out of playoffs and the NY6 games. UNC beating CU guarantees them a NY6, which would knock out Navy,(their thinking) and maybe would propel UNC to the playoffs, thus maybe giving CU the NY6 nod, which would knock Navy and possibly ND out of a NY6 nod. Just telling you what I can, because I've heard 2017-2018 thrown around a lot, don't know if that's when ND can opt out or when the ACC can renegotiate there deal.
The only chance Navy had of making the playoffs is by being 13-0 and thus beating ND.

But the fact is that Navy already decided to do what Army decided against: trying to be as Big Time in football as possible, which requires being in as powerful a conference as will take you. I think the Navy brass has made it clear to ND that it wants in the ACC and knows that the only way that can happen is by ND going full member in football and demanding Navy join with it.

So it also would not surprise me to learn that there has been recent chatter in the ACC offices about the possibility. ND has played Navy more than anybody. ND will play Navy every year until the end of time. Navy as a league game is a major help to ease ND from 5 ACC games to 8 and full membership.
is this woads navy solution?
i hope not.
Why not?

Let's start it this way: if Maryland had stayed in the ACC, and ND had agreed to be a full football member with Louisville as #16, would you have found that acceptable?

Almost all ACC football fans would have found that 16 team ACC excellent. Yes, we would have preferred Penn St over UofL, but simply having ND as a full member would double the value of the Championship Game and make the regular season much more interesting to college football fans nationally.

If you would accept that 16 team ACC, you should accept Navy as #16. To see why compare Navy football to Maryland football. Navy has much more football history than Maryland. Navy has a much better reputation than Maryland. Navy has a much larger national TV audience than Maryland.

And Navy not only likes to barnstorm, it must barnstorm to get close to naval bases and Navy ROTC programs. I could see Navy playing its Home game vs. UNC in Jacksonville or Tampa or New Orleans or Philadelphia.
ND in the same division with FSU and Clemson would be ridiculous (don't know who the other two of Football's "Big 4" is, but I'm assuming the Cardinals are one, and probably the Hokies, or the Jackets based on recent history. So IF ND becomes a full fledged member, it makes sense that they would be assigned to the Coastal Div. and IF NAVY is the other it really makes sense that they be assigned to the ATLANTIC Div, since, after all they ARE the NAVY! ;)

But more seriously, that WOULD provide a more realistic power balance (as opposed to adding ND to the Atlantic and Navy to the Coastal), not to mention it would place their current offense (carried over from Paul Johnson's stint as their HC) in the opposite division from GT, giving Atlantic Division members equal opportunity with Coastal members to prepare for that quirky "Flex-Bone", cut-blocking, triple option offense every year.

At one time I felt that regionally oriented divisions made more sense than the current arrangement due to travel costs, but I now feel that such would just reinforce the idea of 2 separate conferences being carried over from pre-expansion days. Ultimately, I think the NCAA will accept the B1G proposal (or a variation -thereof) to permit a Conf Championship game with the two participants qualifying based on overall record in a conference-wide "Round Robin" scheduling plan in which the existing divisional assignment/scheduling would be scrapped in favor of one which still provided 2 or 3 annual rivalry games for each team, with the rest of the schedule on a overall conference rotation, allowing equally frequent matchups with all other conference members as a whole.

Finally, as Woad pointed out above - ND and NAVY both have a National following - and should add significant value to TV networks wishing to broadcast ACC football - consider what happens if NBC's contract with ND is renegotiated into a contract with the ACC, featuring not only ND but FSU, Clemson, Pitt, UNC, GT, ULou, NAVY, Miami etc. Should provide a healthy boost to overall TV contract revenues to the Conference, as well as greater national exposure for the conference as a whole.

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