No kidding! I wonder if somebody else -- not logged in as the OP -- came back to check our thoughtful and comprehensive responses. I sure hope so!
I only have one complaint about game day traffic, and that's all the "false bottlenecks" created by motorists stopping to tell the traffic cops what a great job they're doing.I would be remiss if I didn't point out one very enjoyable part of game day: the ingress and egress situation. I'm telling you what, it is so effortless. Doesn't matter if you park north of campus, south of campus or on campus, it's so easy to enter before the game and exit after the game. It's definitely easy on the nerves, especially after a nail-biting game, to effortlessly and quickly exit your parking lot and get out of town and on to the highway. The local police do a phenomenal job directing traffic in such a way that it isn't a bottleneck and doesn't want to make you have road rage.
He also neglected to tell us where we can find this helpful blog when we want to go to away games at other schools!
That's right down the street from University Massagemiddle son is taking the college tour and participating in an academic immersion camp in chapel hill this summer.
booked the rooms tonight at the graduate, never stayed there, but heard good things.
haven’t been up there in ten years…where should we go now?…i assume still going to the historic spots, but what’s still around?