Who can Duke least afford to lose?

Honestly, K himself !
That is an interesting response.

You think an assistant couldn't lead the talent they have as good as him?

I mean, K is a great coach, but I think their talent is pretty immense playerwise that an assistant could do a good job with them also.
That is an interesting response.

You think an assistant couldn't lead the talent they have as good as him?

I mean, K is a great coach, but I think their talent is pretty immense playerwise that an assistant could do a good job with them also.

I am SOOOO curious to see how K is going to handle the talent they have this year. The toughest part is that he has experienced talent that probably isn't as good as his freshman talent. Good luck getting both freshman and juniors/seniors to accept new, lesser roles.
That is an interesting response.

You think an assistant couldn't lead the talent they have as good as him?

I mean, K is a great coach, but I think their talent is pretty immense playerwise that an assistant could do a good job with them also.

No, I don't think an assistant could lead them as far as K will. You are looking at least 2 and more likely 3 freshmen starting for duke. That is a lot of inexperience to mesh in with the experience they have. Some one is going to have to back Allen off some, he can not have the same green light he had last season, not easy to get a kid to back off that had that kind of free pass. They do not have a true PG on that roster, Allen and Jackson and maybe Jones will share that role, Kennard deserves PT, I think it will take a more experienced hand to balance all that out.

I can hate K all day but I do believe him on the side lines means around 10 extra points a game to duke, the way he works the refs, the way his players will walk thru a wall for him. hate him sure but don't under estimate how much he personally means to that team and that program.
Frank Jackson will do just fine at PG, don't doubt that for a minute. They've got a ridiculously talented class coming in to add to several very good returning players. They're the #1 team in my mind until proven otherwise. And it doesn't take a lot of great coaching when you have that kind of talent, see Cal and UK for the past 8 years. Hubert could coach that team to the G8, inexperienced as he is.
No, I don't think an assistant could lead them as far as K will. You are looking at least 2 and more likely 3 freshmen starting for duke. That is a lot of inexperience to mesh in with the experience they have. Some one is going to have to back Allen off some, he can not have the same green light he had last season, not easy to get a kid to back off that had that kind of free pass. They do not have a true PG on that roster, Allen and Jackson and maybe Jones will share that role, Kennard deserves PT, I think it will take a more experienced hand to balance all that out.

I can hate K all day but I do believe him on the side lines means around 10 extra points a game to duke, the way he works the refs, the way his players will walk thru a wall for him. hate him sure but don't under estimate how much he personally means to that team and that program.
+10 points a game? that would translate to a ridiculous WAR if there was such a thing for coaches.
Amile Jefferson can't afford to lose him. (I'm taking for granted that Giles will not be the player we expected although still very good). Scoring won't be the problem for this team. It will be defense. Amile has been and will be the anchor defensively. In the 2015 national title game, Amile was incredibly important. You can generally put him on the opposing teams best front line player.
So, uh, Tatum was hurt with a foot injury today and no details yet besides "didn't look good".

I feel bad now. This topic was obviously a joke topic. = /
Perhaps we should agree to ban threads of this nature, just to be on the safe side. Two threads, two injuries, all within one week? Bad karma. And I'm only half kidding.
Saw a Twitter that said it could be "stress related".

Anyone know what that could entail?
Saw a Twitter that said it could be "stress related".

Anyone know what that could entail?

Stress fracture, but those usually aren't something that just happens. It would mean he had to already be dealing with some pain or soreness.

If it is that, then he's done 6-8 weeks usually.
Someone on twitter goes "I bet Grayson Allen tripped him".

It's real soon for jokes but I laughed at that one.

He had to get his minutes & his points back. Sharing the ball is not his strong suit. I am, of course, kidding.
We will never know the severity of the injury because of K-Rat's secrecy. Remember Kyrie, Amile Jefferson, etc. All that ever came out as they were injured. On the other hand, K-Rat shocked us on Giles because he must get Giles back on the court to avoid upsetting his 2017 recruiting plans. He may surprise us and do the same for Tatum to avoid upsetting 2017 recruiting. K-Rat keeps everything close to the vest. No one knew about Kyrie's Irving's toe until some fan asked him during the warm-up on his first game back (The Arizona Massacre game).


K just lost a #1 seed and may be on suicide watch.
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We will never know the severity of the injury because of K-Rat's secrecy. Remember Kyrie, Amile Jefferson, etc. All that ever came out as they were injured. On the other hand, K-Rat shocked us on Giles because he must get Giles back on the court to avoid upsetting his 2017 recruiting plans. He may surprise us and do the same for Tatum to avoid upsetting 2017 recruiting. K-Rat keeps everything close to the vest. No one knew about Kyrie's Irving's toe until some fan asked him during the warm-up on his first game back (The Arizona Massacre game).


K just lost a #1 seed and may be on suicide watch.

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I'm still waiting for a Duke fan to step-up and commit to setting-up a "Go Fund Me" page for Giles if he suffers another injury. Can I count on you setting that up? My offer of $1,000 contribution still stands once 1,000 Duke fans make $1,000 contributions. Dukiejay holds my $1,000 money order until after all pledges come in. Come on man! Step-up for the cause. I love myself some Giles.
Rosh spends all his time talking trash about UNC on DI. Like most dook and State fans, they hate UNC more than they like their team. And most couldn't name the starting QB on their football team. Sad excuses for fans.

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