Virginia Trickeration


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2011
I saw another site that had a thread on the UVa. trick play where there was a lot of speculation that it was an illegal play. They contended that there weren't enough men on the LOS and that the snap was also illegal. I was not able to get the game on TV and wasn't listening on the radio at that point and haven't seen a replay. Can someone enlighten me? It was also stated that Fed was aware of the play and would have called a TO , but the D said they had it.
I don't know if it was legal or not. In the end I guess it doesn't matter. However, those officials yesterday were complete morons. They should not have a job come Monday. I am sick of UNC getting the short end of the stick with officiating. The UVA fumble is the latest issue. That was a fumble clear as day and the offificials should not have blown the play dead. Fumble occurred before momentum stopped. Sick and tired of these idiots.
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After watching this it seems a UVa. OL player moved early and the idiot officials were completely confused.
i certainly do not know the rules re this play ... the center certainly moved (stood up about 3/4) before the snap ... had the team been lined up behind the center and with the center's movement, i would certainly think that the movement would have been some kind of procedure penalty ... could be the funky formation negated the movement ... i have no idea ? glad this play was not a deciding factor in the final outcome
I saw another site that had a thread on the UVa. trick play where there was a lot of speculation that it was an illegal play. They contended that there weren't enough men on the LOS and that the snap was also illegal. I was not able to get the game on TV and wasn't listening on the radio at that point and haven't seen a replay. Can someone enlighten me? It was also stated that Fed was aware of the play and would have called a TO , but the D said they had it.
Not sure about the line of scrimmage numbers, but the snap IS legal. Doesn't have to pass through the center's legs, it just has to travel backwards.
i certainly do not know the rules re this play ... the center certainly moved (stood up about 3/4) before the snap ... had the team been lined up behind the center and with the center's movement, i would certainly think that the movement would have been some kind of procedure penalty ... could be the funky formation negated the movement ... i have no idea ? glad this play was not a deciding factor in the final outcome
This was my point of contention. I think I read where only two players have to be on one side of the line. If so, their formation qualified. But it did appear the center moved prior to snapping the ball. I thought Fed should have called a TO when the offense shifted.
Not sure about the line of scrimmage numbers, but the snap IS legal. Doesn't have to pass through the center's legs, it just has to travel backwards.
That is correct it does not have to pass through the legs , but has to be one continuous motion.
I will say though that I didn't know that the center could also be an eligible receiver downfield.
It's like a tackle eligible , as long as he is not covered up on the line.

My contention is it looked like one of their linemen backed out early.
Was that the first time they ran that play? It looked like we had no clue what was going on. I would hope that we would have practiced for that play if they had shown it before.
This was my point of contention. I think I read where only two players have to be on one side of the line. If so, their formation qualified. But it did appear the center moved prior to snapping the ball. I thought Fed should have called a TO when the offense shifted.
Was that the first time they ran that play? It looked like we had no clue what was going on. I would hope that we would have practiced for that play if they had shown it before.
We knew the play and knew what was coming. Fedora was gonna call a timeout but the defense communicated to them they had it covered and didn't need a timeout. Guess they didn't have it like they thought lol.