you have no idea, smart butt! lol We all heckle each other on here so don't kid yourself into think you don't participate in it as well. That's what we do!
You can call me what you want to, I don't really care but I have two very intelligent women that I gave birth to and while they are too much on the liberal side of things, they did not get it from me, they got it from the BS of going to public schools! They indoctrinate them there into believing some crazy ass crap! It was a HUGE battle for me. That is one thing I think could have been different had I not divorced their father and he decided to take his anger for me leaving him out on them by abandoning them completely... He wouldn't put up with the pansy, whiny liberal crap. I think it is weak sometimes but I also believe each person has to do what is RIGHT FOR THEM. I live my life the way I feel is right for ME.
I know there are groups of people that have to deal with plenty of BS (BLM, gays, etc) but I don't think whining about it is progress nor rioting in the streets. I believe LIVING and not giving a shit is better, personally LOL! Ignore the assholes of society when you can. If they tie you down and prevent you from living your life as you want to live it, THEN, start a conversation about it and find productive ways to accomplish equality. Don't burn your damn neighborhood down!
My kids don't always agree and think I am a bit heartless but I am not. I care a lot about others and try to help when I can but I don't for one minute buy into this crap, especially for women, that you cannot do something just because someone tells you that you can't. I have proven that you can.... well, wait, other than reaching stuff that is too high and opening a jar of pickles....okay, I am weak there! LOL