No, he is absolutely correct. I looked at the graph either you or Archer posted in that link and then I decided to find other links with that information and lo and behold there are several with slightly different results, depending on which side you look at. The one neutral site had several with different charts showing other ways to look at it and that consider several other things that cause the data to show slightly higher or lower and obviously if you are on the right and have a website, you are going to go with the data that shows the left causing the problems and vice versa.
Strum is 100% correct in stating the DEBT WILL NEVER, EVER GO DOWN because you know why????? IT CANNOT EVER GO DOWN. I doubt we could take every extremely wealthy man/woman's money, combine it allllllll together and still get it down because whatever minute amount it would go down, within weeks it would be trailing right back up again, defeating the whole purpose.
The national debt or GDP should never even come into play when discussion presidents because that is just a null point. We could stop the war, pull out the military completely and do away with it, take all the billionaire's money, take every penny from wall street, and pay 100% taxes, it will NOT go down. PERIOD!
@HeelFan58 THAT is why I rely on Strum so much. He does know what he is talking about! We both learned a lot from Ron Paul apparently! (He more than I, of course lol)