Who are your five least favorite teams in college sports? Also explain why if you don't mind. I'll go first.
1. Dook: self-explanatory
2. State: Not a NC native, but my dislike is growing for them. Crazy fans, out to bring us down, etc.
3. Penn State: I know too many Paterno apologists and generally obnoxious fans to pull for them
4. Kentucky: Don't have a great reason to dislike them because the only alums I know from the school I like, but I always root against them whereas I don't mind Kansas and I will usually enjoy seeing UCLA and Indiana win. Maybe because they have more championships and are much moreso direct rivals with UNC than UCLA.
5. ND/Wake/USC: Take your pick of elitist private schools, the type I generally root against; growing up in California USC is the most personal to me, but I don't care much for the others either
Honorable mention: Baylor: I don't know any alums or they would probably be higher