And yet, we don't really care what others think. We didn't care at Fort Moultrie and throughout the Revolutionary War. We didn't care during the Nullification Crisis. We didn't care at Fort Sumter and throughout the Civil War. Throughout history, South Carolinians just have a tendency to believe in themselves and not worry too much about what others think.
Even today, take the SC Bar for example. We have no reciprocity with any other state. Why? We like the way we do it just fine, and if you want to practice law in this state, then you need to come pass our Bar Exam. From the outside, it appears backwards. From the inside, we're just fine, thank you.
So perhaps what outsiders view as delusion, those in the State of South Carolina see as self-assuredness. We have a history of not needing any validation from the outside, so I wouldn't be surprised to see that spill over to our fan base.
What your state bar "offers" is "formal" reciprocity with other states. Nice too, keeps some of the under educated (from your highly rated secondary schools) attorneys in SC from not getting work.