Where is the outcry??


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2004
The nut who murdered the three Muslims in Chapel Hill is a professing Atheist .... imagine if he was, instead, a professing Christian???
The nut believes in nothing so there is nothing to be said although I am sure that Strum will find something to say!
The Isis murder of Christians is finally making news headlines after decades of Christian Missionarys being murdered around the world for decades and not a word in the news. Three muslims get done in and the national news jumps into it like the end of the world is coming and we should expect anarchy.
Wait, in the same thread we have gone from where is the outcry to the media acting like it's the end of the world. I'm confused. Are we pissed that there's no outcry or that there is outcry?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Which means there is an outcry, as there should be. There should always be when innocent people die though.
Someone help me out. Am I supposed to be outraged at the killings or relieved that it wasn't a Christian pissed at a Mooslim?
Do I need to translate?

Look, outcry or not, no rational person that's not living under a rock can honestly tell me that Christianity is not under attack - not only from ISIS but from the liberal, excuse making, apologetic media and our weak administration. That's what people are repeatedly complaining about. Maybe Christianity should have never been the top spot on the religious totem pole in this country. But it was for a long time. And now people are questioning that more than ever and doing everything they can to make it not so. If that's hard for you to understand, you're not trying.

With that said, I'm sorry for the innocent that lost their lives.
Originally posted by gunslingerdick:
Look, outcry or not, no rational person that's not living under a rock can honestly tell me that Christianity is not under attack - not only from ISIS but from the liberal, excuse making, apologetic media and our weak administration. That's what people are repeatedly complaining about. Maybe Christianity should have never been the top spot on the religious totem pole in this country. But it was for a long time. And now people are questioning that more than ever and doing everything they can to make it not so. If that's hard for you to understand, you're not trying.
Cry me a river. 83% of Americans are Christian, compared to 4% who represent all other religions combined. Even three-quarters of Democrats are Christian. I don't think Christians have too much to worry about from this "attack." Having said that, I'm sorry you occasionally have to hear a store clerk say "Happy Holidays." I know how difficult that must be.
Originally posted by Heels in Space:

Originally posted by gunslingerdick:
Look, outcry or not, no rational person that's not living under a rock can honestly tell me that Christianity is not under attack - not only from ISIS but from the liberal, excuse making, apologetic media and our weak administration. That's what people are repeatedly complaining about. Maybe Christianity should have never been the top spot on the religious totem pole in this country. But it was for a long time. And now people are questioning that more than ever and doing everything they can to make it not so. If that's hard for you to understand, you're not trying.
Cry me a river. 83% of Americans are Christian, compared to 4% who represent all other religions combined. Even three-quarters of Democrats are Christian. I don't think Christians have too much to worry about from this "attack." Having said that, I'm sorry you occasionally have to hear a store clerk say "Happy Holidays." I know how difficult that must be.
Yeah, because having a store clerk tell me Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas is exactly what I'm talking about. You're a lawyer, right? No surprise there. Your ilk is on the front lines of tearing apart the American fabric.
Originally posted by gunslingerdick:
Yeah, because having a store clerk tell me Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas is exactly what I'm talking about. You're a lawyer, right? No surprise there. Your ilk is on the front lines of tearing apart the American fabric.
Go ahead and insult my profession all you want. I've heard it all before. Besides, you don't have the slightest idea what kind of work I do or what type of clients I represent.

I typically don't respond to posts like your previous one, but I just get tired of people who are members of every majority group in this country acting as if they are oppressed. If you think Christians have it so bad, try being an atheist or Muslim in America. Virtually no representation at any level of government.

So what exactly is involved in this "attack" on Christianity that everyone would have to be under a rock to miss?
Originally posted by Heels in Space:

So what exactly is involved in this "attack" on Christianity that everyone would have to be under a rock to miss?
Yeah... I'm eager to hear this myself.

For the record, I still wish everyone Merry Christmas. Unless it's May or July or something.
Originally posted by Heels in Space:
So what exactly is[/I] involved in this "attack" on Christianity that everyone would have to be under a rock to miss?
I have yet to hear anyone ever answer this question other than to say that you can't say Merry Christmas anymore. Pretty lame especially since most who seem to complain about probably aren't really all that Christian anyway. They just have to be "threatened" by something to feel better I guess.
I have always read this to mean an attack on Christian values.

Gay marriage, abortion, prayer in schools, etc. Can anyone deny that the sentiment of the country, at least legally, has shifted away from the traditional Christian sentiment?
Originally posted by UNC71-00:
I have always read this to mean an attack on Christian values.

Gay marriage, abortion, prayer in schools, etc. Can anyone deny that the sentiment of the country, at least legally, has shifted away from the traditional Christian sentiment?
See, to me, the only one on that list that is overtly religious is prayer in schools. That's a church/state issue, and I would oppose prayer of any religion in public schools. Private schools, obviously, can do whatever they want.

The other two, though, are issues that affect peoples lives--including lots of people who aren't Christian. I'm pro-choice and pro-gay marriage, but my views on those issues have nothing to do with attacking Christianity. I'm fully in support of Christians (and everyone else) being able to believe and worship as they see fit. But when their religious views (which I don't share) start affecting my rights or others' rights, I will speak out against them. I would do the same if Jews wanted to ban pork.

Supporting things that religious people oppose is not the same as attacking that religion.
Originally posted by UNC71-00:
I have always read this to mean an attack on Christian values.

Gay marriage, abortion, prayer in schools, etc. Can anyone deny that the sentiment of the country, at least legally, has shifted away from the traditional Christian sentiment?
Probably not, but a country that is based on acceptance and freedom should probably expect this sort of thing to happen naturally as society changes.

As for persecution, the notion that Christians face it at all in America is ridiculous and pretty insulting to those around the world who actually do face persecution. I didn't really get that from this thread though. I thought it was more just a commentary on the media and wasn't meant to be so serious.

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