Most of those people you mentioned are just career politicians. They feign being on a "side" for the show. They're each doing their part to break the system. The system is clearly broken. You sell your integrity just to get a seat with the rest.Mainstream Republican, as far as I see it, is the Mitch McConnells, Paul Ryans, John McCains, etc... of the world. They don't differ much from mainstream Democrats like the Clintons, Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, etc. That's just my opinion. The issue I have with the term "far right" is that people try to group the globalists, populists, and libertarians all into that term, when they are so different from each other. It's why I don't like calling Democrats "liberals". Most Democrats are authoritarian, and that's about as far away from a liberal as you can get.
In a way, their constant presence in the American political system helped Trump gain so much popularity. That, to me, is the real tragedy. It's a shame that it was Donald Trump who filled that void. A guy that appeals to the most degenerate common denominators for people, and presents himself as being outside the traditional political circles. He panders to their fears better than all the other career politicians. He offers no real alternatives or solutions, just rhetoric. He has no real allegiance, or values system, or even motivation, except to himself and what serves his own best interest.