Another reason to be cautious AW. While it may appear to be "bad attitudes" you think your observing, it may very well be something quite different than that. I have watched every game in person this year and it has never struck me that any of our players are afflicted with a "bad attitude". However, I have noticed that there is several who will "sulk" if their shots are not falling or they are not getting the scoring opportunities that they think they should get. This happens on most all teams and is not singular to ours. That's why I mentioned the "hope" that this will improve.
Also, we all need to understand that certain players issues and situations are not always handled best by the coaching staff, but by their teammates. That's what happened last year, and may happen this year, I don't know for sure. I understand the frustrations that some players present to the followers of Carolina BB, I too have some, but I have the advantage over most in that I played the game and have witnessed firsthand that, at times, things are not what they appear to be, so I can be a little more understanding and lenient with my praise or criticisms, and I would like to think that since we are not at all sure of cause and effect, we should strive to be a little more level headed in our judgments of players, whoever they be.
OK, so I* agree with most of this, from all I have been told and from all that I see, I very STRONGLY disagree that the label fixed to some of our players as bad attitude just is not accurate, stop trying to read a players body language because you do not know the reason for what you see as sulking or Lazy, or that they just don't care. Let's look at the poster child for this Caleb Love!
Now yes, I have been very hard on Caleb, I have explained why so in other posts so no need for me to repeat that. Caleb is a very emotional player, it is that emotion that feeds his game, rather than rationality, rather than skills. When his emotions are high he is one of the most difficult players in the country to stop, when his emotions are down every aspect of his play suffers and there just is no switch where he can turn that off and on. That is a prime reason I say you can not leave him in the game when his emotions dip, you have to bring him to the bench and park him next to one of the coaches to calm him down and help him refocus. Caleb will miss a shot or 2 and folks will watch his body language, kid is pissed at himself and he just struggles to over come being pissed at himself.
People look at Caleb and they think he doesn't care, I can assure anyone that has ever had that thought cross their mind, it is totally wrong, kid cares, kid cares more than any of us here do, than most of us could ever imagine. What I see a lot in him is a kid that gets confused when things don't go as he expects, a confused player most of the time looks like a kid with a bad attitude but confused is not bad attitude at all. Caleb doesn't understand why things go wrong when they do, it confuses him and when that happens nothing goes right for him.
What I do know about Caleb is that he is harder on himself than anyone else would ever be, he takes so many shots not for his own stats but because he honestly believes that if he hits this huge shot he will help his team win, he takes those shots for the team, not for himself, that is his thinking, it isn't greedy, it is actually the opposite. Problem is the result looks like greedy, the result looks like sulking, the results look like he is lazy, the results do not look like you think they should. When I am critical of Caleb, it is 100% of the time due to my not liking the results. Caleb is actually a really good kid and he works hard before, during, and after practice, he isn't lazy. Just he lives in his own head to much in a negative way.
Larry Drew was a bad attitude, Caleb is nothing like Drew, Hubert has already shown us how he handles guys with bad attitudes, they go back to Minnisota and take care of their sick relatives and you never see them play for UNC again. Being hard on yourself is one thing, I think we all experience that, for a fact I do, but when it becomes extreme (yet again an issue I struggle with at times) it becomes a situation of mental health that may need to be addressed for many more reasons than just basketball.