Well, you couldn't see this one coming

Why did this guy have his sentence commuted in the first place?
I think it had more to do with the train of thought that people shouldn't have to be in jail for a significant amount of time for drug related crimes.

What some people fail to realize is that being in prison has a "prevention" component in addition to a "punishment" component. This guy is evidence that there are some people out there who can't be saved from themselves.

While I don't think drug related crimes should carry a harsh penalty (especially life!), I do think habitual criminals should be punished severely.
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So that's one out of 1,715? Fairly good track record so far if you ask me.

I mean seriously, I get your point. They released this guy and he went right back to it. That sucks.

But I think the idea was that spending a quarter-century in jail for a non-violent drug crime was enough (with the caveat that I know zero about this specific person's case) and it was time for some of these folks to get a second chance. The fact that this one guy wasted that second chance is on him, not Obama.
I'm all for giving second chances, but you have to be smart about it. If you have a friend who has a gambling problem and blows all of his money in Vegas...the answer isn't giving him more money.