I tell ya the HATE that is being shown towards Carolina winning this game is astounding. The disdain and borderline hate towards the officials and how poor Gonzaga lost because of those horrendous officials is pathetic
I have just listened to an HOUR of nonstop bashing of the officiating here on sports radio in DC. The game was an abomination, the worst officials in human history, unwatchable and the WORST title game in human history .ON and On and On about the refs and how they took Collins of Zaga out of the game with 4 phantom fouls
callers are calling in about the NCAA scandal and Carolina did not even deserve to BE in the tournament ...this one dimwit uses MCCANTS as his source about the "scandal" MCCANTS!!!!!!!
BTW the hosts on this show both of whom I usually LIKE a lot ...BOTH admitted they BET on Zaga to win. The one host is an ABCER from way back who hates Roy and is a frustrated MD guy who wishes they never left the ACC and has said so many times.
NOTHING these ass hats say will deter me from enjoying this title
F EM all