No, we didn't...But make no mistake about it, the better team won. And yeah, I was rooting for Nova to beat UNC.
Go Blue
Come and talk all the crap you want to..feel free!!..the mods won't do anything about it..just like Roy won't pick up a technical to defend the team and stop accepting what's happening!!
The mods won't do anything? If you only knew how many idiots I banned monday night. And btw,this one is gone also.
Come and talk all the crap you want to..feel free!!..the mods won't do anything about it..
**Just another banned idiot, running their mouths while sitting home watching us play in a thriller!
That a better coached Villanova team won is certainly no surprise. What IS a surprise is that the Heels did not lose because of Roy mishandling TO's at the end of a close game.