Was UK '15 the biggest choke ever as an undefeated team in the Tourney?

All I know is that the Harrisons played ball hogs the last 6 minutes of that semi-final and they sucked . . IMO, it couldn't have happened to a bigger set of douchebag a**holes.

Love it.
Originally posted by carbonlib23:

.....the wiscy player hit winslow in the head TWICE.....

could have saved everyone a lot of trouble had they gone ahead and called that foul....
Guess you did not see the memo from k to the refs - shots to the head are not fouls
Originally posted by Firefly1984:
Who are the other contenders?

79 Indiana State. Beaten by a better Mich. State team.
91 UNLV. Loaded team. Played Duke a second consecutive season in the FF.
14 Wichita State. I don't know that they were a prohibitive national title favorite, or considered that by anyone.

Seems like I missed another 70's team, in 76 or 77. Not sure though.

I think 2015 Kentucky takes this. How many McD's AA's do they have? How many in the media kiss Calipari's A$$ daily and anoint him as the greatest thing since Wonderbread? Huge favorite to win title. Some moron named Brown said they could "win in the NBA".
On these other team who had their first lose in the tournment were their best players freshmen and sophomores not making excuses for Kentucky but they had a very young team.