UNC vs UNC-Asheville Prediction Thread, Tuesday, November 23, 2021, 7 PM (ODDS UP)

UNC - Under

We'll probably beat these guys by 30 points while letting them score at will. But I'm really hoping that Hubert will make this game a defensive clinic and also use it to rein in the flubs we keep seeing from Caleb and RJ.

So, while I still think we should beat them handily, I'm hoping to see us keep them in the 50s. And I'm betting Hubert will do the right thing. I know. Dumb.
UNC - Under

We'll probably beat these guys by 30 points while letting them score at will. But I'm really hoping that Hubert will make this game a defensive clinic and also use it to rein in the flubs we keep seeing from Caleb and RJ.

So, while I still think we should beat them handily, I'm hoping to see us keep them in the 50s. And I'm betting Hubert will do the right thing. I know. Dumb.
I guess I wasn't specific enough.

We DID keep them in the 50s, but I didn't mean we should not bother to score very much, ourselves. Asheville did as good a defensive job on us, statistically speaking, as Tennessee.

I'm getting started on the video now, so I don't know if we were lackluster on offense, or if Asheville was good on D.